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<br /> ImA O RTGAG E '
<br /> � THIS'INDENTURE, made thie - �tirh �y of Sentember , 19�� ,'by ead 'between
<br /> 1 p . �; . �. ;, ..: ..
<br /> ''S1ann���'n_ ilanman �anA'�['.atfiP`-�in 'M"�D nman� hnehanA 'and wifP�pach �in hia�����and �-her ow*+ �'r�oh �: `
<br /> and as 'snotise o£ the other�
<br /> of Hall CouAty,Nebraska,es mo�tgagor s,and Grand Island:Truet Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br /> ,.�� otgahized��and eristing uader the lawa"�of 1Vebraska�with its-principal office and pIace�of bueinese at Grand Island,Nebraska,as mortQagee; ���
<br /> W ITNESSETH,E,That eaid mortgegor�_;for and in coneideration of tha sum of
<br /> Five Thousand Fiva Hundred Ei�hty and no/100 - - - - - - '= - -Do���$, -, 5,580.00 �,
<br /> the receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged,do�by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee,ite euccessors and essigna
<br /> .....»,
<br /> �� �forever,ailthafollowingdescribedrealeatate,�situatedintheCountyof HHll��� ' "`�""" ' '���� ' " � �
<br /> .,�.. '�and�State of Nebraska�,to-wit::. . � . . � . � � ' . � . . . . � . . ..
<br /> Lot One (1), Block Four (4), in Normandy Estates, an addition t.o the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> � ,
<br /> z ,
<br /> �Together�with all heating,:air conditioning,ligbting�,�end plumbing equipment and fixtures,including acrcens,�awninga,atorm windows and� � �
<br /> .���.daore,aad window:shedea or blinda,�used on or in coanection with�aeid property,whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter �� �
<br /> ��:. . :�.;.placed.theref�n. .. . . � . . . . . � . . . . � � � � � �.
<br /> ` �`� � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD�THE SAME,together with all and singular the ten�ements,hereditaments and appurtenancea Lhereuato be- �: ,,��
<br /> � . longing,'or�in anywise�apperteining, forever, and warrant the title to'the same. Said morgagor_S—.:hereby covenant�with said�
<br /> .��.mortgagee.that t hey� �are � ,at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner S of the premises above conveyed�.end deacribed, �
<br /> ��and �a*'P� �eeizad of a good md�indefeasible eatete of inheritance therein,free and clear of aU encumbrancea,end that t he�will��'
<br /> �.-. �.wazrant and�defend�the tiUe thereto forevar against the ctaims and demanda of ell persona whomsoever.�� � . � � � �.. � � �
<br /> „ PROVIDED ALWAYS,and thia inatrument ie axecuted and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of
<br /> � ' Five-Thousand Five Hundred EiQhtv and no/100 - - - - - - -�lla��g 5..580.00 �,
<br /> '.��with interest�thereon,together with auch chargee and advences as may be due and payable to eaid�mortgagce undez the terms and conditions �
<br /> _
<br /> of the promisaory,aote of�even date herewith and secured hereby,�executed by said mortgegor�,to said�mortgagee,payable as axptessed� ' .
<br /> �, � �� -in said note,end�to aecure the performance of all the terms and conditions contained therein.The terms of said note sre hereby incorporated� ..
<br /> ..�.Merein�by thia reference. � . . . . . � . . . � . . .� . � .
<br /> It ie�tha intention aad agreemeat of the paities hereto that this mortgage shal!also aewre any future advances made to seid mortgagor_� . �
<br /> .,�by eaid�raortgagee,and eay and all indebtadnese in additioa to the amoun.t atwve stated whick.said mortgagore,or any of Ghem,may owe to���
<br /> said mortgagee,however evidenced,whether by note,book account or otherwise.This mortgage shell remain in ful!force and effect betwec�n
<br /> ���t6e partiee hereto�and theit heirs,personal repreaentativea, auccessore and asaigns, until all amounta aecured hereunder, including future �
<br /> 2 , advencea.sre Paid in fuL'with intereat.
<br /> t`�� The�.mortgagor.;�_hereby eseign_.to said mortgagee ell�rents and income arieing.at any and all tunea�from said property and
<br /> �6ateby authorize said�mortgagee or�.ite agent,.at ite optioa,upon defeuit, to taka�charge of said praperty and collect all rents and income ��
<br /> � ���� 'tlierefrom�end apply��tbe seme.to���the payment:of��.inYsrest,'principal;'�inaurance premiums, taxes,�..aeaesaments, repaira:�or�itaprovemonts�
<br /> �� . -�necessary to keep esid pzaperty in tenaakable condition,or�to other charges or payments�provided for herein or in the note�here6y secured.This � � � � �
<br /> �;rnnt aeaigament ehall continue in force.until the unpeid balance of said note ia fully.paid.The tekiag of possession hereunder.shall ia no manner �
<br /> ; Prwent oz.refard said;mort8a8ee ia the collection of aaid eums by foreclosuze or otherwiae.
<br /> s���' .. The failure ot the�mortgagee�to assert any of ite righLa hereunder at any tixne shell aot be construed as e waivez of ita right to assert the
<br /> ;�. . same�at aeylater.time,.and�to in&ist upon and enforce atrict.compUance with all�the terms and provisions of said note�aad of thia mortgage. . . . .
<br /> � If said mortgagor.� ,s8e11 cnuee to he paid to e�aid morigagee the entire amount due it hecdunder,and.under the tenns and provisions �
<br /> of safd note hereby secured,including future sdvances,aad any exteasione or reuewals theteof in accordaaca with the terms and provisions
<br /> thereof,end.3f eaid moetgagor..�_eha11 comp�y with aIl the_provisiona of said note�and.of thia martgage,then these presents shell�be void; - � 't
<br /> ; otherwiee tu ramaitn ia feill force and affect,and eaid mortgagee @Lall be eatitled to the poesaesion of aJl of said property,and may,a4 its option.
<br /> k declere the whota of said pote and all indebtedneee,repreaented there6y to be immedieWly due and payable,and may foxecloae this mortgage .,....� ` x�,
<br /> or�take sny other legel�.actioa to prohect 3Es'�right.Appraisement waived.���- . '� '�.. �� : � . . � .� .� . .. . �� *P'��" �'»"�' ` ��
<br /> a Thie mortgage a6ell ba hiriding upon acld ahell enure to t6e beneHt of the heirs,executora,adminisCrators,Buccessore and assigns of the �
<br /> ( � ��
<br /> ` reapective parties heretb. � ,.
<br /> �.
<br /> ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, seid Mottgagor._S__hayg�_hereuupo aet ��� their hend,:`g the day�and year firec above� . '�" �,;
<br /> writtea. . . . .. �/'� . . . . . �, ;., .
<br /> / ✓ /�� /"",
<br /> .d..�' �� � -
<br /> Dann� D. Denman � j
<br /> t:.��,_e,,;,�, Y?i�, Ja.�,�r,.y,.,..,.—J
<br /> Catherine M. Denman
<br /> � `._, �
<br />� �
<br />�
<br />