� � � �
<br /> �._ . _ ._ �
<br /> � . �� MOffiGAGE—Savinq� md Loaa Form—(Diiee! Crodit Plm�.TS&2 (Spedal) � . . . . , � .
<br /> 77-.'Q 0 5 4 0 3 MORTGAGE i
<br /> � � . .� . � . �. � � � T.o�No . ..
<br /> rTH1S INDfiNTURE.made�H�ie I 91'h �y..of �+art�mhc:r .19.ZZ.by cmd betweon 1
<br /> WILLIAM R. WATERS AND DARLENE A: WATERS, husbend and wife, each in his and her ow� right
<br /> 3 and as sPouse of the other
<br /> ��. u! �.�..Ha� ��:. . . .. unry.Nebraaka. m moriqagor 5�d Home Federal Savings��md Lo�Aneoctattoa ot Graad�Islaad, �
<br /> a��msporation organlzed'.aad esistiaq under the�lawa of Nebzaaka�w3th its priadpa!oftice�d�place of businees at Grand Id�d,Nebraskw
<br /> ., qs mottgagee: � � . . � . . � � �, . . . �. � .
<br /> . �WI7N£SSETH: �That aaid mortgagoz:�_ tor �d In conaidoration of�the sum ot . . �
<br /> � TH I RTY`,THOUSAND AND IVO/I 00-�-_--------^---------------^---.-----------Touma (a 30.000.00 �,
<br /> � ; ����lhe receipt�of w}uch�ie hezeby��ectaowledged:��do�.�byYhese�ptesente mortqaqe and w�zanl unto said�mortgagee.�ita eucceanore and� �
<br /> � asa3qna, toraver,.all !he tallox�ng deocribed real eatate, aituated in ihe county of Ha� � � �
<br /> ��:'.md Statc of Nebraaka��to-wit: ' . . . . . . . . � � � � � . . . . .. . .. �
<br /> �..� <. � . � . .
<br /> �
<br /> �$ Toqether with all heafinq, lighting, and plumbinq equipment �d tizturea, induding afokeza and bumere, acreens, awainqa, ntorm windowa � ��
<br /> :�� and doors,and window shades or blinde, ueed on or in connection with said properly,whether the eamo axe now located on eoid properip �
<br /> or hereafter placed thereon. �
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, togethe: with all �d aingular ihe teaemeats,hezeditamenta and appurtannncee thereunto helong- � �
<br /> ing,or ia anywise appertainiag,Iorever,and warrant the title to the eame. Said mortgagor 5 bereby covenant_wiih wid mortgagee . .
<br /> that =�i�_— are , � the delivery hereot, the lawiul owner—'�f Ihe premiaea above conveyed mid deeaibed,�d a�'e . � .
<br /> S �eized ol a qooti aad indeteasible estate of inheritance iherein. frea and clear of all encumbrancea,and that the�.cvill warr�t amd
<br /> detesad the title thereto forever agaiast tha claima and demaads o! all personn wbomncever.
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument ia ezecuted and delive:ed to aecure the paymeat of tha aum ot . . �
<br /> ' TH I RTY THOUSAND AND NO/100------>--.------------�-.-^------�c----.---�-yk,ltare �� 30�000.00 �
<br /> with.intereat thereon,together with such charges and advances as may be due and poyahle to said moztqagee under the tezma apd � . . � � � .
<br /> � wnditioaa of the promissoxy aote o! even date harewith aad secured herabp,ezecuted bp amd mortgagor S to eaid mortgagee,papable � �� �
<br /> . .3 .� as ezpreased in aaid aote,and to eecure the pedormance of all the terms and conditiom contained �herefn.� Tbe terms o! said nota are. . � �
<br /> hereby incorporated herein by 1Lie reterence. � � .
<br /> It ie the intention and agroement ot the parties.hereto that this mortqage ahall also secure any fuhue advaaces made to eatd � � � ��� �
<br /> mvrtqagor S by eaid mortgagee, and aay and all indebtednes� in addifion to tho amount above etated which naid mortgaqoza, or �y . , .
