<br /> w,. _:
<br /> „�-�. , �-:F_
<br />� �
<br /> � :���;:�.. -
<br /> � .,_ ,-�,, �
<br /> not exteud or ��ost}�one the due date ol the monthly inst,illmenis referreci io in p:�ragraptis l �ud 2 6ereof or
<br /> change tl�e amonnt o, sucli instailme�ita
<br /> 1D. Borrower Not Released. L�xtensiou of tihc ti�ne for � �ay�ucut or uiodific�tiun of amortiiation of the surns
<br /> secured by tliis 14urtgage graniecf by i..ender to any ,i�cceesor im interest of Borrower shalI �iot .operate to release,
<br /> � in any manner, tl�e liaGility oi- tlee original I3orro�ver and I3orro�rer's successois in interest. I,ender shsll not be
<br /> ', ' required to commence proceedings ugainst sucli successor or retuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify r '
<br /> amortization of the sums secureci by t1�is � Iortgagc l,r rei.son of any ciemand ii�ude by the original liorrower and
<br /> � Borrower'a suecesso�s iri interest: t '
<br /> I1. Fosbearance ,by Lender Not a Waiver. �1ny fotbeurance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy " ' '
<br /> � - j hereunder, or otherwise afforde�3 by applicable la«� , sliall iiot. be a �rniver of or pi•ecludc the exercise of any right ��' " � _
<br /> or remedy hereundeic Tlie procurement of insurance or the �raymenL of taxes or other liens or char�es by Lender yr; ,
<br /> � shall. not be a waiver of Lender's rigl�t to aecelel•ate the n�aturity of the inciebtedness secured by this Nlortgage.
<br /> # : ' 12. Remediea Cumulative. :�Il rezsxedies .��ro��ided iii tl�is \'to��t�age; a�x•e distiizct and cumulative to any otizer ` '
<br /> � ` right or remedy under t:h9s \toriga�c or afforded ` lay la�r or i���.ii�.y, and ma}� Ix exercised coiicurren'tiy, indepecid-
<br /> y .: � . . . . � . . . � .. �. � � . .. . . . . . �. i �� A :
<br /> "; ently or successively-.
<br /> I`' 13. Successors and Assigns Bouad; Toint and Several Liability; Captions. The coven:ints and` agreements
<br /> � C�I herein coutained shall bind , and tLe rigl�ts I�ereunder �hall inure to , thc resiaective sucoessors aud assigns of Lendet
<br /> ; ` t� auii i�rrowei; sub,; �ct t3 i.e i?^��'iszo�r� nf p3ra�ra{�Ii 17 tierc:of. .�11 eocenunts aud a6reemenis of }3orrower sliall f
<br /> � ll: Ue � oint and severrxl . I'hc ca��tions ancl headtngs �f tl�c paru�;ra>>h5 of this iiortgt�ge are ior cunvenic:nei onl} :��d _
<br /> ' �.= are nqt to be used to interpret.or define tLe provisions liereof: �
<br /> 3 .�� 14. Notice. Any notic.c to I3orrower 1>rorided tor in th�s \lo,rEgage �hal2 be giren by �iiailing sueh notice by
<br /> � � certified �nail addressed to Borro�ti•cr ui the I'roperty Addre�ti suited l7elo��� , e�cept foa and natice eequired un�er
<br /> t � psragr.�pl� 18 hereof t.o be given ta Borro« er in the maunei presa•ibed Uy a��plicablc la�v. Any �iotice i�rovicled +
<br /> , forin this 1Tortgage. shall bc deemeci to l�ace laec�n gi�•en to Borro��-er �t•tien gi�•en in the isianner r3esign�teci herein. "'
<br /> f 15. Uniform Mcrtgage; Govemixt� Law; Severability. '1'his fm�in of mortguge combines unifartn co��enants �
<br /> for national use and non-ui�iform covenants witli limited variutions b}• jurisdiction to constitute a unitorm secu- `
<br /> : ,. ; ,
<br /> . ¢ rity instruinent covering resl properCy. This \Iort�age shall iie governed by the lativ of tlie jurisdiction in which ,
<br /> ' the Property is located. In the eve�it ihat nny provision or clause of this 1'tortgage or tihc 1Tote conflicts with `
<br /> applicable law, such conflict shall not a19'ect otlier pro��isions of tliis \Iortgsge or the Note ��hich c�.n be given i
<br /> effect without Cl�e conflicting provision , an�3 to ihis end t.l�r. provisions of the llortgage und tlie Note are declared F;
<br /> ' to be severable. {
