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��.� , �. <br /> l ._M *,,�; <br /> , <br /> �.^ _ � _ __ r— —� <br /> � MORI'GAG£--Savinq� �d Ia�m Form--(Diract Cr�dlt PImJ 255-2 (3FeciaA . . � . .: <br /> J��► p�5�9� MORTGAGE k. <br /> ; ..s. <br /> � � � � . . � _ . � � , .,. . . � ��.Iami No " ..� .�.,.. ;.; , , 'i <br /> � ' 24th Septem6er ' 77 � � <br /> rxis uaa�rruae,maae �F�• a�;. �� 19_.bp�d bstweea <br /> DONALD E: SHQRT AND p1ANE C. SHORT, hushand and wffe, ,each in his and her own right and� <br /> as spouse of the other : <br /> , <br /> � `�. ��oL �� HS( � ��� � . ty..Nebraslca.�'mortgagoi 5�d Fiome Federal Savings'�d Loan�Aeaociation ot Gr�d Iatand..�.. � .- �� . �.�: <br /> � a co�aorntion organized �d e:intinq uadcr tLe�,law��of Nsbiaaka�writh3ts priadpal cfiice.�d place oi buainees at Graad Ielamd,Nelnnaka... <br /> .��mortqdgee:. . . . .. . . . _. . . . . . <br /> ( � WITNE.SSE1'H: 'Ihat�said mortgaqor�_. !or aad ia�oonsidezaffo��a:�the sum.of. . . . � � <br /> TH I RTY`TWO TNOUSAND F f VE HUNDRED AND NO/l OOr�-T-.---� ._ - -- -- -- ,,,,vam �y ' 32,500.00 <br /> ,, <br /> ' '+.�� �..:the reeeipt�o! which�is hezeby.aclmowledged.�do�_by.:these Preneata mortgage and�w�rant�unto amd mortqaqee. !ts suxeeeor� and � '� "� <br /> , <br /> ��aseiqns..toreaer.�al2�.tha fot2owiag deecribed rea! estate, sitaated�in ihe covntp ot� Ha� � � .. � � <br /> . :�� '.:�md�:Stata�of�.Neb�aelca.�to-wit: . � ..... . . . . . . � . - . � . . . � . : , ,. <br /> , BEGINN�NG AT A POtNT ONE HUNDRED (100) fiEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF L07 TW0 C2) <br /> OP THE COUNTY SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE'r,) OF SECTlON FIVE E5) <br /> OF TOWNSHIP NINE (9), NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF SIXTH P.M. IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br /> � RUNNlNG THENCE WES7 FIFTY (50) FEET ON LfNE OF SAtD IOT, THENCE NORTH ONE HUNDRED Nlt�ETY � <br /> FIVE AND OIJE HALF (1952) FEET, THENCE EAST FIFTY (503 FEET, THENCE SOUTN ONE HUNDRED <br /> NINETY FIVE AND ONE HALF C195�) FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGIFJNING BEING A RECTANGULAR PlECE <br /> � OF tAND CONTAtNtN6 9775 SQUARE FEET. � <br /> � AIVD- <br /> LOT FIVE CS) AND THE WESTERLY THIRTY-FIVE FEET OF LOT SIX (6), IN BLOCK TWELVE ( 12), <br /> ORIGINAL TOWN OF DONIPHAN, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> �$ 'foqether with all heating, ILghting, vnd pl�mbing equipment and fizturea,including stokers and burness,�xzeena..awniaqa,storm w�indows � <br /> ��� and doors,aad wiadow shadea or blinds, uaed on ot in coanection with emd propeity, whethei the etmte �e�now Inca[ed oa mvid property <br /> �or horeafter placad thereoa. � <br /> � TO�HAVE AND 70.HOLD'IHE SAME, together wilh all �d ainqular the teaemeatm,Leredit�neats mid appurtanaacea t6ereunto beloag-� � <br /> ?� ing.or in anywiae appertainiag.forever,and warrant xhe title to the same. Said mortgagoYs he:ebp eoveaan�mith�smd ewrtgaqee . - <br /> � i <br /> : �� 1'h�_ are ��e delivery hezeot, the IawfuJ owners ot tt�o premieee above rnaveyed�d deeeribed,��d � are � <br /> � <br /> �.�.aeized of a good md indefeasible estate o[iaheritance therein, fzea and clear ot all eacumbrancae,aad ehat ��__will warr�t�d <br /> �detoed the title thereto torever against the claims and demands of a11 persons whomscever. � � �� . . <br /> � PROVIDED�ALWAYS, and ihia instrumeat is ezecuted and delivered to secure the papment ot the aum ot � <br /> TH I RTY TWO THOUSAND F I VE HUNDRED AND NO/I 00.--�------------ ---- -�n„ll� �a 32,500.00 � <br /> with iniereat t6ereon, together with such charges aad adv�ces as may be due and payab3e to eaid.mortgaqee under the terms �d�� <br /> �� conditiom of tho promisaory note oi evea date herawith and secuzed herebp.executed by amd mortgagor S to smd mortqaqee,payabla� <br /> �� ���� �as e�cpreeaed ia eaid note,�d to aecuze the peAormance of all the terms �d coaditions conLmned thereia. The terma of acid note.