<br /> � , �q�«<
<br />� � i
<br />�4�` `
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<br /> ' . . ... ._ . ., .,<.,.,,�. .. . . . . . �,......., . . . '� � � � . .,,.
<br /> . �. �MORiGAG£—Sa�iogs md I.o� Form—(D...�. �'Credlt PS�) 255�3 (SpecEd) .� . �. � � .
<br /> � � �������
<br /> .� -��,_(� MORTGAGE
<br /> . . . . . 4!¢.1..T.1� .. .. � .� � . � l.o�No �
<br /> rHIs nvuE►+�svxe. maae ini. 9th .j.,o o, September is 7� t��a tise..ean �
<br /> i , a sing le necson
<br /> < 3
<br /> x
<br /> of.- Ha�'� �Couatp.�Nebraaka,m:mortgagos5_.�d Home Faderal Saviuge aad Loaa�Aaeociatton o!Gzand Isl�d.
<br /> �1 a�'eo7poratinn.�organized�aad ¢asting under 1Le la�r� ot Neb:aska�wriW ite prinapal office and plaee ot busineas at Graaii lel�d,Nehcaaka, �
<br /> ' m��mo:tqggee; . � . � .� .. . . . . . .
<br /> ���-WITNESS£TA: T6at said mortgaqor S 1or aad ia conaideration�.ot the aum ot
<br /> �° TWENTY THOUSAND AND NO/100------------------------------------ n,u�, �g 20,000.00 �,
<br /> A �
<br /> s the���rers[pt of which u"hereby�aelmowledged, do by tk�ese presenm mortgage and�wmraat unto satd morigagea, ib�auc�esaon �d�
<br /> r� vssfqca,�torever,�a22 the totlosviag deeeribed rea! eatate, eiluaisd ia !he couafp ot_ Ha I I
<br /> � � , � aad��3tate�,of Nebzaakp,towit: . �. � .. .. .. . , .. . . � . . . . . . .
<br /> �
<br /> 4
<br /> �
<br /> '
<br /> � �
<br />�.� �� ;� �
<br /> >�
<br /> z To re�record the mortgage to show the maritai status ofi the mortgagors.
<br /> v ��
<br /> ' tS . 7oqether with ¢ll heatinq, liqbting. �d pl�ambing aquipment aad fixturee,includiag atokere and burnere, ecieeus,awainge,ttorm w3ndowa� .
<br /> 5 .�d doors,and.window shades or blinda vaed oa or in cnnnection with emd property,whethe: the eame are aow located on eaid pzoperip
<br /> i ;:�� .or�herea}ter placad thereon. . � � �
<br /> ; �
<br /> . � TO�HAVE ANP TO HOLD THE SAME. togetLer with all �d singulaz the tenementa,hereditamenta and appurten�ces thereuato belong- �
<br /> �f � �inq,or in.aaywise appertaining,forevei,and wnzrant the title to the same. Said mortqagor�_ hereby covea�iS— with aaid mortqaqee
<br /> ';s
<br /> �hat 1'�a_� are ��ye delivery hereof,the lawfu]owners_o}tha premisee abova rnnveyed�d deecribed,aad are ..
<br /> :�$. �s�;�3 oS a gtio�i a�d;rsda;naxitle rs:a:a o;inY,e,—::�ca::erein, ::ee en@ c!�ot�ll e�c�6zancee.and that�he�L_will warr�t �d . � .
<br /> v �j �detcend the �title thereto fosever against t6e claims and demanda of all peraonn whomaoever.
<br /> �
<br /> a PROVIDED ALWRYS, assd this inetrumeat is ezecuted and delivemd to secure the payment oI the sum oi
<br /> i , T;dENTY THOJSAND AND NO/I 00-------------------------------------- nRuaz, !g 20;000.00 �.
<br /> : with intereet thereon,togeiher with such choagea and advances as may be due and�pQyable to nQid mortgagee under the terma and �. �
<br /> r � � conditians of tha pzomiaeory note c! even date hereavith aad secured hereby,ezecmed by eatd mortgaqor—�to acrid mortgagee,payable � �
<br /> �� ' .as ezpressed ia said aote,and ro ec�ure t6o perfo:mcmce of all the taema and cronditiona coatained the:ein: Tl�e terma oi saud note are ��: ; .