<br /> Q 16. Borrower's Copy. ]3orrower shall be furnisi� ed a canformed copp of this Dlortgnge at the time of execu- ;;
<br /> , ' tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> ; 17. Transfer of the Property; F►ssumpiion. If a; l or any isart of tl:e Property or an interest Eherein is soid
<br /> or iransferred by Borrower �vithout I,ender's prior wriitcn consent, excluding (s) the creation of a lien or encuxn-
<br /> 1 brance subordinate to this \Iortgage, ( b ) the crcation oC a �3urchase money security interest for l3ousehold appli- ;
<br /> � ances, ( a) a transfer by devise, clescent or by operation of la��• upon the deatli of tti joint tenant m• (d } the grant of �
<br /> ; sny leasehold interest of t:hree ye�rs or less not containing an option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option, ,' ,
<br /> declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be itnmediatcl}� < iue anrt ��xyable. Lender slia3I hati•e' �vaived �uch " � � 'a
<br /> � option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e sale or iransfer, Lender and ti�e person to whoin the Property is to be sold or ;' '
<br /> ; transferred reach agreement in writing tl�at; t:he credit of such ��eison Ss satisf.3etory to Len�er and tltat the interest i+ r ,
<br /> � payable on the sums secured by this llortgage shall be at sucl� ratc as Lender shall request.. If Lender has waived �' `
<br /> i the option to accelerate provi3ed in t.liis pa�rugrapli 17 snd if 13orrower's successor in interest has executed a writ- Y' � �
<br /> j ten assumption agreement accepted in ��-riting u,y Lender, Lender shafl release Borro�ver from all obligations under � ' �` ,
<br /> ` this'Mortgage and t.he Note. �
<br /> , fi If Lender exereises such option to scceleratc, Lender shall uisil Aorrower notiee of acceleration in accordanee €; �"`
<br /> witli paragraph 14 �iereof. Sucli notice sh:a} 1 pro��ide a period oi iioi less than 3¢ days frotn tt�e date the notice is t' �
<br /> mailed wiinin w5ic,� Eo:ru�rer inay pa�• tlic suxns declsred due. If 13orroavei- fails to psy sucli sums prior to the �
<br /> J expir�tion of such period, Lender may , ���itLoiat further notice or demand on F3brrou�er, invoki: a::y :•er.�edie� japr- r.- , "
<br /> � mitted by paragrap2Y18 hereoi: , ` �
<br /> � \oK-IJxiFoa � GovsxnrTs. Borrower anci Lendei• fui•t.lier uovesiant auc� �g•ree a5 follo�vs : "
<br /> x � � 18. �'Aecelezation; Remedies. � � Exce �t as n•o��idcd in ���A•:iar i il� 17 � 'hcreof` u �ov Borrower's breaeh of an � � � �: '
<br /> � . � � 1 I f r, � 1 , I Y �
<br /> � covenant or a�reen'ient of Borro«•er ii� i_hi� �1m•t�;agc , inclucling xlu coven3nts to I�ay ��•l�i•n ciue any sums securecl
<br /> � � by this �:�iortgage, Letider ��rior to acceleration sh� ll � n;til �ioticc to 13orrc�a��cr as � iroti•ided iii Z�nrsgraph 14 liereof � a��
<br /> ; specifyin� : (1 ) the breaclr; ( 21 the acti�in rcyuired to curr surii lire:ac6 ; ( 3} ;i date; not less tl�ttin tliirtV days } "
<br /> � from t.he date the noticc i� mailed to I3orron•er, b�• ���liicl� .ucL bre:�cli must be curc�l; and 141 ihst fsilure to cure
<br /> such brehcti on or before the date specified in the noticc+ nuiy re�uli in acceicr:ition of tl�r. sums secured by t.his
<br /> \qort.gage and sale of the Yropert}�. If thc bmach is not c �red on or before the dntc� s{iecified in the n�tice , Lender
<br /> at Zerider's or�tio❑ u�ay <ieclarr, all of the sunis secured by iiris \tortgage to be immedizteh� duc snci payable
<br /> ; without further deinand and may toreclosc tl3is �lortgagc: by judicial proceediaig. L�nder shall be cntitled to cullect
<br /> ! in such proceeding t�ll expenses oS toreclosurq inclqding, but �iot limited to, costs oP clocun�entary evidenee;
<br /> ' abstracts s�nd title reports.
