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���:' <br />�.�:' <br />���; <br /> � � <br /> � �7- �05683 SFCOND � V� 1 Y_i!"� `1E i',�nn ti�v ut.•� tn;:�1i <br /> �L�l� �IlaetitUCE� Nr,���F „�a r:x��:ui�a u,�� 30th �i��y ��r September n. n 1977 <br /> by��and brlwee� Dean L.� Jones an.d Dianne M., Jones, Husband & "Wife . .. . <br /> . . . .. . . . . . . . _ ..... .. . . ...._. . .. . . pnrly nf thc tlrst Fnu'l. . � . . <br /> � � nnJ William..-A.,.....�.�.tx�,d_,_�Tulia. .M.,, Burke�, .Husband & W].f@ _,.,. �>nrty of the n��on�i pi�rl. <br /> " WITNE3uF.TH,�that the aalA parly uf the ftrat purt,Sur and in consldrrnllon�o( (5. S.�QO.Q�O.O. <br /> .._.,. i ..�._..._.. � <br /> . .:. E.ight .thn.usarid...and..n.o/10.�.-- -- --- --- ------ <br /> . . .. ... . .- . . ...DO1.L�.AR9,�pnid 1>y xald pnrly ot !hrt . . <br /> aecqnd part,.thc recclpt whereof fa.hereby acknbwlcdguil,�hua grnnted, bargulncd, eold ar�d conveyed,.nnd by these pr.�sent.r, �� <br /> :.doeigrnru,�bnrgain,�sc:ll and concey, unto auld pnrty u! the�uocvnd purt.�lhe tulluwing iloscrlbcd reni projSrrty aftunte Jn the ��� <br /> ���County of . � $311.. . . . .. . .. .. ...�nnd 3tute�ot Nebranka, to-wit: .. � . � � . �. .. <br /> All of Lat. �4, ir� Block 19, in Ro1l,ins.!,,Additio_n._to.,the City _of <br />�d, _Ha.l.�._Co.�r�ty, Nebraska•.._ <br /> ......... ..... .,.. _. ....... ... ... _ ... _ _... _....__. _ ... __ ....... _ . _. _. _ <br /> .� .together wlth all the tenr.mente, heredltamenta xnd nppurtcnaaces t�� the enme betongirig, an 3 Rlt the �.stute, t�[Ic, duw�•r � <br /> rlght ol homeetcad, clatm.� end dernandx whateo�,ver of the sald pnrty uf tho t1r•ut ynrt uf, fn or to anlil �remlvea or xn��,p�u�t, � <br /> � lhoreof; snd eald pot'ty of[he flrnt part does herc6y covennnt, [hiit exW fi¢rty of lhe Srst part 1s law(u)ly xctxed o! HRIJ prrm- � �� <br /> � lre�;that eald prrinlnea urc free h�nm incun�Lranee and ihnt aalCpurty o:�the tlrs! nart tv!ll wnrrnnt end de(�•ncl {��i ���tle t a��id <br /> � . prrmieea againat U�c Iawfui clalme nnd demNnde uf al!perxom whom >ev�r ;gC2 '� 2, first mortgage a� Home <br /> Federal Savings and Loan, Grand Islan"��, `Ne�ras�ca. <br /> . � PROVIDEU ALWAY9, nnd lhese preacnla arc u�wn ther�e c ondltions; � �� , . . <br /> .� � WHEftEA3, sa.ld party of the flrat part haa execuled nrxl dellvered to the aNd pnrty of ttse accond pnrt � � � <br /> ` ' promis�orynote__ QS' even_da.te._in. th.e amount. _of $8,000... 00 at 9�q interest payable <br /> ` I __ r.�uar.te.rly t.o bal.loon. five years. (5�. .from closing_date. _ At the end of <br /> fiye ,years,.,purehaser agr.ees to repay seller $8,000.00 plus any interest <br /> ; _. _ <br /> i yet due. Furchaser also reserves the right to repay the Se11er a11 or <br /> _ _ _._ <br /> _ _ <br /> part of_ the $8,000.