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� <br /> , <br /> s = <br />��.� � __W w�..�.� <br /> �: �. v � <br />� <br /> � . LOAN No. �� .Q.4 g � g 1 Q� ��MOftTGAGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT" . <br /> � . ./���� l,�U S S��. . . � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS <br /> THa,T ROGER E. LINDLY and ELEANOR J. LINDLY, husband and wife, <br /> � each contracting in his own right and as spouse of the other <br /> :of iha Cwnty of .. . HSl]. . , and Stote�of Nebmska,mortgogors, in considerotion oF the zum of � � . . . <br /> TfiIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO/100ths-------------------rtg38,700.00 )�p�v�as <br /> ���.�fMe receipt whereof��ishereby acknowledyed,do hereby SELt AND CONVEY Yo State Federal Savings ond Loon Auociation,Beatrice, Nebroskc,mortgogee,�. � � � � <br /> ��.tha following dascti6ed reol estate sihated, in � �$gj,l,. County,Stote of Nebraska,to wit: . <br /> LoC Twelve (12), Block One (1), Pleasant View Fourth Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska <br /> � <br /> c <br /> �� � .ogether witM oll bui idings,easemenis, improvaments, fixtures or appurtenances now or hereafter erected fhereon, including,all apparotus,aquipmant, � � � <br /> �xtures or�arficles,�whether in singla unihs or centrolly conirolled, used ro supply heat,gos,air conditioning,water, light,power,refrigeration,vantilation, � � � - � . <br /> ��dishwnshing��.disposal,or other services,ond any oiher thing now or hereafter�herein or ihereon,the furnishing of whi<h by Inssors to lessees��is customory or . . <br /> �appropriafe,�including s<raens,window shades,sform doors and windows,floor covarings,screen doors, in-a-door 6eds,awnings,stoves and woter heaters(all�� . � � � <br /> �of which nra daclared to be a part of soid real estate whether physicolly otiached fhereto or not).The Mortgagee is heraby subrogo�ed to the rights of oll mor- �� � � . � <br /> . rgagees,�.lianholders and owners paid oFf by fhe proceeds of/ha loon hareby secured.This mortgoge consitutes a security agreemen�with respect to�he chottels � � �; . � <br /> ��;.wverod hereby and witk fhe fixtures attoched to the above described reol estate in which mortgogee hos an ordinory sewrity inisrest. � . . �. . � <br /> 70 HAVE AND TO HOLD the�mid proparty,wifb said buildingc,easemenfs,improvements, fixtures,oppurtenances,appamtus aod equipmenf,uoto said �� � � <br /> '��Mortgogee� ifs successors and ossigns foreven � - . � <br /> � ��Thn malgagon represent and covenant wifH the morigagae ihot they arc lawfully seized in Fee simple of said premises;thal they hcve good righf and lawful� � . � <br /> .�aufhuity ro sall and conveyfhe same;thah they are free and clear from encumbmnces;�bat fhere are no outztanding security interesfs ogainst any fixtures;and� � � . <br /> . . -that.they wi!I worrant ond defend the tiNe ro soid premises agains�the claims of all persons, and that ihare are no outstanding security interests as to any ond�all � . � <br /> �of��Fie above dascribed fixtvres. � � � �� � � <br /> � PROVIDED,always and Yhesa presenis are upon express condition:That, Whereos the said mortgagors have this doy executed and deliverad f�o the said �� <br /> � . ��Auocia4ion��one certain note in.fhe amount of the above considerotion,whic6 sum with interest as providad by said note or any mufual modification or exfrnsian � . � �� <br /> .. � .thereof,and oll sums which wid Auociofion shallpoy out oF its own funds for taxes,insuronce or repairs on the pmperty described harein,or future<aahodvance- � <br /> ��mants�mode by the mortgagee to the mortgogor,or his successor in title,for any purposa ot any time bafore the release and concellction of Ihis mortgage (provid- � . .� <br /> . .ed fhot tha wid adva�cement,together with.the principol balanca due aT fhe tima of the wid advoncament,shall not exceed the original amount of the mortgege � � � <br /> �� and,provided further,ihat noYhing herein confoinedsholl ba consideredos limiting tha omounts thatshall be secured heraby whan advonced to protect the sscurity . �� � � <br /> . � .