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<br /> 203ya—RELEASE OF MORTGAGE—CorparafEon T�o Iiuttmnn qenexel 8uPP1y Hoese, Li co_r.,??ebr.
<br /> ,� � �
<br /> ��± IlV CONSIDER�4TION af the ¢ayrrzent of the debt n¢nsed thesei�o, the First Savings Company,
<br /> �' Grand Island hereb,y releases the a�aortgage �o:ae�e +n
<br /> ,A
<br /> � qs � � �
<br /> �� First Srivings Company by Louis J. Grein, Jr. , a single person
<br /> � � on the followi�g described real estate, to-wit: �
<br /> ,.
<br /> „
<br /> i, ;
<br /> ��
<br /> rj
<br /> �.
<br /> r€
<br /> �� Per attached Exhibit A
<br /> {r
<br /> ;i
<br /> af Section , in Toumship , Ran,qe mf !he P. M., Hall
<br /> i� County,State,of Nebraska which is recorded iu f3ook 163 of Re¢t Estate 1l�Icrtgag�s, pagc 68Q
<br /> ;j of the records of said County.
<br /> -? IN TESTIMONY WHLRFOF, the said First Savings Company }=as ca::,sed
<br /> ii these presents to be ezecut�d by its president and its Ccrporate Seal to be aj�ixed hereto tlxis 16th �
<br /> ,t ,.�it(yNf,;'•,,,, September . 19 77
<br /> �, irst in s C i an ._,.,,_,.,
<br /> � �slne�s ...-�--- ---......�.._ .�__. .�.---y �:
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<br /> _ x .,;- . - -Attest --------------�--.........._-••----•------....----�-----� Cashier, Secrztary
<br /> -•�-�---�-�-----��-----.._----....
<br /> �� 7'fiTE JFu
<br /> =i � ; � i Nebraska--�----------------•--�-------•---•----�ss. Oa thu._.16th...__day of...September IQ. 77... t
<br /> .... ................. ;
<br /> f{f •:r. v...;,,r, �,..,Hall....................................County f befose �ne, the undersigried,a Nodary PTcblic in asid fnr saiC '::
<br /> ,,
<br /> � r� ..�� L )
<br /> �+ 'CaaUKty�,�`r'ersonallv carne---•-........................�?__.SCait�--Jobcs----•�---��--�-•-----�--._..._..-•--•-•-�--.....__....._.......... ., I'residcr:t of the
<br /> '� =-,._,._.:. ......---�-�---...First Savings_Com�anY........---�--•--�---.... .._._.._--....._....----- rc Corporatian
<br /> --•............. . .....---�
<br /> #a me Qcrsonally hnvxc�n to be tke Presidcnt and identica! person zvhase name u �x�i.:ed ta td:c abnv2 rt;tcasc and
<br /> ° �uk�owledged k, eo to be his voluntary act and deed as such o(ficeY, and the valientar_y zzct and rleeu'
<br /> � 1�� �of said Corpor ti0tt� �t �� u�:.P;r.��qN °�„ � � .
<br /> , :�� ;i � � @er:te.�� n�Sir�„7Y � . as said Count ilre dr- �nd car �
<br /> ; li�itness �aut�Qlidr.;�`,9t4z�. Se 1 at.._........_Grand Isl.. d----------------------- •• --� ' Y
<br /> ' last above urrit en_ s r �a �C.�
<br /> ' My C01ffifli153Y01{ 6S'�71T.{''1ir:Y' i . ..... .._..., 19._._...... . .---- Q`�J�I . _...._..,.�._.:. Nc+Enry Publit
<br /> '�*��,I:: �/
<br /> � � �.,',� - -•....... ......... _...,
<br /> , . 9, x�t-. L
<br /> µ �.
<br /> Part of Lot One (1) of Vos� Subdivision to the City of Grand Zsland, Nebraska being
<br /> ' EXFiIBIT. A all that part of the East Half of the Southwest C�?uarter (E�'-ZSW�). and the West Fialf
<br /> of the Southeast Quarter (WZSE4)of Section Eleven (11), in Township �leven (11),
<br /> North, Range Nine (9), West o£ the 6th P.M., in Hall County, nTebraska, lying south
<br /> f '. of the Lincoln Highway according to the Plat thereof recorded in Book 81 at Page 72
<br /> of Deed Records in the office o£ the Register of Deeds of Aall County Nebraska
<br /> which part of said Lot One (1) is more particularly described as follo��s; Conunencing
<br /> at an iron pi.n situated upon the south line of said Lot One (1), which iron pin
<br /> is three hundred five and one tenth feet (305.1) west of the Southeast corner of
<br /> said Lot One (1), thence running north two hundred ten feet (210.0) and parallel to
<br /> the east line of said Lot One (1), to an ix•on pin, running thence west and parallel
<br /> to the south line o£ said Lot One (1), and distance of Sixty-six feet t66) to an
<br /> iron pin, running thence south and parallel to the east :Line oP said Lot One (1),
<br /> a distance of two hundred ten feet (210) to an iron pin on the south line of said
<br /> Lot One (1), which pin is located sixty-six feet (66) west on the south line of
<br /> sa.id Lot One (l) from the paint of l�eginning thence running east along and upor.
<br /> the south "line of said Lut One (1), to the point of beginning, subject, however,
<br /> to one half of the ro�.d to the south. of said oremises.
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