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<br /> A F F I D A V I T
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<br /> ALLEN D. KING, JR. , being duly sworn, deposes and says that
<br /> he is one of the owners of record of the following described reai
<br /> estate•
<br /> The West Half of the Northwest Quarter (l�NW4) of Section Seventeen (17), Town-
<br /> ship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th Principal Meridan, in
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, excepting therefrom the following tracts of ground more
<br /> particular7y described in Warranty Deeds recorded in Book 98, Page 265, Book
<br /> 144, Page 538, Book 152, Page 338, and Book 180, Page 9 in the Register of
<br /> Deeds Office, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> The aforedescribed tract of 7and is also described by metes and bounds as folTows:
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> (WZNW;) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9)
<br /> West of the 6th P.M., City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and more par-
<br /> ticularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at a point on the West line of said W%2NW4; said point being Seven Hun-
<br /> dred Seven and Four Tenths (707.4) feet South of the Northwest corner of said
<br /> WZNW4; thence running Southerly along the West line of said W2NW', a distance
<br /> of One Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-five and Four Hundredths (1,865.04) feet
<br /> to a point that is Seventy (70.0) feet North of the South line of the WZNW�-,;
<br /> thence running Easterly along a line Seventy (70.0) feet North of and parallel
<br /> to the South line of said W%ZNW4 a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-
<br /> one and Ninety-seven Hundredths (1>291.97) feet to a point that is Thirty (30.0)
<br /> feet West of the East line of said W2NW4; thence running Norther'ly along a
<br /> iine Thirty (30.0) feet West of and parallel to the East line of said W%ZN4i',
<br /> a distance of Two Thousand Five Hundred Fifty and Three Hundredths (2,550.03)
<br /> feet to a point Thirty-three (33.0) feet South of the North line of said WZNW4;
<br /> thence running Easterly, parallel to the North line of the W'ZNWq a distance
<br /> of Thirty (30.0) feet to a point on the East line of said WZNW4; thence running
<br /> tJortherly along the East line of said W'ZNW4 a distance of Thirty-three (33.0)
<br /> feet to the Northeast corner of said WZNW;; thence running Westerly along the
<br /> North line of said W 2NW', a distance of Nine Hundred Five and Forty-fiive Hun-
<br /> dredths (905.45) feet to a point that is Four Hundred Seventeen and Four Tenths
<br /> (417.4) feet East of the Northwest corner of said W12NM1;; thence running
<br /> Southerly parallel to the West line of said W%ZNW4 a distance of Seven Hundred
<br /> Seven and Four Tenths (707.4) fe� thence running Westerly, parallel to the
<br /> North line of said W'zNW; a distance of Four Nundred Seventeen and Four Tenths
<br /> (417.4) feet to the point of beginning and containing 70.721 acres, more or
<br /> 3 less.
<br /> and that said Allen D. King, Jr. and Ashelford Farms, Inc. , a Ne-
<br /> braska corporation, the co-owners of record thereof, are now in
<br /> possession thereof.
<br /> Affiant further states that he knows of his own knowledge
<br /> Y' that there is not now, nor has there been for many years last past,
<br /> any railroad or railroad right-of-way as referred to in deed re-
<br /> corded at Book 14, Page 22 of Deed Records at the Office of the
<br /> Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska , on any part of the
<br /> aforedescribed premises.
<br /> Affiant further states that he knows of his own personal knowl-
<br /> edge that there is no steel pipe gasline in, on, under or across
<br /> said premises as referred to in Indenture of Mortgage recorded at
<br /> Book 79, Page 357 and Third Supplemental Indenture riled at 3ook
<br /> 79, Page 5�5 of Mortgage Records on file at the Office of the
<br /> Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and that there is no +
<br /> other pipelinz or easements for pipelines across any part of the
<br /> a-Foredescribed premises. :-, '`'"�'� � `�-�
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<br /> Further Affiant saith not. � y� �
<br /> � � � � / �,
<br /> " Allen D. King, . ''�
<br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me�,this 29th
<br />� day of September, 1977. G���� �� /��-'/�,, �, �
<br /> wi��.iant c.ac.ncK��.t��a "�~-�--- '�7`*-r .�.c�
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