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<br />�A" " ,a'�+�
<br /> � .:�.�,.-�Ki`a
<br /> � , �
<br /> IND�VIDUAL • �
<br /> DUE ON 5ALE
<br /> FEs�.� ��/�/'1�' SAY-�-�NGS FUND
<br /> � � . . L�I��VL� fon�...: No.720 �. . . . � . _ . �
<br /> Loan Nu�nber__34k�4___—__d8____—__l. ,
<br /> �Type Hrench � I
<br /> � � � � � . �. � . I ��.
<br /> OCl54�9 M0R "-TGA GE !
<br /> 77- : - ,
<br /> _ , '
<br /> . ; ,
<br /> , THIB MG�RTGAGE, rnade�nd executed this __..... ��1+� . �3ay of 4,�e. .��ti,��i�r A D., ' '
<br /> 19....7.'j:.,betwe�=,eentheMortgagor, _Robert,jVjheele� and Naacr�.I,f�he�ler_�_.husban�.� d.;wife,,,,1c��,��1c�.z �
<br /> , . ...... .........
<br /> ; ancl each .xrr�.si their oc,m rt��at, _........................... .-• - -............... ....... .... __......:. °
<br /> .. :.. ........
<br /> of ,,,;Grand; Ssland Coun�y of _.,... ....Na11 , Stateof_ _Nebraska,..._.�}y_.�reinafterre�ened ' `
<br /> ........._� -..............
<br /> to as the Borr�ower, and �he Mo�tgagee,FIRST �EDERAL SAVIN�S AND LOAN A�SOCIATIO�OF �
<br /> LINCOLN,12'=.35"N°Street,Li_r-scoln, Nebruska G�501,ita successors and assigns,here-�*+after reterred to
<br /> r as Lender,
<br /> � WtTxEssE--�Ttt: That the said Borrc,wer for anc� in consideration o� the sum of FIF�y.,FOUR,_�'HQz),�,�KD ;
<br /> ' FOUR NUNDRED E AND NO/100----- -------------------- - -� 54 4G�.fl 00
<br /> s ..................-- -.......----.......__........:_ __...._ .................,.---...............---...,.Do��ars (US$......�...._ ....---..... _,.:..) ,
<br /> 'r paid by said Ia�ender,does hereby mortgage,grant�nd convey to Len.der, its successors-- and assigns; the
<br /> following desc�ibed propertyloca-�ed in theCounty - of.............Hall.._._,..__........ State of Nebraska: '
<br /> Lot Thre�e (3) in �lock One Hundred Fc�sty-one (1�+1) o�' Union Pacific Railway Compan�'s �
<br /> Second A._g3ddi�tion ta the City of Grand island, Hall Co�a.nty, Nebraska _ G
<br /> �
<br /> . r
<br /> �
<br /> � 4
<br /> i
<br /> � Toc�Txt:�with all t�se imprc�vements now or hereafter erected o�n the property, �_�d all eaaements, �
<br /> rights,appurta=enances,rerzts,roy-�lties, mineral, oiI— and gas rights arad profits, water, water rights, and �
<br /> � i water stock,A��nd all fixtures no�c- or hereatter att�:ched to the prope�ty, all of which, 3ncluding re�place- ;
<br /> ments and adoditions thereto,shaLl be deemed to b� and remain a pa�t of the propert;,_? covered by this l
<br /> Mottgage;an�all o£the foregoi�g, together with said property (or t�e leasehold estst� in the event this i
<br /> ;: Mortqage is o�-n a leasehoid)are herein reterred tQ� as the"Property""'_ `
<br /> Borrower covenan�s t�at Bo�rower is lawfully seised of the estst� hereby conveyed and has the right !
<br /> to mortgage,�rant and cc3nvey tt3e Property,that the Property is un�ncumbered,and�3zat Borrower will �
<br /> warrant and��e[end generally th� title tu the Propr�erty against all cl�ims and demancLs, subject to any �
<br /> easements anc�restrictions lieted �n a schedule of�=�cceptions to cover�ge in any title in�urance policy in- �
<br /> suring Lender',��s interest iz� the Pr-operty,or(2) at�orney's opinion of title from abstrac-� of title ceri.ified
<br /> by bonded abs_--atracter; �
<br /> Paovincn ALWAYfi�ar3d thes� presents are exeacuted and delivered upon the followin� conditions,agree-
<br /> ; ments and obL�ligatiuns of �tho Bo�rower,to�wit: s
<br /> i
<br /> �. The Borrcaower a ree� to pay �o the Lender,or - order,the principal sum of.: __................ _....... � .
