<br />� , � �
<br /> �.�� i �
<br /> � � � �
<br /> not extend or post�one ihe clue date oi the montlily iu�t :illment5 referred t.a in p�rngraphs' � and 'l hereof or
<br /> change the' smount vl' such instalhuent�.
<br /> 10. Borrower l�ot Released. ' lisiensiou of the time. for payiuent: m• mecfi ficai,ion of smorti�aLion of the sums
<br /> �ecured by Ll�is 1for-tgage gratited by Lende�• to �iny ruccessor in inkerest: of F3vn•o�ver sh�ll not c�perate to release,
<br /> ` an uny maniier„the Iiabitity of, fhe original I3orro���er ,Lnii iiorro��•cr', �ucce.sor, in iuterest.. Lander shall not be
<br /> required t� commence proceedings again st sucli successor or 3•eiuse to estend tinic for �iayment or otlierwise modify
<br /> aiuortization of 4he sums secured by t;l� �s \lortgage by rea.soi� oi am- demuud madc hy thc orig� nal Borrower anct
<br /> f �3orro�ver's successors in interest,
<br /> ' � 11. Forbearance by Lender Not ¢ Waiver. Any forbearance Uy Lendar in exerr,ising an_v rigl�t or remedy
<br /> ; � s�ereunder, or otlier�vise afforded by apt3licnt�lelnw , shall ziot be n ��•aiver of or preclude tl�e eKercise of any right
<br /> � or remedy hereundes-. 'I't�e procm�ement of insurance or the � >ay�neni of t.axes or other ]iens or charges by Lender
<br /> f ' � �hall not be n Nuiv�r of Lender's right io acceleratc the ia3aturity of the indebiedness secured �y this i1'fortgage.
<br /> z , a � 12. Remedies Cumulative. -` i11i i�erz�edies provided in this \fortgage are disiinct and cumul �,tive to any other
<br /> d ` �-igltt or remedy und�r tf3i� \Ioriignge or :�fforded b�- I;t�t• oi- equity, nnd �utx}� i�e ea:ercised concurrentdy; independ-
<br /> ; � , � zitly or succecsivel,v _
<br /> � h 13. Successors �d Assigns Bouns3; Joint and Sevezal Liability; Captioas. The, co��enant.s and agreements
<br /> � j i\ �erein containedsha � l bind , ;iud tlic rigt2is irerewider �hsll inurc to, t}�c respect � ve successms and assigns of Lender
<br /> ,. ; :s:nd 33orrower, subj �ct to ihe provisions of para�r;ipl� 17 Izereof. :111 covenante= snd agrcements vf I3orrower shall
<br /> �e joint atid severuL '1'he captio�7s :tnc9 l� e:idings of tlic paragra� �hs of tliis \lortgnge are fui• con _-enie�icc only and
<br /> � � �ie not to bo used to snterpret oi• define t �� e provisiuns Iierca i . � � � �
<br /> � y 14. Notice. � � An�y � nozice t�o T3orro�vc� i• pro�•ided ior in t ?� i� �1Im•tg�gc ahall ;�c gi��c�n by maili�g ��ucli notice by
<br /> � � ��rtified iciail aNdres�ed io 13orroirer at r. l�c Yropert }� .�1�.1i1rE: , stated hclo��� , rxccpt ior :u�v noti�.ct: 1•eyuired under
<br /> � �aragrnph 18� liereof to � t,�e given lo I3or�ro�r� r in the msnizer � �rescrihed by .�. � �plicabic lu�c. An�- notioe provided
<br /> � � F ,or in tl�is �iortgage �liall bc deemed t� ziavc bcen gi��en to I3orro�eer �ehc�n gi�-cn in thc miu�ner �9esignnteci l�erein.
<br /> 15. UnitormMo=tgage; Gnveming Law; Severability_ 'I'his 1'oi•�n of iuortguge combines �niform covenants
<br /> fflr national use and non -uniform covenants with ]imite�i �- ariations b,v ,jurisdiction to constitute n uniform seeu-
<br /> _ ' rity instrument oove�ing real property . 'I liis \lortgage shaIl l�c governed by tl�e la�i� of the jur� sdiction in which
<br /> ' t�-ie Property is loca.iei3. In tl�e event t �3at a:7y provision or clause of' tliis �iort.gage or tl�e ISote conflicts cvitl�
<br /> ` � 3.ppiicable ]aw, sucli conflict shall not <: ffect other provisions oi tLi� \lortgagc oi• the A1ote �cYsicli can be given `
<br /> � e#i'ect without the co�fiicting provision , 3, nd to this end the provisions o£ the tlortgage and the �7ote are declared
<br /> ' ' tr� be severable.
