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<br /> No. $ 48,000.00
<br /> �, In consideration of the extension of the time of payment of the original promissory
<br /> note hereinafter described, the undersigned, Loran L. Crosby and Judith M. Crosby,
<br /> Husband' and Wife, hereby covenants and agrees to pay to The First National Banlc of
<br /> Grand Island, Grand Island; Nebraska, the principal sum of FORTY-EIGHT THOUSAND AND
<br /> NO/100 DOLLARS ($48,000.00), together with interest thereon at Eight and Three-
<br /> Fourths Per Cent (8 3/4%) per annum from the date hereof, principal and interest
<br /> due and payable'on March 1; 19J8.
<br /> The original principal note in the amount of Forty-Ei�ht Thousand and no/l00 Dollars
<br /> ($48,000.00) was executed and delivered by the undersigned under the date of
<br /> September 3, 1976, to The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Zsland, Nebraska,
<br /> and was due and payable on the 3rd day of September., 1977, together with interest at
<br /> 8 3/4% per annum and secured by Real Estate Mortgage to The First1National Bank of
<br /> Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, recorded under pocument ��76-OOSQ4I of the
<br /> Mortgage Records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of principal of Forty-Eight
<br /> Thousand and no/l0U Dollars ($48,000.00) , together with interest thereon at Ei$ht
<br /> and Three-Fourths Per Cent (8 3/4%) per annum, such principal and interest to be
<br /> payable in lawful money of the United States of America at The First�National Bank
<br /> of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />� All of the covenants and agreements in such original note and the Rea1 Estate
<br /> Mortgage above-descrioed, otiaer tnan hereinbefore modi£ied, shall Ue and remain
<br /> unchanged and in full force and effect during such extended period.
<br /> In further consideration of such extension of time of payment of such indebtedness,
<br /> we hereby ratify and confirm such Real Estate Mortgage recorded under pocument
<br /> �k76-005041 of the Mortgage Records of Hall County, iJebraska, as being a lien upon
<br /> our equity in the real property referred to therein.
<br /> The undersigned executes this Extension Agreement with reference to and on the
<br /> �.�.. -.... . . . ..F2i:Th ��anc3�..credi:t �of� thei.r-�»roperty 'whi.r_h� Y.liey..now nwn nr h����e 2n 7.nYerest i.n nT �� � � . ��
<br /> hereafter may acquire; the express intention being to charge and to continue to
<br /> charge any and all of such property with the payment of the indebtedness, the
<br /> payment of which is herein extended.
<br /> Z ��
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands this -
<br /> day of September, 1977.
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<br /> � . . � '/� � /_�' J �,�i � .
<br /> . . � � %2� ,� �' . . �
<br /> Lor L. Crosby
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<br /> �, ,. _ : `�w, �' t,...
<br /> _ Judith M. Crosby �'�
<br /> �,-_
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<br /> On this L day of September, 1977, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> Public, in nd for Ha11 County, Nebraska, per.sonally came Loran L. Crosby and
<br /> 7udith M. Crosby, personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names
<br /> are affixed to the above and fore�oing Extension Agreement as makers, and
<br /> acknowledged said instrument and the execution t ereof to be the oluntary
<br /> act and deed £or the purpose therein resse �1 � �
<br /> �__-'--� / // -, ..
<br /> 70MMY R.COI.tiNS �
<br /> 6a�nral No�.�Ce�Jfehr.
<br /> A4yq��� Notary Public
<br /> �1�,]4F8
<br /> �, My dommission expires . ` ' ".;
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