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<br />.,Mk�+"uid�.'7 .
<br />� �"�.��� LOAN NO. Z1O 46176 O ��,�.:NORTGAGE AND SECEJRITY AGREEMENT"
<br /> �, ��, !{r� J A� �")O � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEMS . . �
<br /> ll<, `t f O
<br /> THAT GL�LBERT G.N3ANN�NG ard•LI�ND� C. MANNING, husband and -�aife, eacYi wn�racting in � �
<br /> r hi�s own riglit �nd as spous� of the othe�
<br /> I
<br /> of the Cwnty o-of � � Hdll ond Stata of Nebmika,moe-.rgagors,in considemlion�f the sum o( �. . . � � �
<br /> FORTY-T[,�TO THOUSAI�'D AI�FD NO/100ths----------------------------------- (542,000.CO----)oou..��es
<br /> �, fhe rocelpf wha�.ereo(i�hereby acknow7c�edgad,do hemby SE "il AND CONVEY lo$tote Federoi Sovings .ond Loan Association�Beotricc, Nebrmka�mortgog�ee, .
<br /> � � fh�e(ollowing�ic=iescribed roal estePe site�oted,�d Hall co��e—y,Stote af Nebmsk¢,to�wih � � � �
<br /> LoC Twen_ssty (20) in DLock One (1)� ln Southern Acres Additi-�on to the City of G.rand Islan�d,
<br /> Hall Cou=�nty, Nebrask�
<br /> �� io�afhar�-- wiYh all Lui!:"�g3,easemenh, improvements��,Finfuree or oppurtenanees now or hereafter �rected Ihereon, includine�,oll opparatm�equipme�it, � . .
<br /> � Fixfiure�orartie..=3os.what`or ir =ingle-�:nits er:c"m p co.,-_:_.,,Ile',usw.� s::pply;�eui,gus,au conditioning,watar,lighq pow�r,retrigemrion,ventifari�-��on, �
<br /> � dish�xaehing, di=aspowl�or olhar services,and ony other fhin-:g nowbr hereafter Ihere-�n or thereon,the fu.rc--�ishing of whi<h by lessca.rs lo lesseas i�customory-�� or � � .
<br /> � oppropdole, ino•+<luding screans, windo�.rv shades,sMrm doors and windows, floor covaring:,screendoors, i.r�-o-door bedn,awning�,�toves and water heolers� {all. �� .
<br /> ' of whlchare de--�clamd to be a perf of s�id real eslale wheth�r physicolly vttached tha�ereta w nof�.The M�s-tgagee is hareby subrogor.-�d lo the righls of oll rca-.a.or � � �
<br /> � tgageet�Ilenha:::-oldars and owners. pald off by the proceeds of the loan hereby sewred_ This morfguge consit�,.fes o sewrily agreament wifh respacl lo Iha chul�rsels . .
<br /> �. coveredhereby - and wllh respee^t ro Ihc fixlures affachad to-she abova deseribed raoE esmfe in wLich mortg.cgee hos en ordinory�ac���-�ity iotaresL .
<br /> �. � TQHAVE=ANDTO HOLF7 fhesoid proper�y,wllh sai�.�..:.d buildinga,easement�, �mprovemenh�fixfure�, oppurfenances, appamt-...�s and aquipmenf,unto s.-.e.aid � . .
<br /> . Mortgopee,ih a� zuccenon ond.ossigm Foraver. �
<br /> . ihe morty.,pagon ropresent and covanonf wifh the mortge..ogee thal fhey ero Imvfua!y seized in fea simpl�e of said premises;thot Ihe-�y hove good righl ond lo�v�....ful �, �
<br /> '�. authwity lo sol4��-!ond conveyfhn snme;�6a1 they aro fine aad.3 cleor from eneumbmnc�-s;Yhat ihere ore no o�+��ntonding security infere-.sis ogainrt any flxfuror,�nd �
<br /> fhot fheywi U ��w+.warront and defea-ad the t-ifle�o said premisez ogainst the cloims of cll persons,ond Ihat there ere no outstanding sawr-=.-aty interesh w to any and all '.
<br /> of the above dozsscribed fi#uros_ � .
