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<br /> � : ', . /'�4.. U�S�.�_cj_� ._ . __ ' �
<br /> _ ,:.. .. , ,. ,. . . , :,:: _-�
<br /> �52-A—REAL ES7ATE MORTGFIGE—(With Tax Clause) (Reviaed'1962) �I7,e HuB,nan Gon•rel supply Houee,L oolu, Nebn �
<br /> ; Septem�ber 2 , _.,_...__...��._ --- ' i ;
<br /> KN6W ALL MEN BY THESE PRE5ENTS: That 3ack Z.. Franssen, aka Jack Franesen and Lee B. Fra�s�en,
<br /> " of 2540 N. Webb 5t., Grand Island, NE 68801 aka Lee Franssen, his wife "
<br /> � i� ' Y
<br /> of Hall County,and State of NebTSska ,in coasideration of the sum of ,
<br /> � !" Tweaty Five Thousand Ninety=two and 34/100----=-------------------------------- DOLLARS 'i
<br /> 6 in;"tiand paid, do hereby SELL and COIVVEY unto MILES HOMES DIVISION OF INSII:CO CORPORATION, AS AGEN� ;:i
<br /> t (� 4500 Lyndale Avenue North, Minneapol3s, Minnesota 55412 `
<br /> ' � of �ew Haven County, State of Connecticut thefollowingdoscribedpremiaeseituated ;i
<br /> in` Hal'� ' County,and'State of Nebraska � to-wit: A certain
<br /> A " i� gart of ,tt),� Southeest Quarter of Section,One (1), in Township Eleven (11), North,.Range `;
<br /> � � �� ' Ten (10)'y, Wes't'of� ttie 6th P,M., more"particularly described as follows: Commencing at {�
<br /> a point-'bn` the`East Iine o�'Ehe Southeast Quarter (SF}�) of said Section One (1), which ;;
<br /> M �� point is 412.5 feet ,North of the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SFr�' ) of said ;t
<br /> { 1� Section One' (1); runxi:ing:thence North along and upon the East line of the Southeast ��
<br /> � �� Quarter (SE'�4) of said $ectYon One,(1), 82_5 Feet; running thence West and parallel to the :
<br /> t
<br /> :j
<br /> � South line of the Southeast Quarter (SE'�) of said Section One (1), 264.0 Feet; running '
<br /> . i� thence Sout:ti and parallel to the East line of the Southeast Quarter (SF.r4) 9f said Sectio '�
<br /> i ` -i Ane (1), 82.5 Feet; tunning thence East and para11e1 to the South line o. the Southeast
<br /> !� Quarter (SE'�) of said Section One (1), 264.0 feet, to the place of beginning; in Hall
<br /> �! County, Nebraska. 'i
<br /> � �
<br /> �� `i
<br /> I� � � � � � � �,
<br /> {
<br /> � �` � The�iritention being tu convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple, inciuding all the rights of�homestead and�dower.� � ;
<br /> � � . . . .. ... .t.f
<br /> ; 91� � . TO HAVF. AND TO�b�OLD the premises above described, with all the�appurtenancea thereunto belongiqg, unto the sazd
<br /> ' :.��� .�mcrteago�(�s)�and to his; her oc�tl�eir heirs and assigns forever, provided.always, and�Lhese preeznts are.ugoa the expzess 't ��
<br /> � condition thal if the said mortga�or(s),his,her or their�heizs, executors, administratore or assigns shall pay�or cause to be � i1
<br /> . � �f�{ �paid to the said mortgagee(s),his,hez or their heirs,executors, administrators or assigns,tl�eprincipal sum of$� ��2$��92.�34 '�
<br /> j �� !i �paYat�le as follows,to wit:� . � � . . . �. � �� -�� {
<br /> _ '! Principal sum of $25,092.34 shall be paid by paying interest only in monthly installments ;;
<br /> t �� o£ $153.21 per month commencing on December 1, 1977 and continuing on the 1st day oE each �
<br /> �3 and every month thereafter except that on the 2nd day of September, 1980, a final payment ;�
<br /> � � consisting of the entire principal balance together with any unpaid intetest,shall be ;p
<br /> �� due 3n full.
