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�ti`, . . � �g'•k.:. . . <br />�',', . . . � � 1 �� � �A"�� . <br /> . . . � . . .. � � ����:�. . . <br /> T:::.:... �. ..... .. . . .... . . . . . . . � .. .., � . . . . .. ... .����� .. . . ...... . . � <br /> MoxrcRc�--sa� �a r�, Form-tn+=.a c�.a:e r�a zssa css��u <br /> � . ��.�..�-.,....... r <br /> MtDRTGAGE <br /> , ,�� �0�5�9 �xo <br /> �: rFus trmt�lruBE.;maae ud. � 15th �� .i.,,,�.�.of � �September. . . . is77�..�.byanabpl..een � <br /> MELGIN' WILLIAMS AND PATRICIA D. WILIiAMS husband and wife each in his and f�e� own <br /> 3 rigj3t and as'sRouse of the other <br /> oi Ha��I I ��-._.�ouaty.Nebraska.m mortgaqoz S.� �md FIomo Federal Savlags aad Loan Amociatioa of Graad lelan.d <br /> � � a�cozporation�arganiaed�d esiatinq under�the lmve of Nebraeka �vith its px3neipal�oifice�d place o!bua3nem at Grand Ll�d,Nebraska, <br /> , .� ,m mortqa9ee: . ..� � .. . .. �.� . � . . . . . . . <br /> WITN£SSETH: That amd mortqagors� tot��d ia toaeideration'�of the�aum of� � �� - <br /> ; F I V E THr1l1�.�N_Q F I V E HUNDRED AND NO/I 00------------------------------rssna:s (E 5.500.00 �, '. <br /> ;- � the"raceipl�ot vvluch is�hereby acknowledged, do-�_ by theea preaents:mortgaqe�and`warrant��unto��saId��mortqa9�.�Sts'suceaseon�amd �.� . <br /> ; HaII <br /> � .�asaiqiu, forever, all the followiaq dexcibed real eatate,.mtuated in the countp ot <br /> , :��. .�..�d..Strrte of Nebsaeka,to-xit:.. . . .. . .. . ,���. . .. . . � . .. . - . .. .. . . . � . , , . <br /> `- Part of the Southeast Quarter CSE�) of the Northeast Quarter (NE�) o# <br /> ' Section Eleven (II) in Township Nine (9) North, Range Ten (10) West of <br /> the Sixth P.M., more particularly described as fol lows: <br /> �� Beginning at a point 295' North ot the Southeast corner of the Southeast <br /> Quarter (SE„> of the Northeast Quarter WE�) of Section II in Township 9 <br />� � € North, Range 10, thence run��ng !^!esteriy paraltei i-o the PJortherly line of � <br /> sect ion i� a d i s-i-ance of 295' thence runn i ng Norther I y pa ra I I e i fio t iia � � <br /> Easteriy Iine of said section II a distance of 295' thence runnirtg eas+er!� <br /> paraliel to the Southerly line ofi said section II to the Easterly line nf <br /> section Il thence running Southerly along and upon the Easteriy line of section <br /> II, Township 9 North, Range 10, to the point of beginning. <br /> � Together with�ail Leating. ]ightiag, and pU+mbiag equipment and fisturea,inciudinq atokers and burners,acreens, awniage, atorm wiadowa <br /> � �2j�� and doors,and window shadee or blinda, uned on or�in connec[ion with said property, whether the eame are now located on naid propezty . <br /> .��. or hezeafter placed thereon. . � � <br /> �TO HAVE.�iND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and.singular the teaements,Lereditaments aad appurtea�cea th.ereunio beloag- <br /> i ��ing, or i��anywise appertaiainq,forever,aad warr�t the title to the same. Said mo�tgaqor 5 harebp covenant__ with aaid mortgaqee <br /> �that_�I1e�—_ ,at lhe dalivery hereof,the lawful ownerS ot the ncemieee dbve rnavepod�+d deacribed,aad are <br /> �� �eeized ol a qood and indeleasibla eatate ot inheritanre therein, freo and clear of all encumbrancee.and that t�e�— will waa�t�d .. <br /> ��{$� �deiend iiw ii.,o ...a�:c!ese�s*ogaiast the claima an3 demands ot ull persone whomeoever. . <br /> �� , � PROVIDED ALWAYS, aad th9s In9trumeat is ezecuted and delivered to sacaeo i:.z p..ymen2 e1 the aum of I. . . � <br /> Five Thousand.Five Hundred and no/100------------------------------ 5,500.GC <br /> ; �u�s ca �' � <br /> with intereat [hereon, toaether with such chacges and advances as aay be due and payable to aaid mortgage(t under tl�e terms and <br /> �conditio� of the promiasorp uote ot even date hezewith and secared herecy.ezec+ated 6p s..