<br /> s
<br /> 16. P,oerowar's Copy. 13a.;•awex� si . ull t7e iuri�ished a conformed cop,y of t.his DIortgage at t ��e time of exeou-
<br /> t taon or after recm�dat-�on hereof.
<br /> � 17. Transfer of �he Property; Assuazplion. If all or stiy I�arG nf ttie Property or an inter�st therein is sold
<br /> o� transferred by I3orrower without Lencier;s prior 4vridten consent, excluding ( a ) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> j brance subordinate t� this \Iortgiige, ( b i the crention oi' a F�urehase mauey sacurity interest for household appli-
<br /> � : '; arces , (c) a transfer by devisr,, descent or bv operat.ion oi l ��c upon tl�e death of ti joint tencmt ot (d ) the. grant of
<br /> a ny leasehold interesi of three ,yeru�s oi• It,: not cunfainiu� an option to purchase, Lender may, a� Lender's option,
<br /> � ci eclare all the sums s=-ecured by this Mor�gage t.o be iuuuecl i :� tely duc :incl p�Lya ble. Lender sliull i-iave waived such
<br /> ok�tion to accelernte � i, prior to the sale or ta•ansl'er, Lcuder and thc persun to ���hoiu tlic F'iropert� is to be sold a� � � � �
<br /> transferred reach agr�ement in a�riting tl � at the eredit. of sucl � � �erson is s.�tisf� ct,ory io Lender nnc3. t6at the interest
<br /> ; p�ayable on the sums ser,ured by this \1oa-tgage sl�ull be at � uch rate as I.ender �hall requesC. lf L- �nder has waived
<br /> j t�e option to accelera.te provided in tl�is narxgrapl� 17 und i f Borro�ver'c succes�or in interest liac executed r� writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreesnent accepted in �vrSting b,y ].ender, L�nder shall rcleasc Borrower from all oUligations under
<br /> ' t�is Martgage and th� Note.
<br /> ; If Lender exerci�es such option to acceleratc, Lendcr st� nll � nuil I3orrower ziotice oi accelerattion in accordance
<br /> �� cvitlr purugrai�h 14 h�reof. Sueh nohce sia.�ll provide u period of not lesa tlian 30 days from tl�e �3at.e+ the no�,ice is � ��
<br /> i�ailed n�itl�in wl�ich Fiorrowcr mny p.ti�- tLe sums declarec3 dur. 1P Borro�ccr s ails to �iay sucli �ums prior to thc
<br /> ' ! e�:piration of suchpaTiod , T,endermay , «' it.li�ut furthc�r ��otiac ur deivand on Borrower, ineolcc c� ny remedies per- � � �
<br /> ' u3itted by paragraph 181iereof.
<br /> \ox-LJ:� rFounz Coc-FNn�.��s. Boi- z•o�ce, r �iiicl Lend �i• f'urthc• r coveiiant �ancl a� ree a _ follo���s •
<br /> x 18. Accelemtioa; Remedies, Exec-pt us pro�� i�led in � �ar;iRr:i� �l � ] 7 lu�reof , upon 13orro�ve�^-'s hreach of any
<br /> � covenant or agreeme�t of 13orro�rer in tl xis \lortgt� � c, iuclu � iing thc covensnt; zo pat° when due �ny .ums secured
<br /> � � }>y this 1'Iortgage, Lander ��ric�r to necel � ration �hull niail rautiec: to Bma�o�cer a.� �irovided in pai-a�;raph 14 l�creuf � � � �
<br /> ! s�ecifyin�; : ( 1 ) the i�i•each ; (21 d�e action rcquirerl to ciia-r .ucli breri�h ; 13t a dute. liot Icss tl�an thirty dsys
<br /> I =om the date thenocice i� m.iiled to 13orroiccr. ht� �vliieli � � rcli hrcarh niust bc cine�7 ; and (41 lh :.it f.ailtuc to curc
<br /> �j � s �..ich breach on m� b� fore the date specif �ied in thr r�otice ii� sy renult in nccelerzition of thr. stuu— secured t�y tl�is � � � �
<br /> '1..Sort.gage xnd sale oi the Propert,y. lf the bre:lch i. not eurc d or or betore the c9xtr. specificd in t =�e notice, Lenc�er
<br /> v a� Lender's option ii�ay declare all of t �-ic suir�s secrmed 1,;,- tiii: \1'ort{;agc to bc i�nmediately cluc and payable
<br /> �-�thout further dem:� nd and may foreclu_.e Uiis \lortgagr bs- iuclirial j»roccedin�. I.ender vhtill bc entitled to colleot � � �
<br /> iri sucl� procccdin� � 11 expenses of foreclosurc, includin �; . hut uoi limited to , cost . oC docmi �. entar�� evidence,
<br /> abstracts and titic repoits .
