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<br /> Certiiic`tE oi Coun�y CourL Proceedin� Involving i.ea1 Est�^te
<br /> � D^te September 23, 1977
<br /> Iiz TIIE CCUP?TY ^�GUP.T CF HALL CQUI3TY, I?��P.L-_�i'.!s
<br /> This is to certiiy tY;�:t a decree t3as been enterecl in the Cour�ty
<br /> Court of f:r.11 County, Ttlebrsslc� in a proeeecin;; encit-lec?:
<br /> ” IN THF i�iATTEfi OF THE t_,STATE OF DETLEF H. MEVES, Deceased
<br /> ;
<br /> P]o. 9111 �oc. 33 [`,p��e 249
<br /> t?hich is � proceecin� involvinG �'�30BATE Ol� i�1ILL
<br /> (Prob�te o�� t?ill, f_dministrGtion of
<br /> Est�te, �e�cermination of E-Ieirs, Letermin4tion oi Inl�eritcnce T41c,
<br /> Gu<.�rdi�nshi�, or �onservntorstsip)
<br /> in ���tzich proceedin� t�re L-o11o��Tin� described real �sta.�e is involved,
<br /> to-r�it:
<br /> An undivided one-half (2) interest inand to an unimp�roved tract of
<br /> land c omprising a part of the nro�thwest 4�uarter (NL^1�), Section
<br /> �Yn�enty-One (21) , Tov�nship Eleven (11), North, Range Nine �9), 4+:est
<br /> of the 6th P.Pf. , Hall County, Nebraska, containing 6.09 acres, more
<br /> or less, more particularly described as follows: Beginnir� at the
<br /> Southwest corner of the S:�'�I��V�. ( as laid out by County Surveyor
<br /> Baldwir_ in 1£390 and since used as such) • thence running F.asterly
<br /> along and upon the South line of said N`.�1�, a distance of 225.17
<br /> feet to the intersection with the I�;ortherly line of the C.B. & G�
<br /> Belt Line; thence Northeastexly along and upon said Northerly line
<br /> of the C.B. & �� Belt Line, a distance of 4�$•47 feet; thence South-
<br /> easterly perpendicular to the last described course, a distance of
<br /> 25 feet; thence P7ortheasterly alor� and upon said Dlortherly line of
<br /> the C.B. & 6;. Railroad Be1t 1ine, a distance of 194 feet; thence de-
<br /> flecting le£t b9°3l�' and runnin;,:: Northwesterly a distance of 353 •7
<br /> feet to a point 300 feet South of the Southerly line of �Inna S-treet
<br /> & in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence running Southwesterly
<br /> parallel to said South line of Anna Street, a distance of �.5'7.13
<br /> feet; thence deflecting left 90000' and runnin; Southeasterly, a
<br /> distance of 25 feet; thence running Southwesterly parallel to said
<br /> South line of Anna Street, a distance of 31b.Cn1�. feet, to the Vuest
<br /> iine of said Southeast G�uarter:�of the Northwest t;?uarter; thence
<br /> Southerly alon� and upon the Vuest line of. said Southeast quarter of
<br /> the Northorest �uarter, a distance of 226.,��'feet to the place of be-
<br /> ginning and containirk; 6.0$6 acres more or less, of which 0.17F3
<br /> acres, more or less, are presently occupied by county road rig2zt-
<br /> of-vray.
<br /> Person acquirin�; interest
<br /> in and to above real estate: Interest ,?cquired:
<br /> Evely-n G. .�?cves LTr.c�i��ided or_e-third (3/3 ) of
<br /> decedent's interest in above
<br /> Jacouelyn Kay a1ms, Judith Lee
<br /> Kemptar and John S. Meves Undivided trro-ninths (2/9th) �� , ,.�
<br /> .- e ch of decedent T s interest � , n "
<br /> ir�i above /
<br /> .>�l � �/�, ..,-.--__ � � �
<br /> � . . � . . . �� ,,����i%��' G�.�.-��� !�'.l:"J(�.YA�:�r.C'Z j , � �+���
<br /> �� County Judge os s�.id County
<br />� � � � .�
<br /> . A�r.�. ," ��
<br /> . ���'
<br /> t� Clerlc of the County Court
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