<br /> 3 � � :
<br /> x
<br /> I9. Boaower's Right to Reiastate. Not��•ithstanding Lender's acceleration of tti�e sumc sec,ured by this
<br /> } Mortgage, Borrower shall have the righL to ha�•e any praceei�ing� begun by Lender to 'enforcc this 17ortgage die-
<br /> ; continued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfqTcing this \lortgage if : ( sil Borro�ver pays I.ender sll
<br /> sums whioh would be then due under this �1o7iga�e, tlir \ote .uui noLes cecuring Fukure advaiice_, iS any; had no
<br /> acqelerstion oecurreci ; (la ) Borrower earei: nlf brcacl7es of an�• other co�•cn�nts or a�reeu�ents of Borrower con- _
<br /> �b � � � � tained in this Niortgage ; (c) Borrower � pays �sll reu<onxblr caf���n�es incurred bv i.ender� in triforcit3g tl�e covenants � � � � �
<br /> $ s�c3 s reements of 3o. ro«•er ccntained in tlii; \Io. t e anc. ir. e.� for ' a � ' �
<br /> g h � �;t,�; � , c:n� T.c�c t i � rcinedies aas pro�-ided in I�ara_
<br /> � gcaph 18 hereof, ineluding, but not limited to, Tcaeonable :ittorne}• '� iee, t and id 'I I3�rrower takes sucir action ps
<br /> Lender may reaso�ably require to assure tliat Lhc lien of this 1l�rtgage, Lender', interest in the Yro�erty and
<br /> ; Borrower'a obligation to pay the sums secured by thi� Slortga;;e �hall continuc uni�npnired . U}�on such p�yment '
<br /> " and curo by Borrower, thic �qort.gage and the obligatio��. �ecureij lieirtiy :h;�lI mmain in tull force and effe.ct as if �.
<br /> . :;
<br /> : no acceleration had occurred. ' �,�� .' `' �} ,.„ � , �'`: ','
<br /> ; 20. Assignmemt of Renis: Appointment of Receiver; Leader in Possession. :�s additional securit,y here- �w � , :
<br /> under, Borrower hereby: assigns to Lender tlie rents of #Iie-Pro{�erty. ���•ovided lliat Borrower shall , Prior to acceler- r �,,�3 � i �
<br /> , � ation 'under paragraph i8 hereof or ak�andonment of tl�e Yroperty, ha�•e tlie rigLt to collect and retain such xents � a=q���:
<br /> i ; as they hecome due and payable. �<.,
<br /> : Upun acaeleration under paragra{>!t J 8 hereo£ or ab�tndanrnc;nt ot i,he Yroperty; Lencier, in per�on , bp agent - + ` �
<br /> qr by judioially -ap�oinieci receiver shalI i3n en[i�leu in enter u��un, is�i:e po��e.�iuri of aud iuxnaKe tLu Proper�y
<br /> aixd , lti collact tlie rei,tb uf Llye �ro�,erty, iauludiiig tl�oee: pa,i uue: A11 rent� collccted hy I,endcr or thc recci�-cr ,n, - ,
<br /> shall ,be appliefl first topayment pf the eosts af nianagzment of the Propci�ty and collecf ion of rents; including, but
<br /> not limited to, receiver's fees, premiwns on receiver'� bon�t� a�id reasonable xsttorney's fees , and then to the suins
<br /> secured by thie Mo�-tgnge T,t�nder �nd the re�Piver �h� ll h�� �iahl� tn a�crnmt �ni�� f�r tl�o=e rent � a�i�ially received .
<br /> , � . � . . . : � . ' I � .
<br /> �.�:.�. . �. :. .. .. . . . � . . . ��. . . . . . . . . . � �.
<br /> 7. . . . . . . � . . . . . : � . . . . : . � � . . . � . � . �
<br />