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<br /> " � MOR7'GAG£�ming� and�7n� Futm--(Dirsct Credit Plad�.25S2 (SpaclaA . . . . .�>.� � � . .�
<br /> �'�0"0 5 6 5 3 MORT�AGE
<br /> �
<br /> 7n�No
<br /> � � rEns nva�runE,maae mie 28th .�,.. o� Sepfiem6er is��vy cna be�..eea �
<br /> HARLAN R. AMOS AND MARY ANN AMOS, husband and wite, each in his and her own right and
<br /> ; as spousa of the other
<br /> Hali : s. _
<br /> : ��ol� � �� ��County.Nebraslca,as mvrtgaqor—.�d Home FederaZ^aavSags cad Lom���1�L�soetatioa��ot Grand Isl�d,. .
<br /> � a corporatio¢��orgaaized �d.ezistiaq�.undez�the Lzws of�1lebzaska�with';im priadpai of(ice�d piace ot busineas at Granii Iatand,�Nebraslm.
<br /> .as narsgagae:� � � . . . . .. � . . . . . . . .. .
<br /> . � WIiNE3SETfi:� That aadd�mortgaqors for amd in coae[deration-of tLe eum o � � .
<br /> � THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100----�--------�----T^-_^-^-�--«---_,,,,u� �a` 35,000.00 �
<br /> � � tLe reeeipt"�of which�fa hereby��aclmowtedqed. do���� �Lp 4hese Fresects�moztgaqe�d�wanaa!�uato ae�d'aeoztga4ae;�ils suaemaza rmd`�� ..
<br /> �aaeigne,�forever, all tLe tollowiaq deacribed real estate, situated in tha county�of H a( � � � ..
<br /> 'E� :-�:md�Sta�e�ot�Nebiaaka�m�wit:.�;� . . .. .. . . ... � . . . . . �� . .. .. .. . . .. .
<br /> x
<br /> „ £
<br />�"'
<br /> j$ Toqethes. wilh�qll�heating. .Iighfiag,�cmd p7iambing equlpmeat md fixturea, idcludiaq etoken aud bumeia,screens,awninge, ftorm windowa �
<br /> �. i( and dooza,and window��ahades or blinda, used oa or in rnnnection with amd property,whethez the eame are aow� located an eaid pzopezty �
<br /> r
<br /> T or�hnreatter placed thereon.
<br /> � ..: TO�HAVE AHD TO��HOLD YHE SAME, together with all. and aingular the tenemeats,hereditamente aad appu�tenancea thereunto.beloaq- . � �
<br /> inq,or in�aaywiae appertainiRg,foreve+, and warzaat the fltle to lhe same. Said mortgaqor S hereLy covenoa� wilh aaid morfgagee � �
<br /> �b� �. t he� � a re._, � ,� �livery hezeof,!he lawtW owner S ot the premiees above conveyed�d deaeri4ed,and a t`e � _ .
<br /> $�.� aeixed of a good and indeleasib(e eatate of inheritance therein,f:ea and clear of aL encumbrances. aad that t he�C._will wan�t m�d .
<br /> $ detand the-�iitle thereto fo:ever against tho claims and demaads oE all pezaona whomsoever.
<br /> � � �PROVIDED ALWAYS, md� this instrumeat is ezecuted and delivered to aecure the papmant o2 the aum oi
<br /> TH I RTY F I VE THOUSAND ANfl NO/100----------- - - --�^�--�-�---i,,,11� �� 35,000,00 �
<br /> � wilh interest theieoa, togotfier with such charqea and advances as rnup� be due and payable to aaid martgagee uader the terma and. . �
<br /> '� � conditIoax ot the promisso� noie ot evm daie herewith �md ne�:wrod.herebp,ezecuted by emd mortqaqor.S_to said mortgaqee,papable . � � . . .
<br /> ..# � as expreased in said note,�and to aecu:e the perfozmance of aL the terms �d coaditiom contained thereta:� The terms o4 smd nota �e � � .
<br /> herebp incorporated herein bp tLis relerence. �� . � . � .. . . .
<br /> �It ia the inteatioa and agreemeat ol �he partiea heroto that thia mortqage�ahall dso aeeure aay future� advances made to �emd .. � . � .
<br /> � �mortgngor S by said mortgugoe, and any aad all indebtednees in addltioa to the amount above stated whleh e¢id mortgaqon, or:�p . . � � � � ..
