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� �" Si <br />� i�`,u <br />�. . � , <br />� i : :�_ ' � <br /> • .:, r- <br /> . �.. .. .. . . . . . � � ^— � <br /> ' qDDITlONAL PROVISIONS _ . <br /> ' D$ l3TOR 1VAl{RAFTS AND COVENANTS : f1)� Tl�at cxcept fur tuc-�se�urtly interest grdnted h<. +L� Di�btur � i�� to thc eztent that tivi� agrerme��t sUs.ns � � � � � <br /> � tlurt the �Cullatcrnl is to be aequired after t6e. datc hereof,..wJI 1}c, fhc onnqr u[ tke Co23a1erxl, (rce .(rom :u�y �drersr Len, veeuuty mterrsr or cncvmbrence ; an� tha.c ' � � � <br /> Unbtyr will dr£snd �the . Cullateral aKa�nst a7I clxims a�ui :dcm:�.n�la_o(�. a11, perspns at any�. time �.ciaiming thc yama or any m(crest thcmm. Q) That �io fu�anciiiA �?tatement � � �. . � � . <br /> � � poveriog. tke Collateral oc �any -procceds� thcreo( in on� �(ile in auy DVLiic of(ice and lhut at thc rc�7urel of Srcured Yarty, De4tqr w•�11 join w�@i Secnre3 F'arty in exncut�ng . . . � <br /> . one vr marr financin� �stutements pursuent to ;tNe� Nebraska � Uniform Commeici�l .Code m furzn saiis(actory cu Secure�t Yany. and will pay the cust o[ (iling such iinanciug . � � . � <br /> � sWtem¢ut,:. tl>is sscurrty� ugttement and aiiy continuation or ternainacioi� s[atemrnq . in all � Dublic of(ices wherever fiting is dermed . by 5ecurc�l Party m .t>e necesaary or ., � <br /> � Aesir-r61c ;.. and if thc. Collatrral' is' attached ro..zeal. esmte prior to .the 'perfectiun oi the � sqcunty � intera�:t gr.uxcd. herrby or �f the Co3laterel inclu�les crops or tiii, gns� ar � � <br /> . . mioernls to � be � exhacteA ur fimLer. to �be euq UeGtor �will, nn demand� o( Secured 1'srty, .furmsh Secured . Prrty �rith a diacluimer yr diwJaimrrs ur sutrordinxbon nKrec � � � � � <br /> mait eigned by all ycrsons hacing� an �ilntcrest i�i the acal eatate,� disckim�+��or �su6dsdinaling any intc+r<st iii iheC�llxleral which isp nor to flie interest of Sccured 7'arty. � . . <br /> (3) NoE� to sdl.� [ransfer or i$spose of thc Coltaterai, nur takr� the s:imr or nitemD� ro takr thc samc from the eounoy whem kept as at.nre stated, s�icimut the prior writun � <br /> � � ponxcnbof. the Secured�' Yarty.: � (4) To. payalt taxeg-and� assessmenls ot�-evcry nature:w�hich' may� Ix levie�t� or � aasessed againse t6e CollnteruL � ( 5) hot to permit or 'allow .. � <br /> - " any adverxe lien; stsuriiy intareyF or eiacumbraucr v.�hxtsuevrF �+p�n lhe CoiLterwl;� and amt to permib the �xame lo be attnched ar rcpievined. � ((a) Thac ihe Coi4rtenl is ' . <br /> '. in good�c9rtditivn,� and xhat.he wilt xt his'tiwn exprnse, kee4 ���� ������+n gaod condition anA from time tu �time, � forthwith, replace and re91�r atl such V�rts�of thnCollateral � . � � <br /> ae may .Ge broken, worn. out �or dxmng ed witiiout allowing �any� lirn to Le crcatrd uVar+ che Collateral qv� uccount of such repJacement or reVavs; andthat We Securrd � � � <br /> �� ��Party �:may. �amtn¢:and ��nspect the Co)leter,I �at avy; time� wherever locrtcd. {7)' Thatfie will aY his�o�vvrsycnsc k<ep the Coliateral insuitd in a mmpxny satisfactary . <br /> . to Sceurcd � Party ,agains[ loss, as�appropdate � �liy. thePt,;calhsion; fire'xnd� exkended cuverage,. with loss yayxLle to � Securcd Purty ;�s its i9�temat may� appear, a�d �will on � <br /> ' �drmaxtd delivcr saiil �{wiiciea of inxuravce ar'�um�sh prooE o( �wch insur,nce�. to Secuny Pariy.'