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�m-'�;', � .�: k„. � <br />==;:.s' (( <br /> z� � . . . . . � � . . � . . • .;f,`dM.:eKp.��� . � <br />� �,;,.. � .. .,. . . � . . . . � . . . . � . . . �./^•. . . . . . . . . . ^_ �,n . . � . . <br /> tiot extend or postpone the due d:�te a3 tl�e montlil�- iu.=. talluients referr•etl io i ❑ psragra��l�s l aiid 2 hereoY or <br /> cliange the amount of sucli instalimentr . <br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. L;xtension of the ti�ne zoi• p:���ment o�• modific�t:im2 of :ainortization of the sums <br /> ; secured, Gy this Vlortgage grance�l by I.ender to any successor in interest. of Borro�ver shail not operate to release, <br /> in any manner, the liability of ihe original F3orfowei• nnd 13orro�cer's�s i �i in 'terest. I.ender shall not be <br /> required to commence �zroceedings agninst such successor or ref�se to extend tirne for p�,ynient or otherwise modify <br /> u;nortiaation of the suxns secureci by thi� \Iortgage b,y rcason of any demaucl inade by tlie oi•iginal Iiorro�ver and <br /> r Borrower's sucees§ors in interest. <br /> M 1L Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> J �, hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable la��•, sl�all not, be a, ���aiver of or preclude the exercise of any right <br /> ` C,- , or reinedyhereundei•. The procuremeni of insurance or the payment of tixes or other ]iens or eGarges by Lender <br /> �-, shall not be a waiver of 1:ender's right to aecelerate ihc rnaturity of the indebtedness secured by this :�Zortgage. <br /> � . 12. Remedies Cumulative. .�Il reznedies provided in td�i> \lortgage are distinct and cuinulative to any other <br /> right � or remedy �� under thic �Tort,ga�e or atTordecl }>y l.i�v or cquit,}; ��nd myy kac exercised �conetn•rently , � independ- � <br /> ' "�" ently or successivelys <br /> � la. Successors and Assigns Bound; )oint �d Several Liability; Captions. The coventtnts �nd agreements <br /> � herein contained shall bind , and tLe rigtres hereunder �hall inure to , tlro respectivc successors and assigns oF I.ender <br /> `.,\ and Borro�i�er, subject to thc provisions of par<�gr.tpli 17 liercoi. ,1ll covenants and agrceu�ents of I3orro�ver s'.iall <br /> be jointand several . Thc captions and lieadings of tlic �iaragra�il�s of thi� lloi�tgage s,rc for com�enienr.e only and <br /> ' are not to be used to interpret or define tl �e proviGions herc:ot" . <br /> 14. Notice. Any noticc to I3orro���er pro�-ided i'm• in tl3i. \lortg.tige .I�all he hiren by �nailing such notice by <br /> certified mail addresseci to f3orro���er at t.hc Propertv �ddre:, ;tat.ed belo��� , exce��t. for any noticc required under <br /> � p:�ragruph 18 hereof to l�c give�n Eo Borz-o«�ec in tlie inanncr � �resc�ribe<i by :� pplicablc l�t�ti�. ;1ny notice provided <br /> for in this �lortga�e .hall be deemed to hace becn giren to Borro�cer ���hen given in the m.xnner design:�ted herein . <br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. 'i'hi� form of iiiortguge co�nbines uniform covenants <br /> for national use and non-uniform coveuants �vitli limited ��ariations by jurisdiction to constitute ;� uniform secu- <br /> rity instrument covering real property. I'his \Iortga�e shall be goverued by ihe la�v of the jurisdiction in whieh <br /> the Property is located . In the event tfiut a,ny provisiai or clause of tl� is �Iortgage or the Note coni3icts with <br /> 4 appiieable law, such conflict shall not affect ot.6er provisions of this \ Iortgage oi• tlie ATote �vl�ich can be given <br /> % effect without tl�e conflicting provision , and to thi. end the j>rovisions of the �7ortgage .incl the I�Tote are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Borzowei s Copy. Borro�ver shalf be furnished a conformed copy of t,his 3lortgage at the time of execu- <br /> tion or after recordatiox� l�ereof. <br /> I7. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or anv part of the Property or au interest therein is sold <br /> or transferred by Borrowcr �vithout Lender's prior �vritten consent, excluding ( a ) t6e creation of u lien or encum- <br /> `? brance subordinate to this �Iortgage, ( b } tl�e creation of a purchase money security interest for l�ousehold appli- <br /> .inces, (c) a transfer uy devise, descent or hy uperation of la.