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��M_ <br />�,:��,� � ',�FF . <br />��.,y: � � . . . ,'a' � <br />.� <br /> I yP ;� <br /> . .���., <br /> _ .� <br /> ��, � <br /> . ... ' MoxrcaG$-sav;o9, cma Loom Form-micees c..a�e rla�.�asss cspnaQu .. .. . . . . � . . ... ... � . . ' .�. � � .. <br /> MORTCAGE .' <br /> �� Q05406 ' <br /> �Ko <br /> � t�sum�rrnt�E.�aB �h:• I6th ,,,.� o� SePtember ls���y.�abee..eea 1 <br /> SANFt7RD;E. GLOVER AND EVELYN GCOVER, hushand and wife, each in his and her own 'right <br /> 3 and as 'spouse of the other �� ' <br /> �:�� oL_ ���a'��� � �. . ��`uaty.�Nebzaaka.�mortgago=�__.,�d Home Fede�l Sav7ags aad I.o��AeaociaHon o!Grand Island, .� <br /> ��a rnrporation organi:ed.�d�eaiating unde=� of Nebraeka-with�its prindpal oftioe�d place ot bus[ness at Grand Island,�Neb:aska,� <br /> �� as mortqaqee:� . . � . � . . . � . <br /> WI'fNESSETH:� That eaid mortgaqor 5 for.�d in�conaidaration�of the aum o! � . . . <br /> ; F1 FTEEN THOUSAND Al�lfl NO/I OQ�-^—�-^^--^�-^--,^^—^"^"^^--^—'^"—�--�---""_TMll�e �� I 5�000.00 � <br /> ��� ��'ehe receipt�ot wLiah ie herebp aelmowledged,�do_��by�ihese�preaents mortgage �d wanant unb said�moriqaqee, its��cuoceeeoa cad�� <br /> � msigne,�torever, alI the tollowiaq�dexribed reai.eatate, aituated fn t6e rnunty of �"ta+ � � <br /> i. �'�:��d State:o!��� .. .. . � . : . . �:.� <br /> ` . S . . . .. . . .. . ... . . <br /> TNE NORTHERLY FOf2'I`Y FOUR (44) FEET OF THE SOUTHERL'r EIGHTY Ei�HT t88) FEET <br /> i' <br /> OF LOTS NINE C9) AND TEN ( 10) IN [3lOCK TWENTY ONE (21 ) IN SCHIMMERS ADDITION <br /> TO THE CITY OF GRANO ISLANQ, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> �# <br /> � <br /> 3 <br /> � ' <br /> �� � .Together with dl heatinq, ligLting, cnd pl�ambing equipmeat and fizturas,including atoke[s and bumere,ncreens, awniaga,storm windowa <br /> g �and doors, vad window shadea o: blipde, verd oa or in connectioa wi2h smd property,whother the a�o are now 3ocQted oa amd property <br /> j � ��� �or horeafter placed thereoa. . <br /> . 70 HAVE AND TO HOLD 7HE SAME, loqethez with all �d aingular tha tenomenta,haiedi[aments aad appurtenanccs thereunto beloag- <br /> �j .ing,�or iui aaywiae appertainiag,forever,aad warrcml the title to the aame. Said mortqaqor S herehy mvenant— with said mortgagee <br /> s <br /> that_$_he_�L_ �C'P .at the delivery hereot,the lawlul owaer S ot the preminee above waveyed�d daecribed.�d are � <br /> aeized of a qood nnd indeteasible esta[o ot inLerilaace thereia, &ee and cle¢r of all encumbr�cea,¢nd that t�•+�_�will wanant�mid� <br /> detend the title thereto forevez aqaiast the claims and demandn of a1l pexsona whomaoover. <br /> � �PAOVIDED ALWAYS, aad this instrument is ezecuted and delivered to secure the paymeni d U�e sum of <br /> � FIFTEEN THOUSAND'AdD NO/100=---------�-----------------_�-------- <br /> , __— -- _..__ n..ltare t�5.000.00 ), <br /> j witlf�iatereat there�oa, toaether with seach chergAs c»�d e3xccc^v c� aa— .i..-� dta :..� y�iti.isas :a szid monqagea �ander ihe terma ��md �� <br /> , i .wndiliona of the promiasory note af even date herewith �d secured herebp,ezecuted by smd mortgagoz S to said mortgagee,payablo � � <br /> aa ezpzeased in aoid noto,and ro aecure tho performaace oE ali the terme and conditiom contmaed�thexeia.