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� <br /> � a � �' � �_� �— -� <br /> � 77 � <br /> not extend or postpone the due date of t6e moi�f7ily- iu�t:311mer�ts refei•red to in p;�i:zgrapt�s 1 and 2 hereof or <br /> change tlie alnount of sucli inscalftnents: <br /> ID. Borrcwer I�Fof Reteaser3. L+'xtensio�: oi the tiuie for ��a��rnent or ir:.;dificat,ion oi amortizaCion of the sums <br /> secured by this �Zortgage gs•:�nted tn� I.endei• to anv siiccessoi• in interect of Bori•o�y�er shall not operaie to release, <br /> in any m�niier, t,he 3iability oi tiie original 13orro�i�er and liorro�+�cr'� succe,sors in interest. I.ender sht+,ll not be <br /> required to commence,j�roceeciings against sur,lr successor or refusc ta extenci timc for payment or otherwise modif,y <br /> amortization of the sums secured by tliis _llortgage bv rcason of any cienYand madc by the original $orrower und <br /> � Borrower's successors in interest, <br /> 11, Forbearanee by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exereising any right or remedy <br /> hereunder, or other�sise afforded by apfilicable law, shtlll not be a ���ai:�er of or �ireclude tl�e exercise of any right <br /> or remedy hereuifder. The ��rocarenaent of insura�ice or the pa,ynient of t.axes or other liens uz- r,harges by Lender <br /> shail not be a waivei� ot Lender's righi to acceler�te the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br /> 12. Remedies Cumulative. All i•emedies ��rovided in tl�is \lortgage arc distinct snct cumulative to any other <br /> rigkit or ren�edy: under thic \Iortg�ge oi• afim•ded h�- �a�+� or cqiaic}�, :�nd ma�- be exercised concurrently, independ- <br /> ently or successively. _ <br /> ; 13. Successozs and Assigas Bound; joint and Several Liability; Captions. The co��enants and agreernents <br /> herein contained shall bnid, and tl�e rights hereunder chall inure to , thc respective successors :�ua assigns of Lender <br /> �tnd� $orrower,��subject to the provisions of para�ia���l� 17 herc.of. All covenants and agreen�icnts of Borrower sUall � <br /> be joint and several. '1'he captions and licadings r�f the psru�r.ijih. of t his \ Iortgze�;e :ire for convenience only and <br /> are not to be used to interpTet or define i.he provision; hereof. <br /> 14. Notice. An3� notiee to Borro�ver f�i•ocicied im• in tl�i� \loi•tgage shall be �;i�•en bF� rnailing sucli notiee by <br /> ' certified inail sddressed to I3orrower .t 't the 1'rapert�� �ddre:s =taied bclo�r, crxce��t for any notice required under <br /> � paragraph 18 l�ereof to be giv�n to Bori•o���rr in the inanuei• I�resci•ibed b�� aipplicable ],�w. Any iiotice provided � <br /> for in tl�is il-Iort.gage shall be deemed to ha��c hec�n �;iven to I3ot•ro�ti�cr wtien giec:n in thc manner designatecl herein. <br /> 15. Uniform Moztgage; Governirtg Law; Severability. Tlii� toi•n3 of ruortgage combines uniform cocenants <br /> for national use and non-uniform covenants �vitl� limiiect ��arisiions by� jurisdiction to cm�stitute a uniform seeu- <br /> rity instruinent covering real property. This \Iortgage shall be governect by the law of the jurisdiction in tivhieh <br /> the Yroperty is located . In the event thst any provision oi• clause of tt�is \IorCga,ge or the I�Tote conflicts �vitl� <br /> applicable law, such conflict shall noC affect otl�er provisions of thi, \lurtgage or the I�Tote which can Ue given <br /> ' effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of t.tie \lortgage and thc Note are declared <br /> ` to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. I3orro�ver shall be furnislied a confm�med copy of this 1lortgage at the time of execu- <br /> ! tion or after recordation hereof. <br /> 1R Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all oi• any part of the Property or aii interest therein is sold <br /> or transferred by Borrower �i�ithout Lender's prior �vritten consent , excluding (a ) the creation of a lien or encum- � <br /> branee subordinate to this Mortguge , ( b ) the creation of' �i purcha,e money security interest for household appli- <br /> ances, (c} a transfer by devise, descent or by operation oi la�c upon t:he death of a joint tenant or (d ) the, grant of <br /> any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing un option to purchasc, Lender inay� . at Lender's option , <br /> declare all the sums secured by ttiis Nlortgage to be iiniuediateiy due :incl payt�ble. Lender shall have waived such <br /> option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e sale oi• trantfer, Lender and t6e person to �vhom tl�e E'roperty is to be sold or <br /> ' transferred reacli agreement in writing that tl�e credit o! sucli � �erson is satisfactory to Lender und tiiat the interest <br /> � payable on the sums secured by this \7ortgage sha11 be :it sucli ratc as Lender sl�all request . If Lender has waived <br /> the option to accelerate provided in tl�is pari�grssp2i 17 and if Borro�eer's successor in interest has executed �, writ- <br /> ten assuinption agreernent accepted in �vriting by Lcnder, Lender shi�ll release Ba•rower from all obligations under <br /> this Mortgage and the Note. <br /> j, If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shall �nail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance <br /> with paragraph 14 hercof. �ucli notice shall procide a period of not les� thun 30 �9ays frum the date the notice is <br /> � � � inniled � within which I�orrower ma}� pr�y�� the su�ns declared dua If I3orro«•er fa,il.