�� upon the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the, grant of <br /> any leasehold interest of three yenrs or les; not containing an option to ��urchasc, Lendei• �nay , at Lender's option, <br /> declare all the sums secured by this �Sorigage io be immediatel�� due and u�yable. Lencler shall have �vaived such <br /> ° � option to accelerate if, prim• to tlie sale or transfer, Lendcr anci tl�e peraon to whom the Property is to be sold or � �� <br /> # transferred reacli agreemeni in �vriting ttiat t}ie credit of sucl � person is �atist� ctm•y to Lender and that the interest <br /> * paysble on the sums secured Uy this \iortgage shalt be at .uch ratc as T.ender sLall request. If Lender has waiced <br /> � the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph i i and if Borrower's �uccessor in interest has executed a writ- <br /> $ ten assumption agreement xccepted in wi7ting b,v Lender, I..ender shall release Borrower from all obligations under <br /> ' this Mortgage snd the Note. <br /> i IF Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shall �uail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance <br /> ? �uith paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice ,li :ill pro��ide a � ,eriod of not lc,� Chan 30 days irom the date the notice is <br /> , mailed within �vhicl� Borrocver may pa�� the sums dcrlared due If 13m•ro��•er fuil� to pay sucli sunis prior to the <br /> expiration of such period, I.ender may , �c-ithout fui•tliei• notice or �len�and on Borror��ei•, invoke r�ny reinedies per- <br /> initted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> �`ox-L7visoxn2 Cov�xn:�Ts. Boi• i•a�ti�ei• xnd Lender t'ui•i.l�ei• eo�•eii�nt and ag•rce as follo�vs : <br /> 18. Aeceleration; Remedies. Esce��t u� pru��ided in � �aragra��h 17 hereof, upon 33orro�ver's breach of any� <br /> covenant or agreement of Borro�ti�er in this \Iort�a�;e , including tLc covenunts to � �ay ���hcn duc any sums secured <br /> t <br /> � by this :�'Tortgage, Lender ��rior to accolei•ntion shzill ni:iil notice co t3orro«•ci• ss ���ro��idec} iii paragra�ili 14 l�ereof � � � � � <br /> $ specifying : ( 1 ) the breach ; ( 2) tlie <iction required tc� ewe such l >rcxcli ; 13 ) ii datc . not les1 th�Ln thirtp days <br /> from the date the noticc is �nailed to 13or2•u�cei• , b�• �rhicfi �ucli bre;icli must be cw•ed ; and (41 tl�at failure to ctirc <br /> � � such breach on or before the date specified in the notirrc inz�y resulf. in � accelei•ation of t.hc � sum� secured by this � � � � <br /> � ?��Iortgage and sale of the T'roperty. If tlie hreach is not cui•ec! oi: or befm•e kl�e date ,f��ecified in tlie notice, Lender �� � � � � � � � � <br /> � at Lender's option inay �leclure all of the suu�s secvred l�y tl� is \�IortRage to be imiiicdistely due rind pa,yabie � � � � � <br /> ': withouL turther derasnd and ina}• foreclose tLiS �lortg:igc by ,jucjici:xl proceeding. Lender shall he eniitled to collect <br /> ' in such pToceeding �I1 expenses of foreclosure , inclii�liug, hut not liinited to, r.ost� of docu�nentui�v evidence , <br /> ubstraets and title reports. <br /> 19. Bonoweis Right to Reinstate. \'ot�cithstanding Lender'� acceleration of the sun�s secured Uy this <br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to have any pi•oceedin ��: begun by T.ender to enforc�� this \'Iortgage dis- <br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a ,iudgmenc enfoxcing this \Iortgr�ge if : lal Borro�rer pays Le�der all <br /> sums which would be then due under this �'Iortgagc�, tl�e Note ancl notes securing b'uture Ad�':ince�, if any, hssd no <br /> acceleration occurred ; ( b ) Borrower cures .ill breache. of ant� other co�•enan#s or agrecment; of Borrower con- <br /> tained in this R4ortgage ; (c) Borrower pa3-s all re:�son ible e� }�enx� incurred bt 1 ender m enforciug the rovenxnt,. <br /> flnd ngreements of Borrower cont.xined in thi� \(ort ; i�c .ind in eni'o�rin� Lc�n�iu•'. re�iiiedies a� ��ro��idcd iv par_- <br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, reasonabfe attm•ney 's t"eea : nn�i idi 13orroiver fakec such action as <br /> Lender may reasonably require to assure t6tit t.he lien of thi� \[ortga�e, Lender's inierest in the Property and , <br /> Borrower's obligation to puy the sums secured hy thi� \Tort �:igc� shall rontinuc uni�npaimd . L'F�on such payment <br /> and cureby Borrower; this Mortgage and tlie obligations �ecnred here�by shnll remain in ft�ll foi•cc� znd effect. as if "'� � '" �'� <br /> no aceeleration had occurred. ` ;+ p,� �� .t`r <br /> 20. Assigament of Renta; Appointxaent of Receiver; Lender in Possession, A� additionai security here- � ,�� <br /> under, Borrower hereby' assigns to Lender the rents of tiie Propert�• , pru�•ided tliat Borrower shall , prior to ucceler- ,� ��. <br /> � ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abancionment of t}�e Property, ha�-c the rigl�t to collect and retain euch rents , :;;��. ` ` <br /> as they become due and payable. <br /> ' L7pon acceleration under paxagraph 18 hereof' or abandonment of tire Yroperh� , Lender, in ��enon , b�� .igeni <br /> or by ��judiciall�- appointed recciccr shatt bc entitl�:d to entcr upon, .a,l,c poas� ..iu�i oi aud u,u�.a�;e t-i�e i'iuE,cr �y � �- .� �� � <br />� and to co1lect the rents of the ProPc:i}; :ncludin� thosc p:ut duc. .111 ren,s collected b} I en�tar or tLc racmvcr '"' <br /> sbali be applied first to payment of the costs of management ot the Yroperty ancl collection of rent= , including, but <br /> not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on rcceiver'c hoi7i3� and reasonahle zittornc,y's ] cc� , xnd then to the smns <br /> � secare,d b,y this Mort�s�e. I,ender snd thc receii�er chall he lissble to acrount dnh• f�r th�,�N r�nt � art � i ;� lly rror��•�� <br />� _ ,. � <br />�: , <br />,� <br />