� The terme of scad uote ara <br /> rm <br /> i � herebY iacorpo:a[ed herein by thie retareace. � � . � . . . . . <br /> . � It ia the inteation and agreement of the p�utiee Lerefo that�this mortgnge sshall aleo eecure aay luhue advaaces made to eaid <br /> mortgagoz. `�'_by smd mortgogee, and anp and al! iadebtedness in addition to tho.amount above atated wh[ch said moztgaqors,�or �p � �� <br /> o! them, mag owa to said.mortqaqee, however evideaced whether hy aote,book account or otherwiae. 'Ibis mortgage ahall remain in Saill � � <br /> �i� toree aad etfect between the parties Lereto and their heira, pereonal repreeentativea, succensora aad aasiqne, uatil all amounta eecured � � � <br /> . hereunder,iacludiag future advancea, �e pmd in full with iniereet � � '� � <br /> � �� The m�Agagoz 5 hezeby nsi� .to�.eaid mortgaqee all reaffi and Income ariainq ut aay �rmd all fimas from eQid propertp aad <br /> bozeby autLorize auid moztqagee oz ila aqent, at its optiou, upoa defuuit,to talce charge af eaid piopertp md collect all reats�aad fncome �� � <br /> S? .t]v::ofrom und apply the eama to the payment of iatarost pHncipd ineuraaae piamiums,t�ee, aeseasmeata repiars or improvements necas• . . <br /> T .. . . � � ... . . . . . p 'r � . . <br /> .:.ary to keep eaid proporry in teaantable coadi4oa, or to other ch¢rqen w p¢ymeata provided�.for hereiu or 3a the aote hereby aecused. This <br /> reat aes{y�ent ehall crontinue ia lo:ce uatii the uapaid bal�ee of eaid aote is lully puld. The talriag.of possesaioa hereuader ahall in no <br /> '� manaer preveat oz reta=d eaid the colloc�ioa ot eaid eums by foreelosuze or othezwiea. � � <br /> � � � i � 7'he iailure of�the mortqagee to�msert��y�of'ite righte hereunder at�y time ahalt not be constnaed m a w,mver oi its riqLt to�aae�rt � � � . <br /> tha�same ai any iater time, and to maist upon�d���ealorca strict comp33ance with alt the terms aad provieiona ot said note �d of thia � �� <br /> , mortga4a• . . . .. . ., ..._.. � .. . � . . .. . . . � �. . . � � � <br /> � I!a�i3 aoztqsgar�sha31 cawza to kw puid ta uu1 moceyagee the antire�waat due it hereunder,aad under 1Le terma and provimons � � <br /> .��� ot eaid note�..hereby eecured,indudiaq.future.advmuee,�aad anpeztensions or :enewals tLereof in aceordaace with the terms �d paoviaioau � � � � <br /> � �; thereot.�d,it said mortgagor�_ahail complp�vith all�the providoaa of�ald note�d ot�thia mortqaqa,thea t6ese preaenb�oid � , <br /> '� � S othe�vise to��semmn�in tull fozoe and eilec4 and smd martgagee,.shall be eatiUed ro the poa�eadoa o!all o!nmd preperty,.and may,at iu � � : <br /> � ; option.�det)�e the�whola of satd��te�] indebt9daeu iepre�satad thereby to bs Immoi;iatelp due�d puyable,and may torxloee�this � <br /> , , . mor�gage�or take.� actlon�to protect.its.zighb.m�d lmm.�tLe date at such default all i�ema o! iadebtedaeae aeaured herebq � � � "�-� M'''c. <br /> . _ . �hall draov interest at S%pec�aanum. Appraiaement walved. � � � .. . . � .,,-:" , ,- .. *"` ' � <br /> II <br /> . .;7'hi� mortgage sLall be btndlaq vpoa��.and �31 �aure b.fL� b�neflt d t3s hdcr.esseutozs.admtnLrtrato�s, sumnon�md aseigns d� � � � 'L� <br /> the-ippectiyo.partie�Lerato. �� � � . . . <br /> � ' .. IH VfIiS'IiFS3,W�IIEOF, �d Mort �.� ' -. .. . .. � �. . . . . .. � �� . - ~ <br /> wrltteo. . 4R9� 5 ha���V�hereu[Mo �et � "�"t161 1" � r.,,.d 5_the dap aad year firet above <br /> . S . . ._ �. . .. . . . <br /> .,� � _�- , � ' � � <br /> / , �� <br />� !F:.�''�� i'" '+ Gc C C_ t�7[/ !`�.0 c�.-K�! , <br /> S;an�ard;, . 'lover Evelyn Gio�/er n._ <br /> ,. ...,�.,., <br /> � � . ,. . ,.,.� ...................�,.,,........,. .,,,,.�,,.,.,,..,.......,�.....,..,.,,.,,..,.,,. <br />� �' � � <br />;:„ � <br /> l� � <br />� <br />