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<br /> LOAN.NO. A't O I L� 1 ry q r�Y . "MOR7GAGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT° � � � �
<br /> y 1 t V 1 S J �
<br /> � � � . � �� . � �.� KNOW ALl MEN BY THESE PRESENTS �
<br /> �THAT ALPHE N�. LEVENE and OPAL�M.� LEVENE, husband and wife,� . . � .
<br /> r each contracting in his own right and as spouae of the other
<br /> I �.of the County of ��Ga�e � � � and Stote of Nebmzko,mortc�ogors,�in considera�ion oF fhe sum oF � � . . . .
<br /> TWENTY TWO THOUSAND FOiTR HUNDRED AND NO/100ths----------------------(s'22,400.00 _�oo�u�s
<br /> the roceipt.wFareof is here6y ocknowledged,�do heraby SELL AND CONVEY ro'State Federol Sovings and Loan�Associotion,8oatrica,�Nebrasko,mortgagpe;� �� . -
<br /> �.1he following described real esfofe sifuvted;�in � �� � � . - � .AaY-�. . � � . �County, Stofe of Nebroska, fo wih . . � � �
<br /> Lot Eighteen (18), in Block Fifteen. (I5), in Ashton P1ace, an Addition to the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebrask
<br /> � � ogether wifh cll.buildings,easemants, improvemantz,fixtures or cppurtenonces now or hereaker erected thereon, including, alI apparat�s�aquipmenf,� � � .
<br /> .fixtures orar}iclas,wbefher in sioglo units or cen+rally con�rolled, used to supply heat,�gas,cir condffioning, water, light,po ar, refrigerotion,.venfilofionJ � . '
<br /> dishwashing,�disposal,or other services, ond ony other thing now or hereaftar tharein or thereon,ihe fumishing of�which by�leswrs to lessees is�customory.or � � �
<br /> 'appropriafe�includi�g scraens,wtndow s6ades,�storm doon and windows, f�oor coverings,screen doors, inro-door beds,awnings,sioves and wofer�heoters(aU � � �
<br /> :of wkich are dedorad fo be a port of said repl estate whe�her physi col ly attached iherefo or not).The Mortgogee is hereby su6rogated to Ihe righfs of al i.mw-� � . � .
<br /> ��fgagees,�lieoholden and owners poid off by�he proceeds of the loan hereby securad.This mortgage<omifutes a sawrity agroemeM.with resped�to the chotfala � � � . � �
<br /> ���covered�heroby ond witM respac�to the fixtvres atfached to�hn above described recl estate in which mwtgagee has an ordinary security interest. � � . .
<br /> �� � 70 HAVE ANDTO HOLD the.said properfy,with scid 6uildings,easemenfs,improvemenfs, fixtures�,appurtenances, oppamtus and equipment,unlo said�� . � � �
<br /> �Mortgagae,ffs s�cccssors ond ossigns forever. � � � � � � � � . . .
<br /> �� �Tha mortgagore reprosent ond covenanf with tha morigagee tha�tbey ore Icwfully seized in fea simple�oF soid pramises;thot they have good right and lawful��� � �
<br /> �authority to sall ond<onveythe same;that ihey are free and clear from e�cumbrancer,�hat fhare ore no outsfcnding security interesfs ogoinsi any fixfurer,.and.-� � � � �
<br /> ����thotYhey will wanont end defend the titla to said promises agoinsY iha cloims of all perwns,cnd�hat there are o0 outs�anding security interests os to any ond all � � �
<br /> �of tBe�obove described fixfures. � � � � . . . . . �. � . �
<br /> �'� PROVIDED,olwoys and these praxnts�are upon express condition:That,Whereas the soid morigogors hove this day�ezewted and delivered to fhe soid .� � � . .
<br /> � �AssocioYion���one cartoin nofe in the amount of the above consideration,which sum with inferest os provided by wid note or any mutuaf modificotion or extension � � .
<br /> ���fhereof,ond allsumt which wld Assoeiofips:shaU�poy�.out of its own funds fer taxes,insuronca or repa'rrs on fhe property describad hereln�or foture cashadvance- � � �
<br /> � �ments mode by the maYgogee to the.mor�gogor;or his successor in teNe,for ony purpose ot ony tima before the ralease and cancal�afion oi fhis mortgage(pfovid- � � : �
<br /> �ed thot,the soidadvencement�togethar with'Ih'b principot balance due at the time of the�wld advancemenf,sholl nof exceed the origiral omount of the mortgage � � . � � �
<br /> ��.and,provided furthet,�hat nothin8harein containedsholl 6e considaredaslimiting the amwnts ihatshall be secured hereby when odvoneed lo prote<t the security� �
<br /> ..or in occordance wfth the covanants containad he�ein)s6all�conzfituta fhe debf owing�o said Aswciation ond by said nofe said mortgogors promise to pay said �� �
<br /> ��debt ond iaterosi?o the Asw<(otion in monYhly installments as provided in said no�e of avan dafe herewifb.Uniess modified or extendeu',tha finol poyment is due ,
<br /> .. � �.� . � . . � . . . � . . .. ..
<br /> � � � 300 months from dota. �
<br /> ¢� . . . . � � . . � . . .
