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<br /> ��- r— � '?`''
<br /> � ,
<br /> � �MOATGAGE—Savinqs`and Loan Form—(L ,C:sdit P1mJ 255�2 (Spedal) � � � � � � . � �
<br /> ���`- ���'�;i 0; MORTGAGE �
<br /> j���c�
<br /> . -�7��1�'`-�'?'.,�."t.� �. - . . . . . .. - � . . � . Loa¢No
<br /> � t ��� � �. �!HI9 INDENTOAE.���made this ��3�51' � .3Qy of �� AU9U51";-�� � _ � ..1�Z_,by and baRviceea � � :.
<br /> � JOHN R. .BURKHARDT AND MARILYN C. BIIRKHARDT, husband and wife, each ia his and hPr �(.,,,
<br /> � xigfit and as spous2 of the oY.kter
<br /> ot.�� �11'' County.Nebraaka,ad mo�tgagor s,aad Home Feclara3 Savfnge�and�Loan Aasoclatlon.of Grand Ieland, .
<br /> �.a corporation�organizad and eristinq�uxtder the Iawa ot-Nebzaeka��with!te prindpal o£fice and place ot busiaeas.at GraaO Islsmd Nebraaka,
<br /> � : as�mortqagee: ... �.�. � � �.. � . � � � � . . � � : � . , -��,
<br /> � ����WITNESSETH: That�afd�mortgagor S toz and fn coneideration o! tha eum of � �
<br /> THIRTY-EIGHT'THOUSAND AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' nollaia ��38,000:00 �
<br /> �
<br /> � �: � the�receipt of which�fa hereby acknowledged, do_— by thesa presente mortgage aad warrant unto eaid mortgagae, ite�succeeaore aad �
<br /> � aeaiyaa. Yorever, all the tollowinq dexribed real eetata, aituated in the county ot Ha�Z .
<br /> -:��-md�State�of��Nebra�kwto-mit..� . .. � . . . . � . . �
<br /> j
<br /> aF � . �
<br />� Sf � �
<br /> Ta re-reeord mortgage for lack of date on acknowledgement.
<br /> .F.� Toqether with all heating. lightiag, and plumbtng equipment aad fixturea,including stokero�d burnera,ecreens,mvninqs,stormwiadowa ���
<br /> � aad doors,aad�wiadow ehadee oz blindn, uaed on or in �onaectioa with eaid pzoperty, wheiber the same are aow Ixated on aaid p:operty
<br /> or hureatter placed fhereon. � � � . . .
<br /> �� .�..TO HAVE�AND TO HOLD SF� 5AME,together with dl aad aiagular the tenements,hereditameate and appurteaanees thereunto beloag-.
<br /> .r �� ... . . .
<br /> Ing,or ia anywise appartainiag,forever,and wazzaat the fltle to the same. Said mortgagor S Lereby covenan� with naid mortgaqee
<br /> .`i... � that t�e y are �� delivery hereof,the lawtul owner—of the premiaes above coaveyed msd descril�ed,aad are�
<br /> � ��seized of a qood and indefeasible estate of inheritance theretn, fzee and clear of all encumbrancee, and that t he_'�will warraat cmd
<br /> �deiend the tltle thereto forevez against the daima and demandn of all persona whomaoever. � �
<br /> PROYlDID ALWAYS, and thie inetrument ia executed and delivezed to secure the payment of the eum oi
<br /> ` �� THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND ANll NUJit�� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �,,,Il�s �$ 38,Ov0.Oc7 �. —
<br /> wlfh�iatarest thereon, togeiher with such charges and advancas as may be due and p¢yable to sald mortqagee under the terma aad _�
<br /> .conditions of the paomiasory aote ot evea date herewith aad secure3 6areby,ezeeutad bp eaid mortqagor_to eald mortgaqer,payuble
<br /> � � aa�expreased fn�satd note,and to sacuxe ihe periorm�ce a?ail tha ferme �d eondlGa� coaieir..ed tSa:eixi. Tha tesmn ot said noia ara. . . .
<br /> cs
<br /> � �hereby incorpo:ated heraia by thi�rataseace. � �. � � � ��
<br /> It Is the fatentioa aad agreement of the partiee he:ero that tLia mortgage ahall alao secure any futuze advancee. mnde to eaid � �
<br /> moitqaqoz_�S by eaid mortqaqee, and anp aad alt indebtadneea in add[Hoa to the �ount above atated which scud�moztqaqora, ar'any� � � � �
<br /> of them, map.owe to said m�tgagee, howavez evidenced, whethez by note,book aacount or otherwiae. This mortgage shall ramaia ia full . . .
