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•'�§ � g.�`�� R <br /> V� ��y�. <br /> ,X,. � ;".•�„.;no,�,y� . <br />�� -. �- � <br />�� � <br />���� . .. � . . � � . . <br /> � � MORTGAGE-Savings and Lom Form--(Diract Credit Piaa) 255-2 SSpeciaU �. � � � <br /> � 'µ %7-� �� , . MORTGAGE <br /> . t_.C,:5 5��0 <br /> �No <br /> � 22nd September �1s-77t�y�ayati,�, � <br /> n�s n�m�runs. �ag ���• a,,;• o <br /> CNARI.E'S B, BEER `AND BEVERLY L. BEER, husband and wife, each in his and her own riqht <br /> 3 and as spouse of the other <br /> , <br /> ��ot_. Ha.�,r r unty, Nebraalca.�mortqagor_.5 aad FIome Federa]Savinga mid I.oaa Assx3ation of Graad Ialaad, . . <br /> a coryoratioa organized.and easHng undez the laava ot Nebra�ka�with ite priaapal otfice and place of buaineea at Gr�d Isl�d�Nebraskar. � . <br /> . �mortgagee: �. . . . . . .. . � . . . . . <br /> ���WITNESSEiA: ?hcl eaid mortgaqorS tor and 3n conaidezation of the aum of � � � � � � <br /> TEN THOUSAND AND NOI100�-----------_-------------------�--^---------nottare (S !0�000.00 �. <br /> '. '�the reeeipt�ot wluch�is hereby�aclmowledged, do�_ by theae preaeats mortgage �d w�aat unto eaid morlqages, ile euocaaeon�d . <br /> �aasigas, forever, at1 the toLowinq deecribed real eatate, aituated ia iho countp ot__ Ha� � � � <br /> . .��� � :;aad-State of Nebraata. lo-wit:.: � .... � � - � . . . . . . . . . . .. . � . <br /> .. � � �.. � .. . � . <br /> WESTERLY TWENTY SEVEN (27) FEET OF LOT SIX (6) AND THE EASTERLY FORTY E1GHT <br /> (48) FEET OF LOT SEVEN (7), IN BLOCK TEN CIO) IN PARKHILL THIRD SUBDIVISION <br /> � i � AN ADDITION TO THE C�TY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNT'f, NEBRASKA. <br /> . ,� . . 1 , . ... <br /> .S Sogether wilh all heating, lighting, �d plumbinq equipment and fisturea, inciuding atokery and bssrnera, acreens, avcninqe. stormwindows <br /> ..� and doors, nnd window shadee or blinds, used an or in connection with eaid property, whether the same rne now located on eoid property <br /> ��or�hezeattez placed thereoa. <br /> � . TO HAVE AND T'O HOLD 7HE SAME, together with all and singular the tenomenta,hereditaments msd appurtea�eea thereunto beloag- . . � � <br /> ing,or in anywiae appertoining,torever,and warrant the title to the eame. Said moztgaqor�hereby coveaaut— with aaid mortgagea �� � � �� <br /> that _.�ie� a�� at the delivery hereot.the Iawfui owner s ot the premieea above coaveyed�d deacribed,�d_a�e � . � � <br /> 3 seixed ot a good and indefeasible eatate ot inheritance therein, free and clear oi all eacumbmncee, and that -_�e�_will wanmt�d <br /> de/ead ihe tiHe thereto torever against fhe claima and demends of c!S �rscns=rkosr.s;zsar. <br /> ; PROVIDED ALWAYS. and this iastrument is ezecuted aad delivered to secure the paymeat of the sum of � ��� <br /> ` TEN THOUSAND.AND NO/I 00-------------------------.—=----------- n..n�■ ts I 0.000.00 ,_ <br /> � wilh interest Wereon, together with such charges �d advauces as may be due and payable to s¢id mortgagee uader the terme �d � .. . . � . � <br /> conditiona of fhe promiasorp aote ot even date herewith and secured hereby,executed by smd morlgaqoz 5 to sand mortqagee.payable � � � � <br /> � as ezpressad in said note,and 10 secuze the perfo[mance of all the terms and caaditiom matained therein. The terms of said note cze . . � � <br /> hexeby inco�porated herein by tLis �e(ereace. � � . . . <br /> It is the inteation�d agreement of the pa:ties hereto that thie