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<br />�, � y `�'
<br /> :V,a.�
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<br /> �;_: _ ' ` . r-.- ' �
<br /> � MOB7GAGE-Saving� aad Laan Form--(Dlnct Cxrd[t�Plmn),:255�2 (Spedd). �. . .. . � . . .
<br /> � �'��_ �i����:�� �IAORTGA�E
<br /> . .
<br /> ... : , . . . . . ... . . I.omi No- . " ' , ^
<br /> rens u�n,i�, mar� �h:. 19tfi ,,Qy September .is��.,bp cmd bstweea � ;
<br /> FREDERICK M, COOK AND LEVOI�A E. COOK, hustiand and wife, each in his and her own right
<br /> 3 and as spouse of tne otfier
<br /> � o/ .. .� {-�`7� I�. � . ��uah'.Nebraska,m mortgaqas.s.� and Home Federal Savtags�and Loaa�Aasoe3atioa of'L'n�d��Iat�d.
<br /> a mcporatioa org�ized�smd eaatizg vnder tke la�vs�of Nehra�ka �vitL�Sb pxiadtpal�otticre�d plaee of b-.uinem at Gran3�Ieland, Neb�lca,
<br /> � mi.mortgaqee:. ...: . . . . �.� . . . � . � � .
<br /> �W(iNESSEIH: That aaid moitgaqoz S�tor aad in ma�ideration��ol the sura ot—
<br /> TWEINTY'ONE THOUSANO HND NO/100----_--�-------�----�r-�^'>. ^-- � - "--" ' 21,000.00' �
<br /> �tlara (�
<br /> ? the��re�eApt oL�-which��ie herehy��.aclmowledqed, do..._..bp�thene�preeenta moriga4e and w�r�t unto aa7d�.mortgagee.�ils wceemon aad
<br /> .assig�u,�forever, all�We fo[Iowing deeezibed reai eatate, mtuated in the county of Ha� � � � � � � �
<br /> � i�'. ..m�d State of�.Nebraaka.�to-wit:�� .. �. . . . ... � . � . � . . . � . � � . . � .. .. . � � .�:
<br /> S
<br /> �
<br /> . � 4ogeth�r.wilh all�l�eating. lightinq, aad pl�.mhinq aquipmont cend fixturea, iacludinq atolcem cmd bumern,acreens,awninge,�etorm wiadowa
<br /> � � �vnd�doozs,and wiadow ahadea or blinda. used on or in coanection with naid property, whet6er the eame aze now loeaied aa e¢id propaxty ��
<br /> or hereafterplaced thereon. �
<br /> . TO HAVE�AND TO HOLD TH£ SAME, together with all and siagular the tenemeats.hereditameats and appurten�cee iheieunto belong•�
<br /> ?��� .inq,�or in anywiee appeztaining,loreves.cmd warrmt the Nt3e to the same. Said mortqaqor 5 harebp crovenant__with �d moriqaqeo �
<br /> �� t�a y _are ,a,,he deGvery hereof,�he ]awlul owner�ot tha premison above coaveyed and desciibed,and are
<br />�� , � F ee�_�r..f a good and indeteasible eatate ot inheritante thereia, frea and cfear of ali encuahrc Qo, aad :hc:_t hevr_will wacr�t �d � -�
<br />� , delend the title the:eto lorever againat tho claims and demands ot all persona wLomnoevea � � � . �
<br /> ` �PAOVIDED ALWAYS, �d this ivatmment ia e:ecuted and delive:ed to aecure the paymeat oF tha�aum ot � �
<br /> TWENTY ONE THOUSAND AND ;JO/ICO------------------------------^-
<br /> _ �Ilals <s �I�,OOtI_0(J �,
<br /> �wilh intezeet thereon. together with such ch�ges and advances as may be due and payabie to aaid mortgagee under the terma and ^
<br /> i
<br /> coadiGona ot the promisaoxy note of evea date herewith and aecured hereby,ezecutad by ecid mortgaqoi 5 to said mortqagee,.payable �
<br /> �� as�expersaed in said note,cmd to aecure tLe pedormance of all the terma �d mnditioaa mntaiued Wereia. The�terma ot smd nole are �
<br /> herehy incorporated heraia by thia ralere¢ce. . . .
<br /> It u the intention and agreement o: the pastiea hereto that thia mortqage aha1S alao aecure aay future advances made to� aaid
<br /> . mortgagor S by�amd mortgagee, and ¢ny aad all indabiednem in addiHoa to the a�ount above etated whicL amd mortgagors,�ot:any. . . .