�OO .at any time without pre�ayment penalty. <br /> _...... ... . _ . ._....._..... . .. _...._ ._._. . . _'. <br /> and wherean. the purly o1 the tlrnt purt hae agreeai lu kerp [h� bulldingn,�If nn�. upc,n YiI.J...pnznlc�v,..0�.9urrd�in v nie cun�� � � <br /> pany or cumpunlea npproved by uald purly of the xrcund pnrt,f or lho full innurubl� v:�.lui lt�..11fln:C I��YY b� lire nnd N'111tI�IUi itl N IIFI <br /> extenArd covernqe and deLver to eald party of Lhe ercnnd pnrt th e pulicy ur pulloics contu(ning u ntnndnrJ murtgn{;e ciaU--c �vNh � <br /> thn loee puyaGle to xnid pariy oP lhe.accund pi�rt,or aasigns,unJ hus arire���l to pny iell titxrs an�t ns.�rssnient•�u :�ins� ::ai 1 ��i��u�� . <br /> . �� faea. betorc Ihc aume, by law, become delinyuent, nnJ hi�a ugrrcd Ltu�t It snlil pnriy ut:h:• lint purt doc::�m:t pr�+��l�..:•such � � � <br /> � � insuranca, nr talle to pay all Inxea xa aforeHAid, Lhen snid party o(thr sec�ond part, or holder hereo(, mn�•�r.i�� cuch ln�ur•�ner <br /> � anJ taxes, ot elthcr or them, and ail amounta 90 pald by auid pnrly uf the secund pnri ahnll be¢r Interea[ ii? th���i�;i�n: n,nr � <br /> per cent per annum from the date of payment, and this mortg�ge .yhiill atnnd as aecurity theretor, xnd unid sum � � <br /> . �udded� tc>lbe nmount o!Ahe mortgnge Jebt,nnd the nume ra:cov ered us n pxrt tlu rruf. Now, if tho snid par�}� ��f tho fli<t p:u�t <br /> � �i ��.xhatl we11 and truly pey or cause to br p¢ld�the snfd«uiT� of money in snid nole .._......rnrnUuned, with intrrvat [hrroon uoe�,rd- � �� �;� <br /> . . Inq�lo lhe tenor ��nd�elTect o! nt�ld nntu.._._...and ehntl kerp nuid buildin�;s Insured xs nturrsnfd, nml vhnll Icor� i�fl t.�xe-v ;iml . <br /> � aeeeasmenla paid, und ahall duly kc��,, nrxl perfurm i�li the othrr covrn:uits +and Rti'I'l•CI11Cf1�9 herrin cnnU�in�.�1, tham lhr���� � <br /> j�rexenta t���br null und vold. Fi»t If xuid xutu of mnnry ur nny pnr[lh���•uf. e�r:u�y intereat lNa�c�,n. �s mit j �t,l��chcn [h� r,imr . <br /> � 4� due. or i!naid bullrUnga ehu11 nut be krpt inaure�.1 ua ufuresa l.i. i>r 1/ lhc �uxi�s und nasevvn�en;n ngnln�.t s:�i�l p:c���tsc� r,rr . <br /> .� not or betore Ihe tlmc the name become by law delinquent, ur IC auid pnrty nf thc tlrsZ p¢rt ah:�ll Lut ;n ki�•p :�n,i � � <br /> �. � perform nny coven�ntx hereln cuntained Ihe hnlder hereof xhnll h;we thc optlon tn decL•ire thr.whulc of snld in�icbt���lno<v du,�,u„� � <br /> paynblc ut uny Ume af[er nuch fal3ure or de(nult,nnd muy ninin Inin�in nrtlon�at L•i�v„r oquity to rccover�he sn m�•,:ir,�t thr i,ui,. � <br /> mencemenl o( flUCFI nctlun shul! be lhe only notice ot the exi�rc lse u!aald uptiun requirod. � � , <br /> . ANA TC I9 FUF2TlIF.R PROVIDED AND AGRF.EI), Thut tbo xaid M�artgngor shall nnd w1U p:�y nIi In�os lo��i���t u{v,n t1�ie .. .. � . <br /> � mortgage or the deAt Hecured thereby, together wlth nn�� other tnxca nr naacvan�en(s Whlch n�ny he lcvl�t! UIII�CI' U�C LlIN'S u( � <br /> = .. Nebraske, agalnst lhe nald�Morigagce nr the leg¢L hulder uf lho enid���rinctpeJ note._. . ..on accc�unt of lhis indebto�lncsv, <br /> - AND IT 1S FURT!!FR PROVIDP.D AND AGRLEh,�thot �ho unJ�•�ni�:n��d M��rtF n��.