<br /> PROVIDE�SD,alwoys and tk-aese prasenf+are upm expra�s wndifion:Thal,Wher as fhe said mortgogors hove fhis day exeate�..c!and delivarod to�he sa.oid '
<br /> A�so<iulian, ons+.e cedoin note io the aro�ount of the obove oo�.nsidarolion,whi ch sum wi+h inYaresf ai provid�d by wid nofe or any mut-.uial modificotian or extensv--a:on .
<br /> � tharooF�ond oll�- s:sum�which aaid quociation shallpoyouf of �� �its own funds for�axe4=�risuronce or repairs on the propeNy dascri6ed he�vin�or iulure cashedvance- � -
<br /> '•�� ments mode by e�"rsrhe motlgogee to the me.rtgopor,or hii�uceeL�or in fiHe,for ony purp.a�se at any time beforo the release and eancellat---ion of thl�moAgaga(provs�.--"ad- .
<br /> ed thot Ihe wid a.advoncament,together with the principal bmlan<a due af the time oF tha said odvanceman�,sholl not eaceed the ori-`�-inol omant of fhe marfgoge
<br /> and,pmvided fucmrther,ihot no�hFnghar�in conloinedsholl be consideredas 1 imiting th+e amounts Mat�hall b� sewred hereby whenadv�-....onced to protecl tha sewr--iry . �
<br /> i: �� or in ucrordonca�e wlth Ihe covera.onh co�rifalned harein)shai l conditufe fha debl owirsg to said Aswciafion or�d by said nofe said mor-tgogors pmmiae fo pay saoid
<br /> �� dabt nnd In�ereszat to the Associat ion in mmoNhly ins�aliments c�s provided in said nole of even dala herewith_ ilnless modified or oxiended,fhe flnol paymenf is�ve �
<br /> sae
<br /> months(rom dar.ate. �
<br /> Modgagor-^ars fudher ogroe ro poy, beFore dolinquency, tha sumt secured hereby� ond oll foxas and cta.orges o(every chomclar asseued ar now due,un�er �
<br /> . the�aww(Nebaorasko�updn saie4 real e�tate,and upon Ihis -�r-a�orfgage or fha nole or cz�bt sewred hereby;t� keep Ihe buildings upon�oid premisa�insured for f�'"�=3ro �
<br /> ond exlanded co-ov¢rage in�ane eompm:�-y oi componiot occnp�tabie lo mortgogea for�a.-�amouM nol lees Iharr. the volue oF ihe 6uilding_, ai detenninad by�he maex- �
<br /> f8o8ae orlhe un�ua-�paid ba�6nce of theloa..n,whichevar i�bss;t--o keep all improvemants in good repalr and co-s�dition,withat woele during�ha life of this mwtga�--�_^-e; �
<br /> � and fopermi�mo.or/gcgednr its og�enl fo onfer upon coid pram.m:.�ses�o exomine the cond-.�=�tion of soid improve�s.cnis ia order lo e.isure cor�.npliance herewifh. �
<br /> Shwld de�`�-foulf 6e mode ie+ payme-..r-�t oF the sum�ecured hereby,or eny port fher�of,and said defauh continue for sixty (60)da:�ys,or should said insumrt.�.�<e �
<br /> not be promplly g. effecled,or foac.es or assassmenis no16e poid'� befwe delinquency,or defaulf in ony of fbe� rms of the nofe for whic"se-�this morlgnge it securir--y,
<br /> � w soldproperty-�� sold or Irons(err�d 6y d.ead,conhecl,optioraca,eosemenf,or orherwisa,wilhou�approva�of o supplemenfol applimtiorn for assumpNan oF Ihi�mor-
<br /> tgoge mdthe deebl evidenced tfwereby, by the Auocialion, c.r in caso of fai lure ro du�ly obsme and be go..-�sr�ed by tha provislom ar.�d�condition�of the Chort�:�-.�r, ��
<br /> By-Law�of wid- Aao<iotlon,o�d rule�-ond regulatians of Thae Federal Savirags and loon System,or If insurad by mortgage insumnca eorporotions�lo pay in od�..imd-
<br /> iHon attha optia�;on ohlmAcsociatim,:^--fie preiniumi(oreaid insumnce,or the discov..ery by the Asrociation „� or ils officerc, thoi ony�-of�he statamenh contair�...�.cd
<br /> in the opplicatie-�n for the loun�ecoled by mwlgo3on ore f�ise,or if o tex E ien,od-�.'itional m«Igape,m -chonics lien,w other enc--._.mbronce is(iled of rec�=�d
<br /> which Impo�ns a a lian opalnst ih� above described roal esfnte��ihen fhe whoie of said andabtadnes�remainir� unpaid shuil at the opN��.on of the said Aswciolio�n,
<br /> � 6ecome due ond s paynble withoasf� nWicc, fime baing fhe asse.�-.nce of fhis cortirocf.
