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<br /> ` �� 503�la-�.£ASE OF MORTGAGE—Cozporation xee surto,nn ae erel Bnppl�Houae,Lincoia pTebr �5
<br /> f�_�.�_.._�.____._ ._._ —__� - -_.__ —_.. ._._,s
<br /> IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the d�t�t namesi therein, the �
<br /> ' Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, I�iebraska 6$$32 he.eby reZeases the mortgage made to �s
<br /> j� William R. Waters and Darlene A. Waters, Husband and Wife h
<br /> ii by Bank of Doniphan F,
<br /> � i'
<br /> S} on the following destribed real estate, to-zvii: �
<br /> �, Lot Seventeen S17) in Whites Sunny Slopes Subdivision, Section Twelve (12 �.
<br /> ti Township Nine (9), Range Ten (10) Ha21 County, Nebraska i;
<br /> ¢'
<br /> h,
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<br /> i+
<br /> �+. af Sectiox in Tournship , Ran,qe of the P. M.,
<br /> 7� County,State of Nebraska which u recorded in Book of Real Estate Mortgages, page
<br /> �i of the records of said Coxnty. 77-00305$ � `
<br /> ' IN TESTIMONY WHERFOF, the said B2nk of Doniphan has caused
<br /> �i these presents to be executed by its president and its Corporate Seal to be a�'rzed hereto ehis 23rd ��
<br /> ; day of,,::v �„�e�tember . 79 77 Bank of Doniphan__
<br /> ai Wstn¢�Cs� jf r •-------•• ----------------� �J�"�' � ---... __.. . --
<br /> ' �s , �,.�.. r ------------------------------------------....._... By...��'.°..'-'�.r,.! _ _ GL2r.��':"i.President
<br /> a t'c� "- • = / /
<br /> .�v�'' . .
<br /> �
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<br /> ` 3p . .._c •---------------------------Attest ..��,�,�����..l��y�-?�»G�/�; Cashier, Secretasy �
<br /> � S! ,. r: t {r 9 � . 'e � . �' . �.. a�'
<br /> , ' S�'A �_��- _ "i��t,��aska--•-............................ • 2,�rd Se _tember 7 ,
<br /> , t� : - On thss---•-- - -.da o.------....p.--•-�•....................... z
<br /> - v f . . 9--7.... :
<br /> � 4j f{ �� � _County }ss. befose �xe, the undersigned, a Notary Pubhc sn and fns said
<br /> 0
<br /> , • •:, � -,- 3?� -----------------------•--......---
<br /> ° �` '� � Geor e H. i�lanitschke , en
<br /> ,; County;'perso�lly came.__._..---...--•-•-----•..............6'.--••-----.._..._....--------._........_...--�---•--.................--------...._......--�--., P esid t of the `:
<br /> ` " Bank of Doni han i;
<br /> ;,; ....:. ..... . ...:.::............. ...........--•-•--- •-------� --�---.P..___.......--•-------•�----.......---...----....------........---�-------•---. a Cosporation ;+
<br /> �� to me personalLy hnown to be the President and identual person wkose name u aj�xed to the abnve release and
<br /> ,? acAnowledged the exerutian thereof to be his volunt¢ry act and deed as such o�cer, ond the voluntary act and deed
<br /> ` } of said Carporatio�.
<br /> V " Witness my hand and Notarial Sea! at........__.._.Doni�han _ , in said County the day and yea� `
<br /> ; �` last above written. y �
<br /> 1 - . Jll1 25 19�0 g..-�---•-- �i:�-2.4�i�.l..��... ..�:�•�r�iNot¢ry Publit `'t
<br /> �; My comm:s on expyres.----.-••-.-•y---.... � ..__......., r
<br /> ' i�� � EENERhL NOTAAY-State ol NehrE57f!���� f . `��
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<br /> ��.-- N fJy Gomm.Exp.luly 25,1980 �
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