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<br /> Cer�ific�tE of County Court Proceeclin� Involving i.eal �st.^te
<br /> I '; Txate Septsember 23 , �971
<br /> ' zi�1 �i� ceur�zY �ou�.l e� xaLL cav�T�, r��sr.r_�z�r.
<br /> ;
<br /> This is to certify th�_t � decree l�s Ucen entereci in the County
<br /> Court of Y.�:11 Counry, Pi�bruslc� in a proceedin� eni:itlec3:
<br /> Tdo. 93�$ :oce 3a f+.P<^.�e 182
<br /> idhich is � proceedin; involving PROBATE OF VJILL
<br /> (Probute o_- t?i11, 6.dministration of
<br /> �staCe, iecerminntion o� I-ieirs, �e�ermination o� Inl�erit�nce 'Z'�.x,
<br /> Gu�rdi�nship, or �onserv�torsY!ip)
<br /> in ���lzich proceedin� ttie iollo���in� described reul estate is involved,
<br /> to-r�i�:
<br /> l. The Easterly Tr�enty feet (20') of Lot Ei ht ($) and al1 of Lots
<br /> Nine (9) and Ten (10) in B1ock Forty-six �46), in �harles �idasmer's
<br /> - Third Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, subject to
<br /> easements, cnvenants and restrictions of record.
<br /> 2. �n undivided one-sixth (1/6th) interest in and to an unimproved tract
<br /> of land comprising a part of the I�orthwest �uarter (NW�), Section
<br /> 3bventy-one (21) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , ti'iest
<br /> of the 6th P.N., Hall County, Rebruska, containing 6.09 acres, more
<br /> or less, more particu].arly described as follows: �eginnir� at the
<br /> Southwest corner of the SE'�Iv'�:�� ( as laid oub by County Surveyer Baldwin
<br /> sn l$90 and since used as such� ; thence running Easterly along and
<br /> upon the South line of said l�Z'�4, a distance of 225.17 feet to the
<br /> intere�ction with the Northerly line of the C.B. & � Be1t Line;
<br /> thence r�ortheasterly along and upon said Northerly line of the C.B.
<br /> & G�. Be�!t I.�ine, a distance of 1�$$.4.7 feet; thence Southeasterly per-
<br /> pendicular to the last described caurse, a distance of 25 feet;
<br /> thence 1"7ortheasterly along and upon said Northerly line of the C.B.
<br /> & Cy�-. Railroad Belt L,ine, a distance of 19L�. feet; thence deflecting
<br /> left �9�34' and running Northwesterly a distance of 353 •7 feet to a
<br /> point 300 feet South of the Southerly line of Anna Street in the CiLy
<br /> of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence runnir� Southwesterly paraZlel to
<br /> said South line of �nna Street, a distance of 457.13 feet; thence
<br /> deflecting left 90°�0��: and runnir� Southeasterly, a distance of 25
<br /> �eet; tiZence running Southwesterly parallel to said South Line of
<br /> E1nna Street, a distance of 316.64 feet, to the irJest line of said
<br /> Southeast �,ivarter of the Northwest (auarter; thence Scutherly alon�
<br /> and upon bhe �"lest line of said Southeast C-)uarter oi' the Northwest
<br /> Q u�rter, a distance oz` 226.32 feet to the place of beg3nning and con-
<br /> taining 6.0$6 acres, more or less of wYiich 0.17� acres, m�re or less,
<br /> are presently occupied by county road right-of-way.
<br /> 3• A tract of l.and comprisina a part of the South-east i�lzari;er (SE'�)
<br /> of Section Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11) North, Rar�e P7ine (9)
<br /> klest of the 6th P.P•;. , City of Grand Islanc3, Ha31 County, Nebraska,
<br /> : �nd more particu�rly described as follows: Beginning at�the South- ,,,�� .; ,�.-.,
<br /> east corner of the North Half of the Southeast �uarter {N�SF�`-) ; +�
<br /> ` thence 'running Southerlp along the east line cf said Southeast �2uarter � ,.; ;�
<br /> � a distance of Three Hundred For�y-nine and Six Tenths (349.6) Feet to ,� .
<br /> a point that is Nine Hundred Seventy (970.0) Feet
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