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,a�k'�-7' '",.�.r _ . .��;�,� �,.�:�,.: ., . ��F ..,A�: �. .,.. �.;: ,.:i� t t :�a�� �-t: <br /> °,< .i,y.. „r <br />�� <br />�' . . � . . . . . � � . . <br />�} . tl._. . . . . <br /> � <br /> � MOATGAVE—Saving� m�d Lom Form--(Dizeel Credlt Pl��255-Z (Speeid) � � - � .� . � <br /> � 77- 8 0 ` MOR"TGAGE <br /> , � OU56 <br /> � �No 1 <br /> rfns umerrruxe,maao «i• ` 30th ,��, ,. SentemhPr ,is�Z_by aaa�u.�n <br /> PHILIP M'. MARTIN AND;JEANNINE M. MART�N, husband and wife, 'each in his' and her own right. <br /> � and as spouse of the other <br /> ol__ ' Ha� I County,Nebrmka,m awrtqagoz_..��and flome Federal Saviag��md Lo��Aanocietioa ot Graud Yaland, <br /> �a�rnrporatioa organized��d e�datinq�unde�.the�lawa of Nebraska with�ite p�indpal oifice aad place�.ol busineae at Grand fal�d,�.Nebmaka. <br /> aa.�mortqagee: � . . . � . � . .. � � � � � . <br /> .. ��.� .WITNESSETH: Sh¢t eaid mortgagors for.aad.ia'maaideration�of Ihe sum ot � . . . .� .. <br /> TH I RTY THOUSAND AND NO/I 00-----�---------------.-.----�.----<----.-.--..-__ 30,000.00 , <br /> � . . . . *�^llare (5.— <br /> '� � Ihe�'zeeeipt of��which 3n-herebp neicnowledged, da�—�by theee prenents mort a e�and w�rant unto�'sa5d mori � � <br /> . . 9 9 9�lees�-ita suceeaeora���d�.. <br /> . � msigm, forever,�all tLe tollowring dencribad real eetate, ainaated in the�amty of_ � Ha� � � � � � <br /> %. ��. '��d State��t:� ., � . .. . � . . . .. . . � _ . . ... . � . � . � . . . ., .. . .. . .. . ..,. . . ' . �,:� .��. <br /> :S ,.� .. . � . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> LOT E16HT C8) AMICK ACRES TNIRD SUBDIVISfON, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> ? � <br /> s <br /> �� S Toqefher with al] heatinq, liqhting, and pliambing equipmeat and fixturae,includinq stokera and bumen,screeaa,vvaaings,etoralwindowa <br /> �;�� and�doors.aud wiadow�shadea or blinde, usad on or in connectioa with aaid propezty, whethez the aamo me�w loeated on a¢id prOparty�.� � . <br /> ar hereaEter placed thezeoa � � <br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TFTE SAME, togeiher with.olt and singular tha eeaemeata,hereditameats and appurtea�cee�thereunto belonq-..�' <br /> a � ing, or in anywiae appertaininq.lozever,and war�ant the title to the same. Said mortgngor 5 hezeby covenan� with aaid mortgagee � � <br /> .��that __�the.� �e' at the delivery 6ereof,the lawful ownezs ot the p=emieee above conveyed�d dexzibed,and ae � � � <br /> t �. eeized ol a good and indeleaaible eatate of inharitmce theroin, tree and cicwr ot all encumbrencee, and that t heY_will wanunt �d� �� <br /> detond the� title the:eto torever aqainat t6e clmms and demands of alt peraona whomacever. � <br /> PAOVZDED ALWAYS, vnd �this inetrument is ezecuted aad delivered to necure the payment of the avm ot � � <br /> THIRTY THOUSAND AND NO/100�-----------------------------�-�------ �i� �a 30,000.00 � <br /> wflh intereal thereoa, togeWer with�auch chargea and advances ae may be duo. and pnyable to amd mongagea uadet the terau �d � � <br /> coaditiona o[ the pzomiasory aote of evea date herewith and secvred hereby,ezecutad by amd moAgagor S� to eaid moregagee,papable � <br /> ::# as ezpressad in said note,and to aecure the�performance of all the terms aad coaditiona caatained�iherein. The tezma ot eaid note are � . <br /> bereby.incorporated hezein by thio refeience. � . � � . . � . . � � <br /> ,�it ie the iatentioa aad agreement ol the parties hereto