��rnwni end��6 a ���ih �ho �1 tE,,���•. � � <br /> thut on. �! thr •ondn�uns for mokinK th�s lnnn �s thut lhe� hlort4;a�'orv nd Il �ontinur�.,, wn au.irocri.i�,� ihe al e-trit.• ... <br /> � hrrein dea.rl6ed�i.s the prrsunxl pr+vt�ir dw Il�ny of thi• nurl�tugnre vn I� �w Ih . t�- g�• � .I Ih�• snid noto..orurvd h r•h� <br /> any purt Ihrrenf, remuins n`�nid, If ut uny lm . whili• �he m 1g r . iro ii (( -i � 1 i� . �ic(or which Ihis mur! � i �� <br /> � . fiecunty. „�pny part themoC, n•ma�ns unpuid. thi, undurrsiK ird M� t{.�� ,r ll oy' Ihr real est:�le hrrrin .�rsi'rit . � o nc <br /> part�therco(, o Ihe Murtgugora do not ht�ve nr �vnv� l0 1.�ere� I�tl. t� id r.•ul estuto � :�n� purl Ihorro!or co..�.c to n� eo.ieNy . . . . <br /> ?ccupy thr suid roul eatalC us LLti o ivale dwell�nµ o( the u�d.r �kni�d.��h.•n nni -n �nyn.ueh rv•nc�. the Alorl�;a4 er ii� <br /> � op�inn. de�lure the unpaid.onnciPdl belence, :�nA incnrest. of thr n�le �..curcJ h<.r.h� un�•d�etelY dur. nnd p.i.,ut,le. � .. � �. .. <br /> � �ln �e�ti�rtat� ��jereof, _ .. . _ _._ _ _. _ <br /> _ _ _ <br /> � IN PRE5F�TQCE OF y���.. . .. <br /> . . �,�—GS,�r.��... ...�.. � . <br /> •t <br /> � . . /`^!�,��ny�,.c� _..����...4.Je"'"--e:?. . ... . <br /> � <br /> . ) � ... .._ On Lhln .... .. . .� c�C. <br /> � . STATF i)A'�NF:f'RA9KA, • <br /> , /,� `q�/ wN f C'�aay ar ..�'�i7-z..��J.w. n. �e j; <br /> Cuunty o(�� 1�(A,-C..� ...,_} Defore me, a Not ry Publi,c�/J,n and for ihe anld Counfy�personnl,l/yy.,c�nmr the atxrvc � <br /> . . � . . :�� � name�J �:��'.YL/� al. �YZG�i �-�i�'JZ'YZ.c.°.J .".�P�), . � . . .t <br /> I��r� �..# .. .e r�4 <br /> _�_ <br /> . ._�. <br /> � �G�.G�'..J �i RM1 '�� <br /> .... . __ _. ._..... . . .._w•hn ._ perennnliy knau�n Lo nie � <br /> �,,A' s <br /> � <br /> � �to Ar.the lctenticnl perao�,.�Aosc name�._...�w[�! afLixed to Ihe atx�vc fns4�ument I. � �� � . <br /> /9 " � � <br /> . .. . . . . � .as grantor artd ackn��wleJged snid instrument to he..�,/!�[,,�iL�•olunLary act anA dred. � .. ��'u. <br /> ' .. . . . � r: . <br /> � � . � � . .WITNESS my hand and N��larinl Scul he��I•Lst afn�evnl�i. � � '' <br />� � . � . . � . . .. � . . . ; • <br /> l-t.d�n `�'Y .yG�;,-z.�-� ` <br /> ... . ,. <br /> . . . . . .� . . � hntary F''ubllc. � � � <br /> � � Mv cammlqsion cKpiren � ��.�� � . . <br /> . . . � �.. .�.' "'"OSM.6Diaska� � � � � <br /> �p ���� � <br />� Mr 4emm,E p.M�rch 8,1980 <br /> � <br />:i'. <br />_� <br />