<br /> ot them, may owe to rmd mortgagee, however evidenced. wLether by aote,boolc accouat oz otLerwiae. Thia mortqage shall remmn in full .
<br /> � torce and ettect between t6c parties hereto and the"u heirs,�peraonal :apreeentatives, succeseors aad asaiqna, until all amounts eecu:ed �
<br /> �nereundei,�inciudiaq iuture advrmcea, �e pcad in full with iatereeL � � . �
<br /> 76e atortgagor i Lereby assim to eaid mortqvgee dl rents and income �iaing at �p and atl dmee fzom emd prope[ty.�d �
<br /> . � hereby wthorize nmd mortgagee oz its agent at ita�opfion. upon deiault,to�take chm�ge oS-sQid pioperty�d collect al2 reats��d�Sncome .
<br /> thexefrom and apply the samv to the paymen[ot iatereat.�priadpal, iaeurance premiuma, t�ee, aeaeaements, repmra or imprevements aeces- . �
<br /> aary to keep caid properry ia tenantuble conditiou,�or to other�chaxqea or pnymenta provided tor harein or ia the note hereby eeeuzed T&is � � � �
<br /> reat oseigament shall mnlimue in force until the ssapaid bal�ce of eaid aote is fully Fwid. 7'he fa7ciaq oi possesaion hereunder ahall in no � � ���
<br /> mannez prevenf�or retard said mortqageo in�the colleciion ot said euma by toreclonure or otherwiae. � . � . � . �
<br /> � � .::.. .... . .� �....� . . .. . . . . . .. . �:
<br /> i She iallure of tLe mortgagee to aseert cmy o2 ita.�=iqLte hereundar at uap tlme shall.aot be const�ued aa a waiver of its rlght to asaert .
<br /> �the aame ap .latec.�:mo,,..mnsl;gyr�qsst u�nn and en[oxce strict�eompll�ce with all the terms and provinioas�oI said aoto �d of ihis��
<br /> morlgaqe.�e:'¢ 7Wi �;. ..,.. .i .. . . .. . � . , ... � .... � � .
<br /> . r. . . . �..., .
<br /> . � "k'��.a .,��.. ^.,,n. i.. . . . . . .
<br /> . St sai�mo '�a�,�._,'�' „�rt1p7} c»uur,ia��auid to said mox.yaya.i iha eatiam amowzt due lt hereunder,an3 uu3er tYw tesuu and proviaiana
<br /> � ol eaid note�`711SYA'b�`fY��faeiuding�laace,ad�Y�ces,and any eztension� or renewala thereof [n a�ordaace with the tex�me. �d proviaions � �
<br /> Wereof,aad U..said mwtgaqo�+La31 eomply�w�ith all the provletons ot said nou and.ot this moriq¢qe.tlsea Weee preaents aLali be�ooid: . . . .
<br /> ' � ' otha�wiae to remaon in tull toma and elfect�d said mo a ee ehall ba entitlad�to the oa ot ati of said ro rt � A �
<br /> .rnJ 4 P°M� . P Pa Y.�d may.at Ita
<br /> : � optlon,dedare the whole of aaid note and:all indebta�mess reprassated thezeby to�bs immediatety due aad payabia,and�map forecloae tbie �, ., � �
<br /> mortgaqe or take aap othez�.leqal acfdon to p[otect.it�righ4 �d tmm the dats o3 sueh dalault all items of iadebtadnems seeuzed her�bY � . � ���,
<br /> ,�� .:
<br /> e6a11 draw�iaterast at�%P�-aanum. AppraSenmaat�ralved. . . �. � . . : . .. . . " ��.�k , . �..
<br /> .�
<br /> ihia mortqaqs aLall be biad3ug upon and shall onura W ILe }»ae16t ot Uas hein, esacutois.�adminLtrators.��aucce�wss��d ms�4� d � � :� �a
<br /> , � thp r4apecti�e gartias heteto. �. .,... .: .�.., .. . , � _. . :. . . . . �.. . �' :
<br /> rti��
<br /> , � n� wtrNEss wxeEt�oF. .da �ornias��.�,a Ve h.�aun�o .� the i r ,,�a S_en�aey�a y�:s�a ano�e `,�`�.
<br /> .�,�,L,��,�.�;�,�r - �- �,�, � ,.
<br /> , -�_ d,_� �' :;,_ �
<br />� � - t=ret�erick N!. L"'ook evcara o C`'f .��' ..'
<br /> � .....y.-...�... ................,...,..-. ..�
<br /> � � �
<br />�
<br />�
<br />