<br /> �.. of them, may owe to eaid mortgagee, bowever evldenced, whether by note,book account oz otherwlae. Yhia mortgage aLali cema[a 3n fu11
<br /> � lorce�and e!lect���betwana tho�pnrtiea hereto aad theu heire, pa�aoml zepzeaeatatives, succeemrs and�aasiqm, until all:.amounta eec�red . . � �
<br /> � hereuader,ineiuding future advances.�e paid i¢ tull with i¢te�est.�� � .� � . . .
<br /> � :�::. The martqagoc_�a.Lerebp:aesiga:._�to..said mortgagee.aU.reats and iacome ariaia4 at aaY and all.timea.from said property �d � � �
<br /> he;eby wtharize�aaid mortgagee.oz its aqent, at ita optlon,��pon�defavit to take ch�ssge of eaid�propertp md collect-all��reats and Income �� �. �
<br /> � lhcretrom and apply�.the sama to the papment ol iaterest,..prindpaL�iasurance premiume. tazee, asseesmeats, repmrs o�improvemeafa necae• ' � -
<br /> srary fo keep eaid property ia tenaatabte coadition, oz to.ofher ch�qee oz�papmeats piovldsd for herein or ia ths aote herebp sneured. Shis � .� . .
<br /> � xent�cas4gnment ahall oontinue in iorec until tbe uapaid balaace of eaid nole is lully pmd. 7he talcinq of posaession hareunder�ahall ia ao � . �,
<br /> � maaner preoent or retard eaid mortqaqee�In the collectioa ot said aums by Sorerlosure or etLexwiaa. � ,� . .
<br /> � ' � �The fcu2vre of�the��mortgagee to aesert miy�of ita rights bereunder at any time ehall aot be conatzued m a x�ver of its xight to aenrrt � � � � � � �
<br /> �.. � 3.. Ihe.w7ma -+tow�iwwt�rupoa..,�md entozw atzict mmpliance wiih,all the terms cmd provisions ot said aote aad o4 thin � � � ..
<br /> morlyaga. . �4 4�•i••c°.s nuoc i,. r . . . . � .
<br /> ���lA��"�4�`�.l.,,�'r� -s
<br /> �.If said � � i"�6�1'"Y.�r�aase�fo�"�ba�'.pnid to�emd mortgaqee the entire amount due it hereunder,�and�uader the texms aud provisions �
<br /> �� of eaid aote , EI`a�"ing'"Tu'Ciisa advunces,aad�.anp eztenaioas���:or =anawaln.thereot ia�acoordance �vith the terma�d prov3siona � � .
<br /> .. -�.. _. .. . ... .. . . .. . ... . .. . . . . . . .. . . . ._ . . . � . . . . r .
<br /> ; ��' the:eat,mad.3!wid marigagor.s:: ahall�complp wi�h all the,prov3sioas of eaid.note�d of this mortgage.fhen tLese presents �hall be wid . + '.
<br /> ' S othe:wi�e to��remaia 3n.tull fozgs and alla�t,�d.siud moztga4ee ehall.be eatitled to the.poueceion o{.dl oi aaid paoperty.�d may...at Its . - ; • - �� .
<br /> � option,deel�e the w�hole ot wid nots and all indebtedne�s repressated�therebp�to be immedlately�"due md payable.�and may loredofe�t�eia . .r .�,-!`.
<br /> � mongage or�take amy-otLez legal aebon to protaet�.ih+igh4 �d from tLe dats ad euch.default all item� of indeb�edaeas aecured_hereby � ,
<br /> ' ehall draw iziterert at 9dG P�r aaoum. APPrmeament waived. �. � . . � . . . . . . §«. ��
<br /> L �' � Thie m.origa4s.��be biudlaq ¢pon��.�d �hall��enurs.b�tha b�netlt ot the hefis,eseculon,admfnS�trato=s. �ucee�son,�d mdgne d ���.
<br /> tha respeclive partie�,LqiMo. . .., �
<br /> -��I[d WfINE44 �OP. �aid Martgaqor`� .b ��a Ve Lesauato �et�� the l r � � tiaa�-S the day aad year tiret above � �`
<br />� s wsiUen. ..� � � .ri .. � � . . .. . . . � / � 1 t
<br /> /�'��,/ /f /) � �� . / .J..� ! S
<br /> .�,:/Y ��a-L��-✓ �' ��( �,..G.�G�--e � . . _ �'r�`.�� �.,�,,.// ,�°�.-�.,�c/'�L/7-...f�F-a.-/ . . �'' � as� .
<br /> ' .,.
<br /> r an Amos " ary nn l s
<br />� �
<br /> � �
<br />