�oF in acwrdance with the covenanh wntained harein)shall oonstitute fha debt owing to said Association and 6y soid no�e said mortgagors promise to pay said . � � <br /> � � dabf and intcrast ro fhe Aswciotion in monthly instaiimenis as provided in said nae of even date herewith.Unless modified or exfended,fhe fincl poyment is due . � <br /> . � � � � � � � �348 manths from dare. � � . <br /> � � �Mortgogors furthar agree to pay,before delinquancy,tha sums sacured hereby,and oll taxes and charges of evary character assassed or now due,under . <br /> ����the laws of Nebrasko,upon said real es�afe,ond upon this mortgape or tha note or debf secured hereby;to keep fhe buiidings upon said premises inwred for fire � � <br /> ���and extended�coveraga in soma company o�<ompanies acceptable to mortgagee for an amount not less thon the value of the building,cs determined by the mor- � <br /> �.tgogee oYlhe unpuid bolonce of fha loon,whichever is less;fo keep all improvements in good repoir and condifion,without wazfe during�helife of thix mortgoge;. : � <br /> � <br /> and to permiY mortgagee�or its ogant ro enfer upon soid premises to axomine fhe condition of said improvemenfs in ordar fo eawre compliance herewith. � � <br /> � �SFould default be made in payment of the sum sewred tiereby,or any porf tMereof, ond soid defaull continue for sixty (60)doys,or should said i suranca � <br /> b�. � ��nof be prompily affecfed,or toxes or assessmonts not be paid before delinquency,or deFoult in ony of the terms of tha note for which this mortgoge is sewrity, <br /> ° . ��'�or said property.sold or transferred by dead, confroct,option,easement,or ofherwisa,without approval of a supp�amantol applicotim for assumption of this mor- <br /> . � tgoge ond tho�dabf evidenced thareby,by tha Associotion,or in cose of Failure ro duly obsarva and be governed by theprovisions ond�conditions oP tho Gharter, <br /> ��$y-Laws of satd Azsociation,and�ules and regulations of The Federal Sovings and Loan System,or if insured by mortgage insurance corporations, ro pay in add- . <br /> � �.ition�at the opfion of fhe Associotion,the prerniums for said insumnca,or fhe d(scovery by the Association, or its officars, that onv of the statements contained <br /> � : in the.opplieafion for tha loon executad by morFgagon are false,or if o lax lian,odditionol mortc�oge,mechenics�ian,or other encumbraoce is filed of record . <br /> '� whi<h imposcs o lien against the above described reol astate, fhan the whole of said indebtednezs remoininS unpaid sholl ot the option of Ihe said Asso<iation., � � <br /> � �.become due ond peyeble withouf nofi<e,time being ihe essence of fhis rnn�roet.. � <br /> '�Should mwtgogon Foil to keep the bvildings insured,os herein ogread,or pay reel estota taxes and special assessmenhs on the wid mortgaged pro- . <br /> . . ..porty.before delinquancy,mortgaoea mov effact said insurance,pay faxes and insurenca premiums,and all such ooymenis, with intarest as p�ovided in the first <br /> � ��mortgage nofe sowred by fhis mor/gage,shall be a lien upoo soid p�emises and sewred hcreby. � <br /> �� �� �� The mortgagon hereby�ralinquish all homesfead and mariYal rights of evary kind in and ta the said premisas. � <br /> Focfhe purposa uf furnishirgfurther securityfor the debt�secured hareby,the mortgegors hareby euign,transFer and seY over to ihe mortgogne,to be applied <br /> �� foward tka paymanY of.Yhe�ncta and all other sums secured here6y, fn mse af a defoutt in tho pe:formance o.`any of ihe ferms aod conditions of fhi¢mortgoge or '� <br /> -the said�nofe�;oll the rentay revenues,and�income to be�derived(rom the mongaged during:uch lime as rhe mortgage�ndebtedness sholl remoin unpaid; y�` <br /> ,�� ��and ihe mortgagee shoil heva�powar�ho appo7nt any.agenf�or.agants,it moy desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and oF renting fhe same and coilect- '.�`� <br /> � ,. . <br /> i�ng fhe rodfs.revenues,�and incnme,�ond if may poy out of said income ol)expensns of repoiring said premises and necessory commissions, ond expenses incurred �- � <br /> ��in rentiog�ond monoging:the same,rnd ofcollecting renfals.t}nerefrvm�thebalance remaining if ony,to6e opplied roward the discharga ofsaid mortgage indebted- _ N .. <br /> ne�s.Morigogee shall dccount for ronts ac��ally collected and noY.for the rental value of soid premisas. � � �+�� � <br /> S�� � If the?ndebtednass secured hereby be guamnteed or inwrad under fFre Servicemen's Raodjustment Act, as�omended,su<h Aet and Regulations issued there- ,� <br /> .under ond in�effecf tin.the data hereof eholl govem the�ight, doties and Iia6ilities of the parties hereto,�and any prov7sions of this or other instruments execufed . <br /> �.��in connecfion wiTh said.indebtedness which we inconsistent with said Act or Regulnfions are 6ereby omendad to conform ihe.reto. � � - . . . <br /> �� The ter-ns umed to doztgnate any of tho.partfes harain�shall bn deamod�to:include 1he hai:x,reprasentuti4er,su.cessurs a���d.:,si�n. o` za:d pertic:, a;d the � <br /> �term"Morlgagor"sholl�olw include ony lowful owner,�bolder or p{adgor of ony indeb�adneia securad hareby. '�'� <br /> �L-9 Rer.�7-75 . � . . . . . �. . (tumble)�� : <br /> r � . . . � . . . .� . <br />� L_ � <br /> � <br />