� (8) At its opkinn Sccured Party may procure �such insurance, Aiachrrgc � � <br /> �. -jqxu¢, lie4�-�; secutity ��n{qzests or ot1�Fr encymbrance� Rt 'any time� lcvicd or:placed un lbe-Collatcral xnd��may pay � for the repair qf. any� ,damagc or aujur� y� to oi, fx� the � � � � � <br /> ;� .;pYesrtvatipn and mP,infen�ntt,oi�. thp CnAaterali Debwr xgreGu�tp 'reimbufsc Semired � Pxrty �nrrilem8nd fue�any pnyment or expense �incurrcd by Secured 1'nrty pursuant � . <br /> ; ' � to. Aoe foregoing suthorizatiun. � 'Jntil � svch reimburscmeiit, the amount. of any spc}y p;�yment, w�th interes[ at thc rate of 9% per annum (rbm. the da{c af payment uutii � <br /> �� reimbursemmt, shall Le addcri <o�� the� owed by I)e6tan and,'ahall Le secured . Ly thia aRreemen6 � ( 9) Thxt � t�e will not use tlic Callaceral .in vioL• t�oa of� xny � <br /> �� � apylicALle statuxq �regulation or ordi�unce and if any .o[ flic Co7Sateral �a momr v<hiNes i6c sam< wiil not be rented, usrd in rcntal service nor m any sp<e3 or ertdurance � � � � <br /> ; ' ' contest. . , (]0) PJe6tor Will pay Stcured Party any and all costs and expenses incurred iv recuvcring posucssion uC the Cullaterel and incurred in enfor�mg t2iis aecunty . ' � � � <br /> �aQ�eement.� and ihe Snme 6ha11 be ��aecuiedby ihis security �nqreem<nL � � � � .� . � . � � . . . . � � <br /> LSNTIL J)$FAULT D<Irtor�. may Lave po xaession. oE� the Colfateral xnd use it in any lawful manner uot imconsistrnt with this agrcement an<I not inconsietcnt with � <br /> � any policy of insurance thereof, and� upon detault Securo� Party�. shall havc the immed"ute ri8��� tu the posaeas�ion vf the Collate�aL . � . . -� � . . � <br /> �D4°BTOR SHAI.L B $ IN � DEYAUI.T under lhis agr<emrnt upon the happening .oE any of the (ullowang events or mnditions : ( 1 ) default in the payment �ot . � . . ' <br /> perfprmance o( any obliQativn Covman.i.� or .liabi[ity cantained �or r<ferrttl to httcin ar m anY ��iote evidmcing tl�e .rame : (3) 'any waranty rcprksGntatiomor ataf<menl y � � . � ' � <br /> �made.or (pmished to 5ecured �'Arty by. or on bzhalf of Debtor provga tu� i�av< becn faise :in any'm-rterial renpscY x•hen maAr or (urnished • ( 3) any event wFuch reaulLs in � � <br /> 3he aeceleiation af thelmaturi�y of tlie inde�tGilnesa uf`�Dchtor to ot6<rs under any ipdeniurp,. ag-reement or � undertaking ; (4? � 1oss, � the(t„ �amagt,' deatmction :.9,ile: or . � <br /> � �encambrance to or of any of tfi� Eoitaeen, I, or the maklug nf any ledy, seizure Or attachmint th0xmf or thercon ;� (5 ) > death„ diswiution;. .termiuntion of 'cziatrnce; insolv- � ' � <br /> �rncy 6uiiness failur<,. appointmmC of a � rcceivcr of xny part of Lhc propvty ut, aasignment for the benrfit of <red�mrs by, oi the commencemrnt of anY Pw<ceding under � � � <br /> �any ��bankruptcy ot insolvmc� y laws'.by or agxiust Dc6mr ur any guarrntor or . surcly for� I)ebtor. � � � �. � <br /> U,YQN SUCH DEPAUI,T� and ai any dme 'thcreafter, � or if it deems itsAf. insecucc, Securrd 1'arty may declare all . OLligations cecured liereby immediately'due � . . � <br /> and '�payable and. �shall .have the remediea oP a aecurat yarty� undcr the Nebraska Fniform Commereial Code