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<br /> �'7- (�0539� MORTGAGE
<br /> THIS INDENTUAE, made this 1?th __day OP_ SP;]YPm ar _ , 19]Z__, by and between
<br /> � Dannv'-B. Garner and Laura F. Garner. husbaad and wife.' each in his and her o�an ri ht and
<br /> as spouse of the other
<br /> ;� �aq Hall � �County,Nebraska,,as mortgagnr S �,and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a�corporation
<br /> � � �organizad and existing under the laws of Nebraska with its princlpal office and place of business�aE Grand Island,Nebraska;as mortgageet �� ...���
<br /> ' :j ���WITNESSETH: That said�mortgagor_S,for and in consideretion of the sum of �� �_ �
<br /> >' Three Tho� and Fit Htnd d Ten and no/100 - - - - - - - _ _�o�1e�$_,,��510_00 � '
<br /> the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,do_by these presents mortgage and warrent uati��said�mortgagee;its�successors and assigne,
<br /> �forever,all the follpwing desc:ibod reai estate,situated in the County of__ Hall � � � �� �
<br /> � and�State of Nebraska,�to-wit: . � � � . — . . � �� �
<br /> j Lot Five (5), Block One (1), Dale Roush Subdivision to Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> x
<br /> � Together with all heating,air conditioning,lighting,and plumbing equipment and fixtures,including screens,awninga, atorm windows and
<br /> doors,end window ehades or blinds,uaed on or in connection wi4h eaid property,whether the same are now located on snid property or hereaftar
<br /> � pleced thereo�. .
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and singular the tenemente,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be• �.
<br /> lo5ging, or in anywise eppertainiag, forever, and wurrant the title to the same. Said morgagor_,�_hereby covenant^with aaid �
<br /> � �.mortgegee thet�hey �rr� _,at the delivery hereof,the lewful owner S of the premisos above conveyed und described,
<br /> �� �d �� are seized of a good aad indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free and clear of all encumbrances, and that t he'�will � �
<br /> warrant sad defend the tiUe thereto forever against the claims and demands of ell persona whomsoever. . . � . .
<br /> !� . PROV IDED ALWAYS,end this instruxnent is erzecuted and delivered to aecure khe payment of the sum of � � � .�
<br /> ThrPa Thni�cand Five Hnnd d T n_and no/100 - - - - - - - Dollnrs(S 3 510 00 ��
<br /> with intsrest thereon,together with such charges and advances as may be due aad payable to said mortgsgee under the terms and conditiona � �
<br /> � of the proxniesory note of even date herewith and socured hereby,execu Wd by said mortgagor_S_to said mortgagee,payablo as expresaed " �
<br /> in said note,and to eecura the performance of all the terms and conditions conteined therein.The[erms of said note are hereby incorporatied �� �
<br /> . herein by this�referance. � � . ... .
<br /> � � It ie the intention and agrenment of the parties hernto that this mortgage ahall also secure any futura advences mede to said mortgagor._�_ . � � � � .
<br /> ��by said mortgagee,and any and all indebtedness in addition to the amount abuve stated which said mortgagors,or any of them,may owe to �
<br /> sttid mortgagee,however evidenced,whether by note,book eccount or oCherwise.4'his mortgage shall remnin in full force and offect between � �
<br /> the parties hemto and Lheir heira,personal representatives,auccessors end essigns, until all amouncs secured hereunder,including fuWre � � �
<br /> advenoee,are paid in fuL'�with interest. � � . � ,
<br /> r � The mortgagor.�_hereby sasign s to seid mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and all times fmm said proparty and � � � �
<br /> .�hereby authorrze said mortgegee or ite agent,at ite opGon,upon default, to take cherge of said pmperty und collect aU rents and income� � � � �
<br /> � � therefrom and�apply the aeme�to.the�paymenc of interest, principal, ineurance�premiums, taxes, asseavmencs, repaire�or icnprovements . �, � � �� � � � �
<br /> necessary to keep said property in tenantable condition,or W other chargea or paymenta provided for hecein or in the note hereby aecured.This � � �
<br /> rent essignment shell coatinue in force untll the unpaid balance of said note is fulty paid.The taking of�rssession herounder shaU in no manner � �
<br /> � prevent or retard said mortgagee in the coRection of eaid aums by forc:dosuze or otherwise. � � � � �
<br /> � � The fai2ure of the mortgagee tq assert.any of its rights hemunder at any time shell not be construed es a waiver of ite right to assert the � � �
<br /> �..same at�any later time,and.to insiet upon snd enforce etrict compliance with all the terms and provisione of eaid nots and of thia mortgege. � � � �� �
<br /> � . �If said mortgagor S shnll cause ta he peid to said mortgsgee the ontire amauni due it hereunder, and under the terms and provisions � � �
<br /> of�aeid aote heraby aecurod,including future ad��ances,end any extensiona or renewsls thereof in nccordance with the term�and�m�•isie^s� �
<br /> �t6e�eof,and if said mot4gagar S ehall comply with all the pmvisions of said r.ote und of this mortgage,then these presenCs ahali be void- �
<br /> otherwisa to remain in full force sad effect,and said marLgagee ahall ba entitled to the posseasion of all of said property,and may,at its option, � � � .�
<br /> . ��declere the whole of said note and ell indebtedness ropreeented thereby to be immediately due nnd payable,and may foreclase this mortgaga
<br /> � .or tnke.any o4her legal action to�protect its right.Appraisement waived�.� � � � � �� • "'t.��
<br /> � Thia mortgage ahal!ba binding upon and shali enure to the benefit of�the heirs,executore,administratore, wuccessora and assigms of Che � ����s� ' ti ��` ���
<br /> iespective gartiae hereto. � . � � � � �
<br /> � . �.�.� IN WITNE3S WHEREOF,seid Mortgagor:S_ha_37�hereuaW sec he' hend�_.Lhe, ey and year fi�rst above J � �t
<br /> . wtittea. �� . . . . �, . � . . ,�--�.. � u
<br /> � 0 . 1 �^�` �
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<br /> .. ., . . . . . -�-r � - . . _
<br /> ' Dan y B. �a er<> ,/ .
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<br /> / t .� ,
<br /> a F. Gar er
<br />� , 't' _
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