mortgaye ahall alao eecure any }utuze advnncee made to eaid � � � � . <br /> mortg¢gor S by smd mortgagee, and any aad all indebtedaees in addition to the amount above stuted wLic6 said mortgagora, or anp . . , <br /> of them, may owa to eaid mortgaqee, howeve: ¢videnced whether by note,twok uccouat or otherwiee. This moriqage ahall remain in fuS2 �� . <br /> , force qnd elfect between ihe partiea hereto and iheiz heiva, po:sonal represent¢tives, succeaaora �d vssiqna, until all amounta secuzad �� <br /> hereuader,iacluding future advmcea, ace paid ia Sull with iaterest. � � . <br /> � �Tha mortgagor.S_�hereby m�iga_—to eaid mortgaqee all reata �d iacome miaing at aap aad all times izom caid propertp �d . � � <br /> . � hereby authorize said mortqagae or ite ageat, ai itn option, upoa defmilL to take charqe of avid propertp and crollect all rente¢nd incoms � � . � <br /> � lheretzom m�d apply the eame to ihe paymenf of irdere>st, principal, insurance p�miuma, tazea, asaessmenta, zepa"vs or improvemeate neces- . . <br /> S nary to keep said property in tenantcible condition, or to offier charqen or payc:eate pzorided for herein or in<ha note hareby aecured. This � � <br /> irent vsa[qnment ahall eontinue in force uatil the unpaid lwlmiee of eaid note is fuliy pnid. The taking of posseseion ha.reunder ahall in ao <br /> 2 manaer prevent or retazd wid mortgagee in !he coilection of eaid sume by torecloaure or othezwise. <br /> �3 ihe failuze ol the mortgagae to aseert �p of its riqhls hereunder at aay tima ehalt aot be conatrued an a waiver ot il�right to aasert . . <br /> the aame :35i�"'��f�. � � ti�j amd enlotce aKict compliance with all the tetma wd provisioae o! s¢id note and of tftis . <br /> �- � moxtgage. �KR � <br /> � ' 1�Yti�1�%�ss��.aS.Ean'�i�?6 � <br /> Sf said . �..'�as3¢"lf"t��`td'°'liiP"�' '3 ta sci3 mo.: <br /> iiP°{ ^sJcqpe +3a�pntiza amoua:due it he:eu dez,u�3 undcr'ho l�zr•.end previniona <br /> . $t ot eaid nole.herebp secured,inctiu�v future.a vancaa,and ang eztenaiona or ranewuls theraot fn accordQsce vv3th t�a teama omd proviriooa <br /> > J <br /> thereoi.��d if said mortgagoz_S-ehall complp with all the provisioas of aafd nota�d ot tLis mortgaqe,then thew prese¢ta ehall be void: <br /> otherwine to�remmn ia lull torce�d eltoct �d aaid mortgagee ehall be entitled to the pwse�eion ot all of aaid proparty,�d may. at its ' <br /> . 3� option, deelea �he svLole of raid aote and all iadabtedaeu zepze�eated tharabp to be immedialaly due and�payable,and may forecloae this TM i. <br /> t morlqage ar��take miy.otLe� legal action to pzotect ib zight, �d Irom the dats d such delault all ltema of indebtednesa cecuzed Lereby .e�.. �� < ���:� <br /> . shall draw intecest at� per�num. Apprmeement walved. ��� �. " � � <br /> �. � Shis mortgaqa �Lacii be bindin9 upon and ahall anure to tLs b�ne8t d tLe h�in. azernmn.admtaiatrators.�uceeuo��d aaeiqns at �,. . <br /> the re�pective parties.Larato. . � <br /> IN 4VISNESS.WE�EREOF,��.edd..Mortqaqor 5.ha V e heraunto wt t he i r b��_tLe day and year fizet above , �` <br /> � a�sttea. ..� .., � � . � .. . � ` .� � <br /> .._ <br /> / � . ,, �� . <br /> �,� //, '�_ � . � - 7, : , <br /> -- .. v/� � "-'��'�-�/----" �"`-.2.�L.¢,��i.y �.��` i �t-�Z.. "�� . <br /> Char es . Seer Beverly L. f3Aer , <br /> _,.....��.v.,.,..,,,.�.,..�.-...�...,.....,...t,...�titi.,.., .. ..................-....,,.,... �-,..,.,�,.,,... .�..,^^,....`."^^^ <br />� � _ � � <br />� <br />� <br /> � <br />