<br /> 19. Bonower's �tigh! io Reinstate_ NotNith�tandin� Le��der's uccelera� ion of t,he sum� secured by this
<br /> 11+�ortgage, Borrower =hall have the right to have �tu�� pinc��ding� be�un by Lc rxicr ro enfarcc th_ i, �lortgage dis-
<br /> ca�ntinued at any titrse prior to entr,y of a judgmeni cufo��ring thi: \ iortg�g� : f : ( x ! Bprro�cer pavs Lender all
<br /> sums whieh wouldUe then dtte underthi� 1lortgt�ge, the ?tio�e :ind notes securin #r, Future Advancc:_-; if un,y, ht�d no
<br /> acceleration occurred : (b j Borrower cure� a11 brcaches of ainy other co�•enat�t _� m• sgrrement� oi Boirower con-
<br /> ts.ined in this \'Iortga�e ; l � ) 13orrower }�atis all renwn,ibl�• �•x� �c i�se. incurred h�- Lender in cniorci �g t }ic covenants �
<br />� � a�d agreements o( Bc3rmwer i•ontained ir. thi� A1ort ; ,igr ari �� ui i��nfor�ing Lenr cr', re�neri�es :is j '� �o�- ided in ��ara - �
<br /> gx-aph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, renson:iLlc cLr torney� f ec.� : and e .-! 1 Rorrorvcr takcy- s such nction as
<br /> I...ender may reasunat�ly require to nssure that thc licu ot � his 1lortgage, Lender's interest in t�e Property and
<br /> S-.orrower's obligntioR to pay the sum� s�cured by thi� \lorz �,.iz;o �hnll contiriuE- nnimpaircd . L' ��c�n such �,ayment '
<br /> s�d cureby Borrower, this :14ortgage anc� tlie obli�ationssr. cnred hereh}� �hall remtiin in full forc•� and effect as if ��� • ';+� ;
<br /> n�o aceeleration hado�curred. " - = „, � � � � ,,
<br /> 20. Assigament of Aents; Appoiat�ent oi Receiver; 3.ender in Possess3on. ,�, acldition� i security here- • ; ,
<br /> � usader, Borrower hereby assigns to I.ender ihe rents of the Propert}•; pro��ideri tii � t Borro�cer siiall , prior to acceler ,�
<br /> ation under paragrap�a 18 hereof or abant3onment of the Proj>erty, havc thc rig�T7t to collect and s-etain such rents y,�� '
<br /> as they become due az;d payable. ,� . . :
<br /> T3pon accelerstic3n under paragrapi� 18 liereof or itb:inr'sonment of t.hc ]'ro��erty , I.ender, in ��erson, bv flgent
<br />� �' . . C^ � �tly' 3AC1:C23113` 1PpC�RtCG� ICCCiFCtS�1.22: :iC 6IIiit�C(i �.0 CLi.C:..: . �ijiUil, iAr�. �)O ::c�.:.aiWi Ui ulll� LL1:i11:+�.�T,C i�10 1�IU�>eti.y � � .
<br /> a�rl� to collect t�e� re�-+s of Y�4e Property, incl::ding tl�ose p�.:.�t ciuc. _0.11� rmits, ecllcct�ed P,3• Lcnde� or tl�c recm•.�or � � �
<br /> � � stxsll be a�*plied� first to �ayment of the costs of tnan�gement of the Propert�� aiic+ collc�ction of renLs, including, t�ut, � � �
<br />. ne�t limited to, receiver's fees, l�remiums c�n � eceiver'ti bonrl� and retisoni;ble utzorney 's feec. Rnil i 3�en to the suis�s �
<br /> � s�ured by thie Mort�£e. Lender and the recei��er sliall be liahle to accamt onl�.- for thorc rent � artiially r�oriaP� i .
<br />� �"- I
<br />= :�
<br />