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<br /> 77- �.t 0"�25 MORTGAGE
<br /> � THIS INDENT[JRE, made thie 24th day of September ; 19��, by and between �
<br /> Donald C Encic and Elizabeth A. Enck, husband and wife, each in his and her own right
<br /> �' ...ana aG. ��O�� �„�..c thP nthc-�r� :. .... . .. . . � �. . �..---- – . �
<br /> � p( Ha�� ��County,�.Nebraska,�.as mortgagor S,.and Grand Island Truat Company of Grand Island, a�corporation �
<br /> _ �� organized�and existing under'�the lawe�of Nebraska with its principal office and�place oi business at Grand Iatand, Nebraska, as mortgagee;:� .
<br /> ' ;���� � WITNESSETH; That.eaid mortgagor...S_.,,foc and ia:conaideration of the sum of � . � ' �
<br /> w�..,� mti. G..�..i vighC. H�ndxP� SPZanty Tfiraa and 27/1DO –T�-DollBre($' 9�873.27 ).
<br /> the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,do—by theae presents mortgege and warrant unto sald mortgagee;ite successora end assigns,
<br /> � forever,all�the following described real eatatz,situated in the County of— Ha�1 � � �
<br /> . � and�Stste of Nebraska,�to•wit: � � � � �� � � � � � � � � . �
<br /> The Southerly Fifty feet (50') of Lot One (1), in Slock One Hundred Twenty-Six
<br /> (126)' of Union Pacific Railway Company`s Second Addition to the City o£
<br /> � ; Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> .�
<br /> i ` � . � . �� � . . �
<br /> r . . � . . � . . . �. .
<br /> ��Together with�ell heating,air conditioning,lighting,and plumbing equipment Md fixtuzea,including screens,awninga,storm windows and���:�� �
<br /> �doora,end window ahades or blinds,.nsed on or in connection with said pmperty,whether the seme are now located on said property or hereafter � . .: � �
<br /> . :placed thereon. . . . . � .
<br /> .� .�TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and singular the tenernenta,hereditaments and appurtenances thereuntobe• � .
<br /> longing, or in anywise appertsining, forever, and warrant the Litle to the same. Said morgagor.5—...hereby covenant_with��said �
<br /> mortgagee that—_�he y are ,at the delivery hereof,the tawful owner.�of the premisea above conveyed and described, �
<br /> � and a�"P aeized of e good and indefeasi6le estate of inheritance therein,free and clear pf aA encumbrancea,�and that t he:'1�will �
<br /> � wanant and defend the CiUe thereto forever againat the claims end demands of all persons whomsoaver. � � � �
<br /> � � PRDVIDED ALWAYS,and this inetrumeat is executed and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of � � ��
<br /> , N;n 'rho. and Eig�it Hundred S.ventv Three and 27/100 - - ��,��g 9.873-27 �,
<br /> �with intsrest thezeoa,togather with auch charges and advances as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br /> � of the�promieaory note of even dete herewith and secured hereby,.executed by said mortgagor S to said mortgagae,payable as exPressed ��� . �
<br /> �.� in.eaid nots,ead to aecure the performance of all the Lerma end conditions contained therein.The terms of said note are hereby incorporated .�
<br /> iioaciu u�v4Y:y wf�nrn_, . . . ..
<br /> It ia the inteation and agreement of the pertiea hereto that thia mortgage ahall also secure any future advancea made to seid mortgagor S� ��. � � .��
<br /> by said mortgagee,and any and ell indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated whick�said mortgagors,or any of them,may owe to � .
<br /> eaid mortgagce,however evidenced,whether by note,book account or otherwise.This mortgege shall remain in full force and effect between �
<br /> �the parties hereto and their heire, personal representatives, auccessors and assigns, antil all amounts secured hereunder, including future � � �
<br /> advances,ara paid in full with interest.
<br /> .The mortgagor.�_hereby ssaign_to seid mortgagee all rents and income ariaing at any and ell times.from said propecty and � � ��
<br /> � hereby authorize said mortgagee or ite agent, at ite option, upon default,to take charge of said property and collect all renf,s end income . � .
<br /> '����therefrom�and�.apply�the�eame to the payment�of interest, principal.�insurance�promiums,��tases, assessments, repeirs or improvements.� -
<br /> neceasary to kaep said property in tenantable condition,or to nther cherges or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured.This
<br /> '� rent asaignment ehsll coatiaue in force until the unpaid balance of eaid note is fully paid.The taking of poesession hereunder shall in no menner . �.
<br /> � ;�� ,. preveat.or retard sald�.mortgagee in,the collection of.said aume..by:foreelosure or ottierwiae. .. �, . � .. .. . . .. . .. � � . . �. � ..
<br /> � �The failure of the mortgagee to aesert any of ite rights hereunder at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of its right W asaert the � � � :
<br /> � �eame at aay later time,and to ineist upon and enforce atrict compliance with sll the terinv end provisione of eaid note and of this mortgage. .
<br /> � �� If seid mortgegor 3� ehall�cauae to be paid to aeid mortgagee the ent've amount due it hereunder,and under the terms and provisions � � � � � .
<br /> - of said note hareby.sacured,including future advances,and any extsnsione or renewals theceof in accordanca with the terms�and provisions . . �
<br /> . �thereof,and if�qaid mortgagor S� ehaU comply.with all�the provisions of said note and of this martguge,then these presents shall be void: � � . �
<br /> :. otherwixe to remain ia full fons and effect,and said mortgagea shall be entitled�to the posaeeaion of al]of eaid property,end may,st lts option, �� p
<br /> - � �decla[e the whole of�eaid note and all indebtednesa�represented�thereby to be immediately due and peyable,.and may foreclose thia�mortgage �� . �h ��� ""i, �
<br /> ot talce ax�y other legal action to protect ita right_Appraiaement waived. � � '� ,.
<br /> Thia mortgage ehell be binding upon and sha;:enure to tLe benefit of the heirs,executora,administratore,succeesor�and assigne of the i �
<br /> . ��„ reapective paetiea hereto. � . �. . . . . . .. �` s x,�,
<br /> �� IN.WITNESS.WHEREOF, eaid Mortga$or�._hs 3Le_4ereunto aet� ��thP i r�� �hend��_the�day and year�first above � . � ' �!.:�'��
<br />� `written. �. � . . �, . . . : . . . .. � . .
<br /> : ,., ,
<br /> ...�. . .. ^ .. � �. ,. ��_. . ..
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