<br /> FOUR NUNDRED _ AND �0/1D0----- -------- --------- 54 4l-7p.00
<br /> � ..__....................__ _.....---.........---........_ Dol�ars (US$.....r. ---....) � ,
<br /> _ ..-�........................---....:...........------.. __.....----.......-- �.
<br /> �: payable as pro=+vided in u r�ote executed and deliver�d,concurrently lier�with,the final pay--�-anent of principal, i
<br /> ; if notsoonerp�aid, onthe __.......1s t.............dnyof..—_-...Mazch..---........---........, k9c.. ', `
<br /> � UNIFORM ^� COYENANTS_ BOCC04G>Bi 8ri(I LBllaO[CO-�v2llarit e11C1 8�,tCC 8� FOIlOWS: . �
<br /> I,Payme�t oi Principal and I�terest. Borrowe� shall promptly paey when due the p�—�ncipal oI ac,d in-
<br /> � tereat on the i�ndebtedness eviden--�ced by the Note,�repayment and la�e charges as pro�-�ded in the �"Vote,
<br /> and the princi�al of and izzterest on any Future Ad�vances secured by t�is Mortgage.
<br /> 2.Funds�ior Taxes aad lnsurc�nce. SubjecC to Lender's option un-.eler paragraphs 4�*�d 5 hereof, Bor-
<br /> rower shall pa�:y to I.ender on the day monthly ins�-allments of principaal and interest are �ayable under the
<br /> Note,until th�Note is pa�d in fu�l,a sum(herein"—Funds") equal to ..one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and
<br /> ! assessments w��ich rnay at�.ain pric�rity over thia Mo•---rtgage,and grow�d rents on tlie Pro�erty, if any plus ;
<br /> rj one•twelfth of yearly premium ix�stallmenta for ha�ard insurance,plu� one-twelfth of y�arly premiuru im
<br /> stallments for mortaage i�surance, if any,ull as re�sonably estimated initiallp and froii� time to time by
<br /> ' Lender on the�` basis of nss�ssroent�and bille nnd rea�onable estimates tk�.ereof,Lender s1�a1=� app1Y the�unds
<br /> to pa,y said ta�ces,assess�n.�nts,in.�urance premiums and ground rents. 3�ender shall make no charqe f or so
<br /> ` holding and a��plyino the Functs ---or verifying and �ompiling ssid nsse�sments and bills. The Irendcr shnll
<br /> ' �ve to the Bo�-xrowar,witt�ut ch��rge, an annual ac�ounting of the Fum.ds showing credits and debits to the
<br /> ' ?, �unda and the -purpose tor which each debit to the�unds was made.T�xe Funds are ple�ged as addit3onal
<br /> aecurity for th�e sumfi secuaed by -�his Mortgage.Tt-3e Borrower agrees �hat the FundF m�y be held hy the
<br /> 7�ender and co�nminglecl wath oth�r funda and the L.ender's own funds�nd the Lender m�.v pay such�tems
<br /> from its own fc:=unds and tl�Lend..er shali not be li�as.ble for interest or aividends on such �'unds. "'� ' ,�0.,
<br /> If the am��•ount of the�'unde k�eld by L@nder,togethe; with -the fut�are monthly inst��irnents of F`�nds & N ,�*�
<br /> I' payable pnor t�to the due 3ates of tases,assessment.��, insurance premi�ms and ground r�nts, shall exceed �
<br /> kh,e smount reaquired to pa�said t=axes, aeaessmenta,_ insurance premiu�ra and ground rent�as they fall due,
<br /> such excese sh�all,be,at Bor[ower'-=�option,either p�+omptly tepaid to�orrower or credit�-.d to$orrower on �,"' `
<br /> iaonthly inetsL�lments ot�nda, I � the amount of�he Funds held by�.ender shall not b� sufficient to pay
<br /> taixes,assessma.,ents, insuraace pre�iums and groun� rents ae tt2ey(all due. Borrower sh�ll pav to I.ender
<br />� a�Y emount na�eceasary to xnake u�the deflciency�.thin thirty days af-=.�er notice irom LP�der to Horre�n�er
<br /> requeating paya-�ment thereo#,or f3�c>rrower ahall,by an incrense in mon�3ily installments o� Funds required, �-
<br /> repay the defi�iency withia the F�and accounting p�riod.
<br /> Upon pay�nent in(uli of oll`s�ams secured by t�is Mortgage,Lend�r shal]apply Func�s held ax a credit
<br /> f against all,sun��s due.
<br />� ! J
<br />