that thia moztgage ahall aLw secuze aay Suture advancea made to eaid � � <br /> � mortgaqors_ bg said mortqagee. �d aay aad atl indebiedneea in addiKon to tha amount�above etated whioh�emd�mortgagors;or���y <br /> ! .of�tLem, may owe to eaid�mortgagee. however evideaced whether bY aote,book aaount or otherwiee. This mortqage shall remafn ia SvB � � <br /> ! forca��.and�etfect�between tha���parties hereto and their.hetrs, ga:eona! zeprecentativen, succesaors and rmsiqna, until ail�amounb eecuced � <br /> }'� �hercundei, 3nduding future advancea�e paid.ia tull with iatereet. . � � .� . � .. <br /> �The mortgagors hereby asaig�,_W a¢id moctgaqee�all�.xentr �d income arieinq�at miy.and all timea Irom naid property�mtd � .� <br /> hereby aut�orize�eaid mortgagee os iro�ageat, at ita optioa, npoa�defaul4 ro take chmge�ot aaid��properfy�d co7lect all reats�d'�income <br /> therelrom ond apply the same to the�payment�of iateres4 pr3ncipal,iaeuraaee�premiumn, tazes,ameenmente, repcdra or improvemeats aecee- � � � <br /> wry to keep�said p[operty in teaantable conditioa, or to other chargea or{wymeats provided!or hezein or in tha aole hereby eecured. Thb � . <br /> rent aaeiqnment sLall oontiaue�in torce uatil the unpaid balanee o!.eaid aote is Sully paid ihe taking of posseasion hereundez ahall ia no . � �� <br /> manner prevent or�xetard eaid mortgagee in�the collection�ot�eaid aume by forectoaure or otherwiee- � �. <br /> � ��; . The failure of the moitqagee to aeaert�p of�.its riqLta$eceuadar at��y time aLall aot be conatrued as a wmver of�its right to aeaert � � <br /> . �ha.aame at any later time,and�.to iasist upan��mad��eatorce affiet-compliancn wi�h dl tbe terms aad proviefons o2�said note �d oi this � � � ��� � �� � <br /> .,� mortgage.. . .. . . ... .... .. .. . � � . . . . . � � .. � . <br /> ��If �aid mortgagor S eha11.o¢uae to he paid to aald��mortgagee the oatire�ouat due it Le:eunder.�d under�the terms�d pro�iaiaes . <br /> ' ', o!seid note.herebp secured,iacludinq iuture advaacea and aay eztensiona or rene�vala�ehereot�in�.aceordance witL the terms �d provteioaa. ; �� � <br /> . ' tLe[aot.aad fi wid morega9o+S t1�a11 aomply witL all 1La provisioaa of aafd¢ote and ot thss mortgage.ehen these�preaeab a6n11 be�oid � � �� .„ � r.., ;,_,� � <br /> ` � ' otherwi�a to remcrin in tiull torce��d etleet.�d emd moctgagee,.ehall ba eatitled to the poeseseloa ot all.o!aaid pzoperty..aad may,at iis � ;„. � . . .. <br /> �� + option;dec2are��tha who]e o!eaId�aote and all�.indebtedueea r rnented thereb to be immediatal �due and�' �� +'s r''� <br /> �P P Y �payable,and maq fo[ecloae�t6is . , ;xyY <br /> mortgage or take any olher leqal acCon to�protect t4 ziqhL aad from ths date of such detavlt all items ot 3ndebtedaeas secured Lezebp ;.,- <br /> 1 aha��draw 3a�aTest at,�pe.annum. Rppra�emsa�Wmoed. � � 7����- <br /> Shie mnrtgaqe �LaB 6o bindiag��.upoa and �hal! anura to t}u b�ne!!t ot.ttw hNn,etxutor�,admiai�tratora.��ucceesora cmd�msi aQ � <br /> the ro� � . . . . . . . <br /> Decti'e pactias hareto. �. <br /> � <br /> J., <br /> . . _ , ..,:. , �- . . ... .� . . . .. . . � . ,,,�a �. <br /> � IT'I WlTNFSS IY�AE4F, wid��:Mon4n9o4.� —Ea Ve herauato .s� � the i r � +��.,fLs the dap aad year flrst abo.e . ,,_ ,'�:. <br /> wr[ne . . _ , ., , .�.. . . .. . ... ... . . ... . . .. , . , <br /> � .� ' b'i., �?,l J.. _ ., <br /> - _;-;/�i�r�n r� /1'j. /1'LA�,�.�v <br /> PHILlP M. ARTIN Je nnine M, Martin • - <br />� — <br /> �. � <br /> n..�a«� � <br />� � � � � <br />