<br /> force�and eftect between the partiee hereto and�thefz heizs,�pereonal repreeentaUves, succeeeora and asaigne, until all amounts eecurad � � � � �
<br />�i fiereundez,indudinq future advaacea, are pa3d L-, }ull aith intozeat . �. .
<br />��
<br />� ���The mortqagoz S�herebp asef m+ � to sand mortgaqee e11 renta aad flaoome �iaiaq�at cap.aad all��timee from�aaid�pxogerty �d �
<br /> �hereby authorize eaid mortgagee or its agent, at ite optioa, upoa defaul6 to take ch�ge of eaid properiy and collect all rentn�amd income � � . �
<br /> �theretrom and apply the eame to the paymeat of interest,prindpnl, 3nsaranee pzemiumn, tazes, naeeanmeatn, zepairs oz improvementa necea- �� . � �
<br /> ��aury to keap sald property ia tenanteblo cronditioa,or to other chargae or payinents provlded fos hnreia or in the aote he:eby secured. Thle �
<br /> rent asalgoment�sholl continue In fozce uatil the uapaid balance of eaid note ia fully pald. The laking of posaession herauadez ahall 3n no � :
<br /> manner preveat or zetard eaid mortgagee in the eollection o£ eaid suma by lorecloaure or atherwiee.
<br /> '� j � The faily;s of the moregagee to araert aay o! !ta riqhte hareundez at�y t3ma nhall not be conntzued as a wdver o!its right to aaeert � � . .
<br /> ��fhe�same at;'tiq��r�4me��tj"'1�"'�Ytt tityon and eaforce etrtct complia¢ce with all the terms and pzovieiona nf seid aote �d oi this .. . .
<br /> mortgag+ §, � .�a . � � . .. . .
<br /> r�,.¢ �a 'a�,(wa �.:��ws�wa�c� �, � � . .
<br /> � It ktid,,,biosir�ag� ,'�„�pu,;'" �q„3�e paid to �aid mortqagee the ent[re amouat dua it he:euader,aad under the terme aad pmviaionr . . �
<br /> �. o!sald nate:hezeby secured,�neludin�u=e advances,aad ang axloaaioai or reaewaL thareot Ia accordnaee�with the texm�.,-aad providona �
<br /> :thereof.�-�d:if:aald mortgaqoz$_ahall eamply with all the provtdona of�atd aole aad ot thfs mortgaqe,thea theae preaea4�aha11 be void: � � � �
<br /> � ��' �..othenvi�e�io�romaia-�3a.full��foros�d�sfiect,�.md aaid mortqaqeo ehall be aatitled to ths poe�euioa of all.o! wid property,md.may.�at ib . � �
<br /> optlon,declare the whole�of nald note and csll 1adeMedneas repreeented Ihereby to be.immedlately due and paya6le,and mcry foreclosa this j ,
<br /> mortgaqe or take � otLer legal aetlon to�pzotect !ts�siqht.�aad from the date o! euch dafault all itams o! indebtedness securad�herebp � ` ���.��
<br /> ahall draw laterast at�paz aaaum. Appratsemeat waived. � " � s g
<br /> � . �Thia �uoAqcge nliall�Le biading upoa aad �3Sall.eaurs W�ths b�netlt�o! the heln. ssecuton..admiateKators, auxeescrs and aeaigns at . . �� ���ti
<br /> �,a�..���m..,��ro. � , , , , � � � � � t =
<br /> �; a
<br /> �' �.1N W(YNE3$ 11yFIEREOP, wid�M�tgaqor S �,^Ve ..beremto sst .. . their � han� me day and..year Sirat above . �� s,�'�
<br /> ';+ .�ttt.a. r�'.
<br />� # ;�-('..�.-r..7 1c �.a� „�,a.n�� �a'�/�;., .�': 1 c' ���,.-�t�:�M�f=-
<br /> o R. Burkhardt — ari C. Burk ardt .,�`.
<br /> ' �
<br />� � �
<br /> 4 ',. � .. . . .. . . . . .
<br />.`~�
<br />