<br /> :�
<br /> u
<br /> � ,� :j
<br /> �
<br /> 4 t, :�
<br /> * with i:nterest accord"uig to the�tenor and effect of the mortgagora written promisaory note bearing evemdate with the.se preaents
<br /> � � �� �and shsll.pay.all�ta�ces and assessments levied upon said real estate, and all uther taxee,levies and assessments�levied upon.this ���
<br /> � � mortgege oz the note'which this mortgage is given to secure, before the saxae becomea delinquent, and�keep the buildings on `
<br /> Y �; . . � . . . . . , : "
<br /> ik � �said�nremises insured for lhe sum of $� 25�092.34 , loss,if any,�payable to the said mortgagee,.then these presente ;�
<br /> .� �j. � to be void,�othenvise to be and.remain in full farce: � . . . . � �
<br /> � .���.Cy I'T'�IS FURTHER AGREED.(1) That it the said mortgagor�shall fail to pay such taxes or procure such insurance,the �'
<br /> ° � �. �; �. said mortgagee may pay such taxes and proeure such insurance; and the sum so�advanced, with interest at $ 3/�4��.��Per
<br /> � �� cent,shail be re�aid.by said�mortgagor,and this mortgage shell sband as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay any
<br /> � j� .� of said��money,�eithex principel or interest, when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with�.any of�the foregoiag �';
<br /> .ii_ � �.agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to becom� due and collectible at once at the option bf.the �1
<br /> ` . mortgagee. .�- - . .
<br /> � ��� �' � 3igned this � daY of �G%��-�Z,r� � . 19 7� ' �
<br /> � ' , <u�'�"L�'� � � :
<br /> � ' . . . . . . . , .
<br /> $ 3� In presence of X ` ��� �,�=..... ",`� G t
<br /> r
<br /> ' j� , �„� .'' Jack L.~Franssen aka.Jack Franssen
<br /> � .�:.�'1....---c�..<� .....--- . . ............. ......._ ,
<br /> � . ��. � ... ,f-t ..._ ... ,
<br /> —�- ,.,/1 � y_ � � �'
<br /> ; �� ......��':.�.'l.�.c•=•"•.a.�`=�..:.:.. :.. :..... ......... ..._.... X ��1...,�`� `��:�.m2.�d e�:L../ .... „
<br /> +,` �y4 ..... �ec �--rrss�ere, -alce�ee–�ran�e�x �
<br /> -- ;�
<br /> " Sy STATE OF:... . _�:�!..'�..:5✓.�a:4:: ..:........:.. County of.......�''S`��..........._........: 1
<br /> ;
<br /> � ,`� ���S,efore�me, a notary public�qualified for �raid coanty, personally came .
<br /> 3ack L. Fransse ' ' k rranssen and Lee B. Branssen, aka Lee Franssen, hib wife �
<br /> +� known to me �� pers or peraons who signed the foregoing instrument and ecknowledged the esecution
<br /> i� there � ��h��o aat and /7�� � �
<br /> ; � � .�
<br /> • �� iT.n l�W�94t1� cU eal on �' �
<br /> , v
<br /> _-�c Z;�.•_C_ /
<br /> : �j MY' ' �. ires .......:. .....:� .l.�....:. 19.�� -:.- ---.:.._ ...--• •-- ._a . ..Notary Public ""Na�y� �#,', '
<br /> �, .._ . '.. '
<br /> 3 � : �k` �
<br /> BTATE=O�_ '
<br /> �� Entered on numerica! index and filed for record : "�
<br /> � Conat �88. in the Ftegiater of Deede OSce of eaid County the ', �� '
<br /> r y . _... – � .i
<br /> ( r,, .
<br /> i . .� . . . � � . . . � �_.�....:.��._aairiute6:"""" _'_M., .'- ;-:�. .a�F:nr ..
<br /> � ��� 16 ---.�. .._ ..day of.::_ .._..:.: ._.... �.:.�.. .,���19:. ...__; a!- --..�-_.– -�--- -oclock`and. ----�--�--- aa w. .,., .. � .:a:: r��-,:
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<br />� 3 i+ iaw'7 r4r:orcled i�a i3ex�k. .. _.___._ .. ....:. ..,ui..:... ........ .. .__....ab peage...._ j " , �� —
<br /> � i �,, _
<br /> I �
<br />� �� _ ...:.... ....._ ::. .�......_ .......... .._.......ReB. of TJeede � `_
<br />� � � By ........_.._...._...... ..._--•..............._.. ....._:...__...a�.eputy
<br /> ..r�c ..:---.:_ �-�-'-_
<br /> . �'k– .__...�__:_ ....... ...._ ...__....._� ...__._ ._ ..._._.�... ...,_........, , _. ..... ... ._..._. . .. _:a^.. , ..�_�_.o:
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<br /> .����1 � . . .�. . . . � .�� .
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<br />�� .. . . . . . � . � . � .
<br />