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<br /> ' THI3 INDENTURE, made thie 74th day of SegtembeY' , 19�_, by and between �
<br /> " ���. ���T.acTM�nrA K Hanki�naon and���TPananna F ��H^nkinann� hnGh^nd,�nA c�+ifa�earh in h�ia and �h r �
<br /> i own righc and as 3�ause uf the o�her,
<br /> � of H�'�� County,Nebraska, as mortgagor—�„ and Grand Islund Truat Company of,Grand Island, a corporaiion
<br /> ',,'� �.organued�end exiating under tt�e lawa of Nebraska with its principal office and place of�businesa at Grand Island,Nebraeka,as�mortgagee; � '�� ��-
<br /> r ' WITNESSETA: That said mortgagor s ,fqr and in coneideration of the aum of
<br /> Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Seventeen and 50/100 — — — — — .pag���Rrv.;12,,6I7.50 �
<br /> tha receipt of evhich ie hereby acknowledged,do—by these presente mortgage and werrent unto•gaid:mortgagee,at suCcessors and asaigns;,
<br /> .,.. . ,�.:..
<br /> forever,all tha following deacribed real eetate,eituated in the County of ��Hall � � �
<br /> . and State of Nebreaka,to•wit: � � �� �� � � ' � .
<br /> Lot Ten (10) in Island Acres, a Subdivision of Part of the West Half of the
<br /> Southwest Quarter ([,� SW�) of Section Eight (8), Township Eleven (11) North,
<br /> • ! Range Nine (9); West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.'
<br /> :
<br /> �. Togethar with all heating,air conditioaing,6ghting,and plumbing equipment atid fixturee,including screens,awninge,storm windowe and
<br /> �� doora,and window ahedea or hlinda,used on or in connection with said property,whether the sexne ere now located on said property or hereafter
<br /> ;
<br /> placed thereon.
<br /> ,t � : TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and singular the tanemente,hereditamenta and appurtenances thereunto be•
<br /> � � longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and werraat the title to tha same. Seud morgagor�_hereby covenant�with said �
<br /> mortgagae that t he5' are ,at the delivary hereof,the lawfui owner___S_of the premtaes above conveyed and described,
<br /> � end ar"�'.—_seized of a good end indefeaeible estate of inheritence therein,free and clear of ell encumbrances, and that t he�' will �
<br /> � �warrant and defend the LiWe thereto forever againat the claims and demande of all petaons whomsoaver. �
<br /> � �'IiOVIDED ALWAYS,and this instrument ia eacecuted and delivered to aewre tho payment of the sum of � ��
<br /> ` Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Seventeen and 50/100 — — — — Dollar5l$ 12,617.50 �
<br /> ` � with interast thereon,to ther with euch char �
<br /> ge ges and advancea as may be due and peyable W said mortgagee under the terms and conditione � .
<br /> of the promiesory note of�even date harewith and aecured hereby,nxecutad by eaid mortgagor.�_to said mortgagee,payable ae expresaed
<br /> . ia eaid note,and to secure the performmce of all the terme and conditiona contained therein.The terma of eaid note are heie6y incorporated �� �
<br /> hesain by thie referenca. � .
<br /> It is the intsntioa and egreement of the parties hareto that this mortgsge shall also eacure say future�advancee mede to eaid mortgagor�_
<br /> by eaid mortgagee,and any and all indebtadqess ia addition to the amount ebove stated which said mortgagors,or any of them,may owe to � � �� �
<br /> � eaid mortgagee,however evideaced,whether by note, book account or otherwise.Thia mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between � . �� �
<br /> the partiea hereto and theit tieire, personal representativea, auccesaors and assigns,untit all aznounts secured herevnder, including.future �
<br /> advancee,are.paid in ful!with intsrest. � � � �
<br /> �� The mortgagor S hereby esaign S to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and all times from said proporty and . � �
<br /> hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent,at its optioa, upon default.to take charge of seid property and collect all rents and income . �
<br /> -� �therefarom�and�appiy tha�saene to the payment of�iatereet, principal, inaurance premiums, ta�ces, assesamente, repairs or ixnprovements �
<br /> necesaery to keep said property ia tenantable condition,or to other chargea or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby sacured.This � � � �
<br /> � rent aseignment ehall continue in force unti!the unpaid balence of said note ia fully paid.The taking of posaession hereunder shall in no manner � � � �� � �
<br /> prevent or retard eaid mortgagee in the collection of aaid aums by foreclosute or otherwisa.
<br /> The feilure of the mortgagee to ssaert any of its rights hazeundar at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of tts right to aesert the
<br /> sama at any later time,aad to inaist upon and enforce etrict complieaca with all the terms end provisions of said note snd of thie mortgage.
<br /> � � If said mortgagor g ehall caaBe W be paid W euid mortge�ee thn entire exnount dae it heteunder,and under the terms and provieions � �. .� � �. �
<br /> � oI said notu h�ueby e�x.yred,iaaiuding iuturc�advances,and sny extensioae or reaewals thereof in accordence with the terms and provisions . . � �
<br /> thereof,and if eaid mo�gagor�_ahall comply with alt the provieioas of said note and of this mortgago,than these presenta ahall be voId; � �. � � � � �
<br /> . :. .othecwiee to remein in full forae�and effect,and eaid mprtgagee shall be entitled to the posseaeion of all of said�property,and may,nt its option, � �� � � �
<br /> , declsre the whole of said nota and ell indebtedneea repiesentad thereby tv be iiumed3ately due end paya6le,and may foreclose this mortgage
<br /> inm
<br /> ' :.. . .or�talce any otherl�d actiott to protect its right.Apptsiaement.waived.�. .. � . �� . ..-. ��''� ��. �>� �.��.
<br /> Thia mortgoge ahall be but+ding upon and shall enure to Che 6enefit of the heire,execuWre,adminietrators,succ�eesors and assigna of the ; � �"�
<br /> reepective parties heieu.
<br /> � . IN WITNE5IS WHEREOF,aeid MorCgagor 5 ha Ve heieunto set Yheii b�d S the da and � "r u°
<br /> written. . . . � .. . . Y Y�first above ,, �•
<br /> �"�'.�-t.t'S''��l�.laeS�\,`i�� �
<br />� �L�Crence , .a�c�rr.c�s--�*-�--
<br /> / � $nson �
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