<br /> � hereby incorpozated herein by tLis zeierence. � � �
<br /> ��� It in�the Intention and agceement oi the parHes hereto that this mortgage ahall alao eecure anp tuture advancee made lo aaid � � �
<br /> mortgagor.S by said mortgagee, and any nnd all indebtednees ia addifloa to the amount above ntated which eaid mortgaqms,or anp . . � .
<br /> � of them, mtsy owe to eoid morigagee, kiowever evidenced, wheihez by aote,botak account or othezwise. This mortgage alwll remain ia full , �
<br /> force�.aad etfect�2:etween the�parties hereto and the'u 6eiza peraonal represeatativea, succemora and asniqns, uatil all �ounts aec�ued . � � . , ,
<br /> heieunder,.includinq(uMe advaacea�e paid ia Sul! with interest. �
<br /> � The morigaqor S herebp aeuga_,5 to�said mortgagee all zeate md inoome a�siag at �p aad all times lrom amd propecty mld � � � � �
<br /> 6areby authorize smd moriyagee or ita aqent,at its optiow upoa dafault,to take ch�ge of aaid property aad collect all rents aad income � �
<br /> .theretrom and apply the same to t6e papmeat oi in[ereas,p:inapai,iasurance prnmiume, tmes, asaeasments, repaira or improveme¢te aecea- � . � � �
<br /> . eaty.to keeF��d p[oporty�in te¢aatable ooadition, a[ io other Chmqee or paymenls provldedloc herein or in tha note hereby aecured This �� �
<br /> � rent�aseigament shnll coatinue In torce until the unpaid 6alaaee of naid aote is lullp p�d. 7he takiag oF poesewioa hereundrz shdl in ao . � � , �
<br /> maaner prevent ox zetprd said mortgagee in the eoAeetion ot aaid a�amn by lorecloeuze o:otLecwiea. � � � �
<br /> > �.The la[luza o! the moitgagee�tn oeaert �y of�ib righta hereunder at any time rhall aot be conatrued as a waivxr ai S4 right io aasert �
<br /> �� $itS the.aame at anp �afer ptoe ari�'��',.�uj�ofiaad eatozce striet compliance with all the torms and provieions of said aote and ot this . ,
<br /> #{F �
<br /> m���B' t;.� s 3+ �!�.�$ �-e
<br /> F � I! acF3"^q�����,3,,,�;.�,��'�,t,Q��„�d to eaid morto�gon the entire amonnt due it herevnder,�d under tlie torms aad proviaions �
<br /> � � 01 eaid aote heretrp�.eecured,induding future advancee,and.any eztemioas or reasw�als thereot fa aocordanee with tha tecme md pxoviaiom . .
<br /> the;eof,�d U�naid.morigaqor_S_ahall comply with�all tbs pzovLion�o!eald note�d ot this mortgage.thea these presenb ahall�Le void; 4
<br /> z olLezwiae to remain in�..lull lorca�d.eHect. �d�amd:mortqagee ehall be enfltled to the pw�esaioa ot all o!smd AropertY.�d may, at ita � �
<br /> �.optioa, declare.the wIIole o! said�note and aL fndebtednecs rapressnfed thneby to ba immediately due�d paychle,aad may farecloee th4 ,�,� ,.
<br /> .morlqage.or taka. anp.other�lagal aetia¢�to �otact.lis..riqh4 �d trom the date.d such detault a11 itema of iadabtedaess eecuzed herebp . ^` �
<br /> � '�.:,.;.. �� y
<br /> ehall.�drmv ialermt at�%�P��num. Appraieemant v►aived: � � �� � � . xx4%:
<br /> ' i. �a
<br /> � �f . r"y,, z
<br /> ° Th'v mnrt4a9s■na�+,bq h�ndlnq upon�d aLal! eavra to tL� b�ae8t d ths hein.a�rton.admiai�tratoca.�uceeuon�d �sig�u d �. �IA'���9 �'
<br /> ; . tha zespeetitvo,paet[w heiato. � . . � ...... � . ; ,,yw
<br /> tt�t wtrNFss we�xeoF. �ta �yaQor s x�ve h.=e„aw ..i the i r h han��m.a��a y�r�u.�anooe �' "
<br /> �..s v.r[e�en. . . .. . . .. ,f . . � . .. , .
<br /> ����dt.�/�ctc..n��' .,�tx�.it.ti � �N_�i,-�i✓��-2�-�/��-`//, ��j,C_����i.�/ � .
<br /> yy�
<br /> T�L EN P � D i?Ur�+ a s i�y i��i�r��G� r�oRAD tJE A. 1U}-i l�E a d 5 i:nc�I e persan
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