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�,�; � ;�. <br /> �.r � Y�� ;;a <br /> . <br /> �� �-�— <br /> �_..�.__.,.,�,.__.'..___.--'-- - '_.- _--'..- . _. _ �. <br /> ���MORTGAGE—Savfagr�cad ttwa�Form—{Direct��Credtt Plaa.i.255-2 (Spedal) : � . r,� � ,`' <br /> �y%�'- U U�5��' MQRTGAGE <br /> Loan Na <br /> � ' + � �� rrus%1t�ENruns. maae �nu ��� 26th`� ,�� ,. � Septembar �� ,rs����by ana � <br /> f <br /> � OONAL� J: MEDBERY AND CAROLYN S. MEDBFRY. husband and wife, each in his and her own"' <br /> ' 3 riqht.and as spouse 'of the other , ; ` ` <br /> ol�� Ha 1 I ���Coesnty.Nebrc�'�mozfqagor�,aad'fiome Fedaral Saviaqs��and Loan���Aaaoetatlon of Grccad�isfand,��� F <br /> � -� .�: a corporwtion organized aad esiaGnq�under!he lawa of�Nebraa3�a�with�its pzladpa2 olfice and ploce of bueineas at Grand Islaad. Nebraaka.�� <br /> .m�mortgagee: . . . .. . . .� , . ... <br /> ; �WITNESSETH: That aafd��mortgaqor_�, to[ and In eonuideration�of the aum of � �� ���� <br /> ' THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100--------__----------�r,�Q„ �� 3�i.500.00 �, <br /> � �`� . 1Le�.zeeetpt.of which�ia��hereby�aclrnowladged,�do—�by tkese preeents morigage and warrant�uato aaid�mortgagae;'its�eucceeaorR�dnd�� :. <br /> i �� asa[qae, foraver,all�the following dexzibed zeal eatate, situated in She couaty o! N�I � � � <br /> i� .. aud State��o[�Nebraeka:'to-wih�.: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. � . ... � �� . . . .. � ; . . . " ,:. <br /> �.'.�. . . .. � . .. � �. � . , . � ; �� <br /> LOT FIVE (5) BLOCK TWO C2) IN CAPITAL HEIGHTS FOURTH SUBDIVISION, <br /> BEING A PART OF THE SWII OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP II NORTH, RANGE 10 � <br /> # WEST OF THE 6th P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. � <br /> ; � � � � � � � � <br /> , <br /> F � <br /> �; <br /> }' ' <br /> ' � <br /> 1 <br /> � � � s Together with aU heatinq.�lightiag, aad pivmbing equipment aad lixtuzea,includinq s�oken and burnern,eaeens, awninge, storm windowe �� <br /> y � � and�dooza,and wiadow ehadea or bliade, uaed on or in coaneetioa wilh aaid property, whethez the aQme are now Focated on acid property <br /> -or.haieafter.placad Ihereoa. <br /> � <br /> ��-TO HAVE AND.TO HOLD TFIE SAME. rogether with all and aingular the tenemeats,hereditaments and appurtenaaces theraunto�beloag- .'�: <br /> �.iug,oc ia�anywiae appertaining,to�ever.and warraa!the title to the same. Said mortqaqoz � hereby covenant�.— with said mortqagee �� <br /> ��ttiat� ��t�he—X ar� at the deHvery heraoi, the lawful owner_S of the pzevSsea above conveyed and.deacribed,and_are <br /> ; . � .: .�. . . <br /> S ��eeized�of a qood and indetoanibie estate o!iaherimnce thezein, fzee and clear ot all encumbrancee,and that �'._ha_��will wnnant and� <br /> � � j defond the titla t6ereto torever against the Naims and demands ot all parsona whomsoevez, � <br /> ��..PROVIDED ALWAYS.�and th[s�instrament is executed and delivered to secure the paymaat of the sum of <br /> s ' THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100-------------------- noi�a�a ca 3�,500.00 �, <br /> �.�with�iatereat�thereon, togother with such charges aad advances as may be duo and payable to said mortgagee under the�terma�and <br /> - � condilions of the promissory note of even date hexewith and sacured hereby,ezecuted by eald mortgaqor�_to soid mortgagee,payable <br /> � ' ae��expressed.i¢caid note, and to secuze the performance oi all i2ie terma aad coaditlona contaiaed tharein.