��are� <br /> . hereby incorporated Lereia by thi� ralerence. . � � � � . . <br /> � <br /> � It is the iatentian and agreement of the pmties hezero that this mortqage shdl aleo secvre any future advancea made to eaid � <br /> � �mortgagor 5. by emd mortqagee, md aay.aad al( indebtednaes fn addiHon to lhe �ouut above stated which� said morigagors, or���any <br /> � . ot Wem, map owe to enid mortgagee, however evideaced whether by note,book account or otherwine. TLis mortgaga chall remain ia full � <br /> � foYee:�d effect�batweea the paniea Lereto and il�eir�he'us. pezaonal repxeaentatives, aucceasore and asxigns, until all amounta�secured �� <br /> . heteundez,including futue advancee,Qe paid in Sull witL interest.� � �� � � � <br /> � The maztgagors hereby aasi,� to eaid mortgaqee all zenta mid.income arisl¢q at any and all timee from amd property.�d . <br /> � ���hereby authorize said mortgagec�or ita agea4 at ite option. upon take�charge�ot wid propertp and wllect�all��rente aad inmme� <br /> . thorelrom aad apply the.e�a to 1he payment ot interest,.principal,.iasurance.premiuma, tazea, aanemmenta, rap�ara oz improvemeats neees- <br /> sary to keep spid properip in ten�tab7e condilion, or to otLer c.h�ges ot paymente provided ior herein or in the aote Lereby eecured. 71tia�� <br /> � � sent�assignmaat shali matiaue ln forca un�il tha unpaid ba2aace af eaid note is tullp paid.� The takiag ot posseeatoa beceunder ehall in no � �� � <br /> � mnnnez�preveat or retard.eaid mortqagee in the eolleetion of amd suma by toreeloeure oz othsrwiae. . � . <br /> 3 � � The�iailux�-�wt��tLa`mcrtqayea toe ame=l aap�oE.!ts righta hareundec at anp ttme ahall not be conat:ued as a wmver of iL�rtqht to�aseert � <br /> -.the a�e�at�aq]�+later=lioiCe;��d`to ineist'��upoa md eaioree etriet compGance with dl� the terma aad pmviaiom of said note �d ot thia � <br /> � � mortgage. . . �.. .�.;:,.; ,,. .�... .. ... .. . . .. .. <br /> �� � If acid�aaitqaqar S a.hcll�caux Sa be paSd !o aatd aortgaqee t�e enti:e amouat due St hereuadez,aa3 undez the tezma aad pzoviaioaa � �� � <br /> �� ot wid note hereby�secured,"sacludiaq:futuze.advances.and aay exteneioaa or�reaewala�thereoi ia.accordanca �nith�the terms�d provia[ons � <br /> �.:thereoi,and�.�..if�atd mc�tgago�ahall eomply witL QIl tha�providoaa oE aafd aote aad of thSs mMgaqe.thea�the�a preseab ehalt be �otd; <br /> S �otherwiee�to remain��iw��full fvtp��d e!lee6�d amd mostgaqee ahati be eatltled to tha posseasion of dl of said pzoperty, �d may, at its� '� <br /> " �. oP�. �� �e wLote��ot edd aote and all indebledne�s repre�snted tLereby to tie immediatelp due�and��papable,and may�:loreclose t7ds�. � .` ' - <br /> , F mor�9< otbes legal nction.-Ro��.rlgLL�aad�lrom.ths�date o!rucL.dotault all ttems ot indebtedaess secuzed horeby ... . �.r � .' `. " �. <br /> . ; ahail draw interast at�gll6 per anavm.��AppradRemant�waived. .. . . . � . . . ... . :-...�� $'�'x,, ;. <br /> �'� This mort4age �hali ba binding�upoa�and �hall+avre w��tL� b�ae1F1 d tha�.hsSa. e:ecutot�:admini�!=ato;w �ssccsesox��d asaiqnr oQ �r �"'� <br /> ,�.. the raapsetivo porti�s LereM. I.. . - . .; ,. , .�: . . �.. .� . � � ... :: �°b <br /> .. IN W1TlZF$S VY�EO�F.,wid Mort4a9or`' �•^V 2 h�reuato �et�� }h @ t I" �. .�. �.....�5 . tLs dap'�d year firet above ��. . }r'� . <br /> � . <br /> -��� S :.rilttea.� .,. .�,. � : ���� . . � . . �. � � .. . � .. . . , �` - ,..�,� <br /> �� .we <br /> ��,���,.,,� _ ��> c ��� -� � � . � : <br />� Donald E. Short � �biar.e ,,. ti ort ,� <br /> � _ .,., . . <br /> !.� � <br />� _.... <br />