Secured I'drty may rc4uire Uebtor to assem67e thc � . . . . <br /> 'Collasoral and� $cliv<r or� roake it ��avadable m Secured Party .at a platt to hc designated by Sccured Party whicli is reawnably convenient to Iwth� panies. Unlees the � � . <br /> � �.CDIlsYersl .is �perisiuble .ot threat<nn !a dedlne epe rdi7y in value. or is oF a type eustomarily sqld un a recognized market: Secured F'arty witl gi� ve Debtor reaeonaLt< � � <br /> '. no2icebf. the� tims �and place ot any �yublic sa�e thereof or of the time after wl�ich any yrivate sele or any uther intrnded d�spusition thereof is to be �made. .Thc require- . � � <br /> menta. of reasona6le notice shall � be met i( xuch notice is mailed, � postag< prtyaid, to che�.addresa ot DeLtor shown at the heginnong of this agrcement at least live days � � � ' <br /> �.befovd the time of th< sale or dis{wartian. � � . � � � � � � � � � � . � � � , . <br /> No �waiver by Sttured Party� of� any default shall operate ae a waiver of any other Acfault or o( the same drf.ult on a future oceasion_ ��: Tht taking of ��this seCurity � � <br /> �. agreement � shall not waivt or imyair any othtr security saiA Security Narty may have or eereaf[cr aequim (or the paymmt ot the ut»ve iudebtedness, rwrshail tbctaking � � . � . <br /> 9( any �euch. additwna( ,security Waive or impair this� security xgreemrnt ; but w�d Securcvl Yarty mny rcr,orl to auy eccurity it may have in thn ortl<r it may deam pwpeq. . � � <br /> � and not�iithscaaAing`anymllateral aecurity, Secured Party shall r<tain its rights ot setoff agamst DeGtor. ' � � � � � <br /> All righu of,Secured� Party fiercund<r shall inure to the bencfit of its sucrossorn and ass�gns and al! promises and dutira ot' DebRor shall bmd h�s heirs ex<wtora ' � � � . <br /> � oT xdmin{stratora or hia �or iH auccesanrs� or assigns. If therc tx more than one Ur6tor, tLcir lia6�i�tme hcreunder shall be joint. aud aeve[al ' � � � � <br /> , �}ys-a�rttmrnt ahall Uernm< effective whrn it is. signal hy D<btor. . , ., :: :.. �, ,,.. .... �._ ._. .. _.. . . :_c, '_ ... . ....� .. . 1 . , u'�. �,_ ._. rl... � � � � - �� <br /> t 'xr n ..�r�.�......�...r-. . . . . . . . . . . � . <br />� , . � � . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> + <br /> j <br /> . . . � d � . . . . . . . <br /> '. i �. . . � . . . � . . . . <br /> � � � . . y� , . � . . . . <br /> -..s n v, <br /> ,-. '�' �,, ^� <br /> . , . . � �� � 1-: �"` ,,,, -� cs c� rrr - . . <br /> . � � . .,..J �v-�: �� � � �u v � � , . � . . � <br /> � � <br /> . ; ... . m ,. . <br /> . . . »ti .� � �. � --�. � � ,' . . . . <br /> . . . . . . , �' � '�^}! AQ m . � . . <br /> . �� . a j'�j V 0 � . � : <br /> ; ; ' '—` � i f � <br /> ,� 1; � <br />� t�: ; � �;V � � � <br /> '''� ` ,n � e <br /> � . .� i � ` � � � . �� . . <br /> ! � . . � � � . � . <br /> 44 <br /> � �'. . . . � . . <br />�{ . . L�` ` ..J . . � . � <br /> ` <br /> . . . � . � . . . ...wn�� �h-'T`^� +�. . <br /> lT <br /> I � � ��� � a <br /> i� . � . ' . � � � . � ' t hJ <br /> !'� <br /> . . . . � . . . . . . . . fa <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . w✓„ �. � . <br />� .. . . . . . . . . <br /> q5� .. . � . . . . � � RR.;. � . . � <br />'PTA,..,. . , . . ' . . . . <br /> ti <br />~ � � <br />� � <br />� � <br /> � , <br />