<br /> .� Mortgagors.further agrea to pay,before dalinquency,tha sums secured hereby,and all fuxes and chorges of every charocfer osseued or now due, under � � �
<br /> the lowz of Nebraska�upon soid roa�estata,ond upon this mortgege or the nota or debt sacurod hareby;to keep the buildings upon said promises insured for firo �
<br /> and extendad coveroge in some compeny o� componies accepfoble fo morigogee for�amomount not less than ihe value of tha euilding�,�as detarmined by the mor- �
<br /> fgagee or.fhe unpaid bulan<e of the loan,whichaver is less;ro keep all improvaments in good repeir and condition�wiYhouf weste during�lhe life of fhis mortgoge; � � �
<br /> . . � and fo permit mortgogee o�its ogent fo�anter upon said premises to exomine the condifion of said improvemenis in order to ensure comp7 iance herewifh. � � �
<br /> � $hwld deFoull be moda in paymant of tha svm sewred here6y,or ony part fhereof, ond said defeull continue for sixty (60)days� or should said insurance
<br /> � .nM be prompily effected�Of}an0f Of pb'S4<cmCOh ff�+h be poid before delinqueacy,or defa�if in ony oF the tarms of the note for w6ich this mortg�e is sewrity,� � .
<br /> �or said p�operty sold or tronsferred by deed, controct,oplion,eosement�or otha�wise,without opproval of o suppiemanfoi opplicotion for ossumption of tfiis mor- �
<br /> � tgage a�d.the debt evidenced thereby,by the As:ociation�or in case of failure to duly obxrve and be govemed by fhe provisions and�<onditions of the Cbartar, .
<br /> .. �.By-Laws of said Asaociotion, ond rules and ragulafions of The Faderal Savings and Loen System,or if insured by mor}goge insuronce corporations, ro poy in add-
<br /> ition et�tha opfion oF fhe Association�fha premiums for wid insurance,or the discovery by the Association,or its oFficars,ihaf ony oF >he sfatemenh <ontained � .
<br /> � �in the applicotian for fha loon execotad by mortgagors vre false,or if a hax lien,additional mortgoge,mechonics lien,or other encumbivnce is Filed of record.
<br /> � �wMch impous a lien against the above described reol esfote,then the whole of said indebiedness remaining unpaid shail at the opfion of the zoid Associctlon, �
<br /> . bewme due and payobla wiihout nofice,time being the essence of ihts<ontracL . � � �
<br /> � � � Should mortgagon(ail To keep ihe buildings inswed,as herein ogreed,or fail to poy reol ezfote toxas and special ossessments on The said mortgoged pro-
<br /> �perfy beiore delinquency,mortgagae may effact said lnsurance, pay toxes and insurance premiums,and oll such payments,with interes�az provided in �he fint
<br /> . � � �mortgage nofe cacurad by this mortgope�,shall 6e o lion upon said pramises and secured hereby. �
<br /> .� The mwtgagors hereby relirtquis6 0ll homestead and morital rights of cvcry kind in vnd.ro ihe said premises. . � �
<br /> � � For the�purpose of fumeshing further sawrityfor tha debt sacured he�aby,the mortgogors haraby ouign,fransfer ond sef over to the morfgagee,ro be�applied .
<br /> . toward the pqyment of'tba noFe and all ofherbums secured heraby, in cose of a defaulF in tha performance af any of iFe�errr�s and condirionz of ihis mortgago or � �
<br /> : ��.the.soid nMe,all the.rents��revenues,"and income to�be derived from the mortgagad promisee durin .such time as the mo � ' � ""fit '�� ��
<br /> and the mortgvgee shall hwe ower ro o oinl an 8 . rtgage mdebtedness shal l remoin unpoid; . -.�,- ,�,.
<br /> p . pp y agent,orage.nis, it may desire for tha purpose of repairiog said premises and oF renting the same and caf lecf- ''
<br /> ing.the ranis,.revenuea,��eqd income,and it maypoy out of soid income all axpenses of repairirg�said pramiaes and necessary commission¢,ond expenses incurred � -��,,
<br /> in renting ond.menoging the same,ontl ofcollecHnB rantals fhereirom;thebalonce rem nin9�if ony tobe opplied toward the discharge ofsoid mortgage iodebfed- . I �
<br /> t . nets.Mortgogee shall aao�nt for renh act�sally.�coltected and not for the rentol value of said prem�ses. � � � . � �
<br /> E . m. ;
<br /> � If tha indeb�edr.ets�secured hareby be gupranfaed or insuredbndor 7ha Servicemen's Readjustmeaf Acf,�os amended,soch Act and Regulations issoed fhera- �'�t"'
<br /> �under a�x!in�effecl oo fhe dete heroof shall�govem the right,dutias andJiabi�ities of�the parties hereto�,.pnd any provisions oF�this or other iostruments axecufed �
<br />� . in cortnection wi7h sa:d indebtednass.wfiicF�i ar�:inconsCstnnt.wifh�so�d Act or.negulotions a�n haruby amanded ro coniorm iheroto. � � �
<br /> ��� The lsrme used M designete any of fha porties herein shpll 6e deemed tn�include the heirs,represantatives, successors and ossigns of said porties,and �ha `��
<br /> farm"Mort@ogor"ehaH olsa include ony Icwful owner, halder or pledgor f o y indab�edness secured�hereby. �
<br /> . l-9 Rev.7-75 . . . .. � (tumble) � � .
<br />� . . � . . . _ ., . . . . . .
<br />� �_.. .. � .� � � .. � . . �
<br /> � �
<br />