-id sorigagor=to amd mortgagee,payable .. <br /> �� �3� � ae�ezpzeased ia eald aote,and Io aecure the perfozmmwe ot all the terms and conditiom contaiaed therein:�.. The terme of said aote �e � . � <br /> hereby incorporated hereuti by this refereace. � . . . . . <br /> �Zt is.�the iateation and agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage ahall. alao .eecure aay future advancee �made lo emd � . <br /> mortqagor�_by safd mortqaqee, and aay and�all indebtednees in addiaon to tLe�ount above etated which�said moztgagore, or any � � � . <br /> - ���o( [hem, may owe�to eaid mortgagee. however evideaced, whether by aote,book account or otherwise. T6is mortgage ahaU remma in full � . <br /> � force.�d�eEfect betweea the parties hereto and their heirs, personnl :epreaen:asivav, succeesozs aad ansigna, uatil all amaunb aecured . .. . <br /> hereuader.indudin4 lutu-e advnncea.�e paid in iu17 wiic.aieieeP. � � . . . . . <br /> � She mortga9or,�hereby asaiqa_to eaid mnrt9a9ee alk reats and iacome �iain4 at �y.and all timee from said p�opecty aad �{ � . . <br /> hareby authorize sarid martgagee�or ita�aqent,�at ita option, upon default,to take ch�ge b!eaid�propertp�and collect all�rents and income 3 � � <br /> �thozef:om and uppty the�eame to ihe payment o!intezesi,priadpal,.inaurance p�miums, taze�, aaeeasmenta, zepaixs or 3mprovemeata necaa• �� .. . <br /> snry to keep wid property�ia �enantable condiIIoa, or to other chazqea or paymenb provided for he�ein or in the note hereby eeoured. Shis �� � <br /> . reat aseignment shall continue ia force untii the.unpaid balance of eaid mmote is fully paid She talcing of posaeaeion hereunder ahall in ao . � <br /> .maaner prevent or cetazd aaid mongagee in the coliection of eaid sume by foreeloaure or othetcviee. � � � - <br /> ? � She tailvre of eha mortgagee�10 auert anp of Ib:ights hereuader at�p time ehall not be eonatrued aa a w�aiver ot ib rtght to a�sext � <br /> � � . �� tha.;sama at any later time, aud.Ro inaiat upon and en[orce�airid campliance.with dl the [erma and psoviniona o! eaid note cmd of tivis . <br /> moRgage. � ��-� _ �� . � . . . . <br /> . � �� S! naid mortgagor5.—e6all cauea to be paid to eaud mortgaqae the enti:e amount due it Leraunder,and under th:�terms�d pravisions � � <br /> < ol emd note hereby secured saeludiag tutuce.-advan�e,aad any e:¢emiona oz xenewpL therect in aemrs3ance with.lma tecmn an3 pcocisiaas <br /> i � � thqreql,aod ii.�aid�mort4agor�-ahall ca�ply wfth a11 the proviNons of sald aote�d of this morlgaqe.Wea these preseats ehali be void: . <br /> s.. � oWerwi�e to��cemmn 3a�.lull.torce�d.etfec4��d�.eaid moctgaqee.aha11 be endtled to the po�aea�ioa of nll ot aaid propatty. �d map. at fts . . ; . . <br /> optioa, declare ehe whola of.svid note aad�all indebtednees:�sepzeeented therebp to be immedlatelp due and payabla,aad map lorecioee thie � <br /> � � � mortqage or���xalce �y�other�legal ac4on.W protect iL�rlght, md izom aE euch detautt.aU items of Indebtedaes� secured hezeby � .� y�� . � n,� � <br /> �hall draw'lntereet a�6 pei mnum,' Appzaimmeat walved.� � �� . .. ;� ' _r ° <br /> ih"rs martgage � � be biad3ag upon aad �haII oaws to tLs b�neHt ot ths 6eir�. ezocuM:s.admlutaoratoaa.succeesora.and aselqxu�of � . Ytl T'. <br /> . j; the re�P!�clitn:IwiNe�La[eto. ;. .. .�.. ,��. .� . .. . � . . ... ... ... .. : . . . � ♦� k`J' <br /> � .. � : �� <br /> �°I N . wtd or S *^ � vPh�reunlo �st tf1P 1 I' ' hdpj,��e dap and ysar firri aDova . ' �'� <br /> � ; wrlttanj :, t .�� «.� .��:.:, .. . . . � / � . . . . . . . . . .. <br /> r i,f-xi � � �� .�� � �=,.�<�� u�� <br /> lvin,W' �.,1.!.�., P r�cia D. Williams ' ' <br /> � , " <br /> ,' <br />_ � � .�1 <br />:� <br />