� The terms of said aote aie � <br /> �.heteby�incorporated herein by this refezence. � � . � � ��.� �. . . . . <br /> � � It is the�intention aad agreement of the parties herelo that t'his morigage shall alao aecure any future advances made to said � � <br /> � �� mortqagor_Y.>by said mortgaqee, and�any c.nd al] indebtadnase in addiHon to ihe amount above stated which said mortgagose;�or��any .. . <br /> ��. of Ahem, mcy�owo to said�mortgagee. however evIdeaced, whether by�note,book account or otherwise. This mortguge ahoil remaia in!ull � <br /> �toroa�:and etfect'hetwaea ihe partiea�hereto and thair heizs,.peraonal repreeentaqvee, aucr_easoza and aeaigns, uatil ali amomta securad � � <br /> hereunder,iududing 4utme advaaees,are pa[d Ia full witv iatezeaL . � � <br /> + � .��The morigagor�_,heieby awiqa� eaid�mozigaqee all zeau and inmme ariei�g at any and.aA timee.from said proparty and <br /> ]�ecaby authozica eatd mortgagee or its�ayeat, at ita optioa, upon dafault,to lake charge o! eaid property and collect all renta and lncome � . � <br /> theretrom und opply the samo lo�16e payment ot interest, premivms, tazee, asaeeamenta, repaire or improve:aeaU necoe-. � <br /> � aGzy to�keap eaid property in tenaat¢ble coadiHoa, or to othez e1�Crgea oz paymenta provided foz herein or in the no4�hereby aecuzed This <br /> �� rettt assignment.ahall�continue'va force u¢til the unpaid balanee of.said note ia Juliy paid. The takiag ot possaueion ho[eunder ahall in no . <br /> ?.. manner prevent or.ietaid eaid modgagee in the.eolleetioa o1�said suwe by toracloauzo or otherwiee. . <br /> ' ; �� The f ! e f the"moztqagee to asaeri�any of fte�riqhte hereuader at any tlme�aLall not be construod a�a waivar o4 ita riqht to asaert . . <br /> . � � iho..eame ��� o Q""tty`htatist vpoa and eafoece etrict wmplianee with aIl the teima and pccvieions ct �cid note aad of th?a . . . . <br /> :.�.� . mortgage.... � ��"4Ek:9da,a.�d4 +.,,;, , .. .y . . ... . ... . . ... .. . . . <br /> ��If sa 'r`��1,�,�iuse to be'.paid to said moztgaqee��the entize amouat due it hereuncYr.r,and under t3za terms and proviaioa� - <br /> � . ot said aote heteby secur�ed,tnCluding fuhue``a"dvanees,and aay exf.enaioas or ranowals tLereot tp�aecordance with eLe terms.�d�provisioar <br /> thereol,and 1t.said morlqagor `'. ahall comply with all'the provlaione o! wid note and a} thie mor�ga9e, then theee prenenW ahall be voSd; Y <br /> � .' S otherwLe to zemaia ia iull fotu:�and�eltoc4�and��crid.mortgaQes� oaHLled to.�ehe paweWoa�af.all oi said�.propecty. �d..may.,.at iu <br /> � optioa, declare the wLole of wid aote.aad aU iadebtednea�repre�snted thereby ro be immsdlately due and payable, and may loredoee this - k� <br /> modgaqe or take an other lagal�detioa lolprotect�ib dqht;aad 3rom�.t6e date o! sueh detault all ttems o! indebtadaeas aeeurad hereby . <br /> ys4a11 dzcw lntezest at��„par apaum. Apprairemeat wdved. . . . �hr � �� <br /> 1Tis tnOrtgags �hqA�:ba binding apon amd �haU �aurs to-th� brnelit of 1ha hein,amuton,admtaGtratore,�suc+ce�eors�and aseiqn��o! � � <br /> � ahe:e�pactiv�padiei hersta. . . . . .. . � . . . � . . ;�'�u'�, <br /> _ . . ` . ..... ,.. . . . s� ,. <br /> -IN YVITtTFSS WHEREOF wid-.Mortqaqor.c� ��- Y2hero�ato.�at �"hE3.l r � �+aa`LS_.tLe day and yeaz ticee above � � � .�,; <br /> ',S svettea. ` - . .. . . � � . .. . <br />� � ` '� ,� ��� '� '; ,�' }�i��a ,'✓� ;�. , <br /> p �i. . <br /> • l �.._ / ,. � . .� <br /> : DONALD J,.. MEDBERY CAROLYN . MED�R�Y - � <br /> �� � � <br />� <br />