� fa 1��3y suoh surns prior to the � <br /> �; expiration oi such period, Lender may, �vitliout furt]ier noticc or deinand on B'orrower, invoke any remedies per- <br /> initted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> ti'ox-UxiFoxNr Covr:xn:.Ts. Boi• rower arid Lendei• f'urtlier co�-eiiant a�id a�ree as follo�cs : <br /> 18. Accelezatioa; Remedies. I,xcept as � uo�•i�led in � �aragra� ,li 17 1 �ercof, upon Borrow�er's bre��rh of any <br /> covenant or agreement of Bon•o��•er in this 31ort {;age , inc•lu�ling the covenanf� to pay n�hen duc anS sums nE:cured <br /> by this \lortgage, Lendci• ��rior to xexeleratiou sl�nll � uuil notice to I3urro�ver ;i: pro��ided i�i pai•agi•apli 14 liereof <br /> � <br /> � specifyin�. : � ( 1 ) the breacl� ; ( 2) tl�e xction i•iryuireci to cure sucli breacli ; �( 3 ) u dutu , noG less tiian t.hii�ty ciays � � <br /> a � from the date tlic noCicc is uiailed to 13m•ro���r. r, I��� �rliicl� sucl� brca<• li iuust be etu•c� ; snd 1'4) tl��ut fa�ilw•c, to cure � � � � <br /> ' such 6reacli on or befom the date specifiec:i in t �ie notiec may result in acceleration of il�c swn� secw�ed by this <br /> Mortgage and sale of the Yroper#y. If the bre;xcli is not cw•ed oi: or bef�rc thc date spccifictil in tiie notice, Lender <br /> � at Lender's option ma,y declarc all of the sums � secured by tl� is JIort��ge to be nnmediatcly due and payable � � � � � <br /> without furt.her demand und snuy foreclvsc tLi, Alortgage by ,iudicial proceeding. Lender shall l�e entitled to collect <br /> in such proceeding all expenses of foreclocm�c , including, }aut not li� uited to , costs of docuuient.z�ry evidence , <br /> i absiracts and titde reports. <br /> 19. Sonoweis Right to Reinstate. 1'ot�+�itli:;tandiug I,euder'. .icceleration of the wro� secured Uv t.his <br /> � 11Rortgage, Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings l�egun by T,endci• to enforce this i�Iortgage dis- <br /> ' continued st any time prior to entry of a judgment enfo)•cing tlii� �(ortgage if : faJ I3orro«�er pays T,ender ull <br /> sums which would be then due under tl�i, �lortgage, the Note and viotes securing 1'uture 1�dvance�, if any , had no <br /> � acceleration occurred ; ( bl Borrower cure� all brcaches ol ati�• other co��enants or ;agrcements of Borrou-er con- <br /> t3ined in this :1Sart6agc ; (c) Borro�� 2r pays :wi1 reasonai.,le ra� ,en,e� iucurre�i in� i.entier in cniorcing cLe coveiiants <br /> and agreements of Boriower contained in this llortga�;e and in cuforcin� Lrndci', remedies .is provide�l in pura- <br /> r grsph 1S hereof, including, but not limited to , reasonuljle auorne�� 'c t"ee� : and � d ) Borro:ver takes such action as <br /> ` Lender may reAsonably require #o assure tl�at thc lien oI il» ltorig��;e, Lender'. intcres2. iu che Yroperty and � <br /> , Borrower's o}�ligation to psy the suins secured by thi� \'Iort�;n�,c.• shull couti�iue u��in�paii•e11. L7pon �acl� payment + " � - �, <br /> ' and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage snd the oUligation� eecured hereh�• sh:� ll remain in {ull force and effect as if ' == � r�'� � ' <br /> , no acceleration had occurrecl. �yx '�"�. t� <br /> 20. Assignaiaat o( Reuts; -Appointment o# Receiver; Lender in Possession. As sdditional security here- G rr„�`, <br /> ' � p 1 prior to acceler- '� ai'y�- <br /> under, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender tUe rents of the Prn ert}� . n•o��ided thut Borro��-er shali , <br /> ation under paragraph 18 hereof ar abandonment of the Yropert,y, ha��c # he right to collect and retain such rents �; ��,,; <br /> as they become due and payable. , `;,'� , <br /> Upon accel�eration under paragraph lt� ltereof or xh.indonrnent of the Yroperty , I,ender, in ��e�son , bv ngenC <br /> vr Uy judicislly ssp}�ointeti receiver shall be enticled Yo enter upon . t�ke Tiosse:s�oz� oi and rnannge the Ymperty �< <br /> snd to collect tlie rents of the Pzoperty, including thpx past due. All rents collecte�i by Lender or the receiver <br /> shull be applied first topayment of the costs of managemcnt of the Property find collection of re��t�, including, but <br />� � SIOt I3IT12tCC3 tO�. T�C81VC!`�S {COS, j)ICST]]l2TT]S �37 SCCCIYCT�3 �7G27cj5 �TICa 1'l'::Sp71A.)]i'� d1.26"lle}' �: (c�b. xu:l f��1211 6U (,l�e aWl�a <br /> securedby this Mortgage. Lender and tlre receiver sliall be li�ible to account only for tho�e rente .�ctualh recei�•ed . � <br /> i <br />�, ; <br />� <br />