<br /> �� of them, may owe !o eaid mortgagee, howevei evidenced. wbether by note.book account or otherwiae. Thin mortqaqe ahall remain in fu11 �
<br /> force�and etfect betweea�the partiea hezato and thei: he9xs,peraoaal repieseatatives, succesaozs aad asnigaa, until all amounL ae�ured � � � � � �
<br /> hereunder,iaduding futu.-e advancea,me p(rid in fu11 with intereaL . . . � � �
<br /> � � The mortgagocs� �herqby qeaign—_to�eaid�mortqaqee all reata �d income ariniaq at anp and all time� trom aaid propertp,�d , . � � �� . � �
<br /> ' bezeby authorize aaid�mortgagee or ita agent,�at ite optioa, upoa default,to take ch�ge of aaid property and collect all rents nnd-Sneome . � � �� . �
<br /> therefrom and apply the eame to the payment ot interest, principal, iaauraaee p�eauums, ta:ee, amessmente, repmra or improvemeatn neces• � � � � �
<br /> �eary to keep said proporty in tenantable coadiGoa, or to othor chargee or payments provided toz hecein or in the note hereby aeeuzad. This . � . . �
<br /> . � rertt assigomeat sha11 continue in tocce unW the unpaid balanee of said aote is tully paid. The taking of�poasea:.on hereunder aheiil in no . � � . . �
<br /> manner prevent or retard naid mortgagee in the collecfioa of satd nums by Soreelwure or otherw�ise. � �.�
<br /> ai
<br /> } � � The Sailure of tha:�martgagee to.aanert�aaq ot its xightn l�eunder at anp time ehall aot be comtrued as a waiver ot ib ziqht to aaeert � � � �
<br /> � �. me�a9Q�dtf"'f�""^t" � '. and enlorce etria compliance with all the terms and provisiom o! said aote m>d o! this . . . � .
<br /> ,'�i� Qi�fi$�PA`s�Y'ol ����h1 j�
<br /> � � If ea -����1'r""[t�`�o`"#�paid to eaid mo[tqagee the ent5re amount due it hereunder,ond under the lorma and pmviniom � �
<br /> . ��� of eaid mle- ereby meeura ia u vnaeea,�d.�y ezteoaions or renewala theraof in:accord�ce with eha taxma �d provieions . � .
<br /> �.��theseol,�d it eaid mongagor S. shall oomp3y..with all the provisions of eaid mte and o!this mortgaqe, then these praeean ahall be void; � . �
<br /> S� ��aWe=wisa��to�remaia ia'tulltoree aod��eftect.��aad wid.mortgagee.ehall be�entitled�to the poaae�eion ot aA of said propeRy, �d may, at ita . � �
<br /> .optioa.�.declare the�whols oi�.wid aote and�all fadehtsdneas repreesated thereby to be immediately due and payable.aad map lorecloee tLis
<br /> : . morlgaqe or take��y..othes.lagal action to...protect its..xight, �d from.the dato ot euch delau3t all iteme ot indebtedneaw secured he:ebp "���...�`�+"a, ..
<br /> , +
<br /> ' ehall d=aw�intereat at _ par m�aum. �Apprafsement�waived. . � � �� . � ..� , .
<br /> �� �,
<br /> �_?h4 mortgage ahcit be binding upon�amd �hall enure to!hs b�netlt ot ihs ivin, esecuto=r..admini�haWn,succeison �d asdqae d
<br /> �..:. �� ., .. -: ... h r...: �,. . � . � .
<br /> ihe;refAect�ve par4e�lurota
<br /> �• a ,
<br /> � � TN WI?NE�'a4 VVFIEREOF. �ald.Mort4c9or S �..,V2 Lerounto �et 1'f72 I I' � �and�_ths dap and year lirst�above � . .;a,�„ �` � .
<br /> S � . � � �'/,'�t, . . . . . .
<br /> wri/�/�'� ��'.s%ZZ/.�^C: � . . . _ z/✓�"f1Yo� . - (,1 �`��L6.�� . . :h.
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<br /> �"i�am 1�. katers Car;:ena �, t�J�ters -
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