<br /> ��� $hould mo.orlgagon foil b icoop Ilre buildings msumd, herein ogread, or foil �o poy roal eslnte tazas and spncial assessments on the sald motlgaged pr�- - �
<br /> ert beloie del:. ' ,m �
<br /> p y �.oquency ortgc.gae nroy effect so'd nwro.n ,�.ea,pay toaes s�nd'nwr�ce premiums,and a�� zuch paymeofs, with'nte..—est as prov'ded'n 1h F-����ast �
<br /> mortgage note sr�cured by fhis marlgoge ,. shal I be n I'en uac+n..:. said nremise< c��.d�nn r.Pd herehy �
<br /> Th�inort9a..agorshembyre7i�puiih .ollhomesleadandm�ritolrighhofeverykinc inandtothe�aidpr�mises, ,
<br /> Forthe pu��s:vrpos�of furnishi.r-�gfurlVmb�er�ecurityfor ihe debt sewred horeby,Ihe mortgayors hem6y ossigr,�trans(er and set over ta.'-he mortgogee,fo be appli..,-rtd '
<br /> � toward Ihe poyrt`..oent of the nwe ond all-�-•other aum�iecwed he.�.roby,in wse of a defau-.`�t in tho parformance of ony of the terrrss ond co�r-editions o(thi�mortgoge or
<br /> � fhe saldnote,a�sfl fhe ronls,rmvenuef,+r�nd income lobe dari �a�ved from the morfgoged �remicas dudng such t�.-me as fhe mortgnge indebt^.-cdnass sholi remoin unpo���+d; _ �'�I
<br /> nnd fhamMgoge.>�ee sholl have poawar fo appoinl ony opant, or-a3enh,if may dedre for fhe purpose o(repa �ng sa d premise�onA oF r�nfing hhu sain ond rolle�t- N.,:.��
<br /> io8 ih�re�ti, re�.�ovenuas,and io+ceme,assd it mey poy ouf of s.e�eid incwna a1I axpenses �of repairing ioid pram�-'sses and neceuary<ammis�ions,and expensm'ncurraed
<br /> � in rentl�pmd nraanapinp Ihe son+,e,and.of wllacfing renlals lf��'�'erefrom;the 6atance rerzaoining if ony,tobe aPplied foward fha di�chorg.�e ofsaid modgaga indebfe�..�.d- ���
<br /> n�cs.Malpqpee �shall occount for rmts acfualty collected orwe.sad not for the rentcl valca.e of soid premises. �'
<br /> IhM inda�mbtedneawcureci herob�y be guamntead or in�ured undar thr Sarvicarts�en's Readjuslment Act�, as amendad,su<h Act ar�d Ragulations ssued there�- -: }��
<br /> undsr and In.effiar=.ect m Ihe dafe Laereo(sWP3�aU govem fhe right.� dutiar and liabi litie�oF flx parfie�hereto,ar->d nny provimons oi Ihis or- ather instrvmenh enewt�d � � �
<br />� � �n�cliw..v.'.:r-..xio.mu iiw.iao.�Ssaa��wiasi c:n aro iacumi�runr«...�v�th�oid Acr or$egularicris ore heroby omendcem to coniorm Iherero, x syl�� �
<br />�Jw+l
<br /> . TMte'm��r.. uced fo dndgnaf��ony wrF fhe parfies herain si^+er�all6e deamed to includ.c the hairs,mprexnts-�tives,n�ccauors and ossig,..s.s of said partiei,and�Fa��e `�-
<br /> . tarm"MatpaBor"'--+"sholl alw inclruda on}.• lowful ownep hol'- or pledgor of eny Inde�redness sacumd hereb�..
<br /> s+a,` � L-9 Rev,9-75 ra„mhl.���
<br />,+ �
<br /> - �'r�S' L._ �.�..'
<br /> i
<br /> t
<br /> � �
<br /> - �
<br />