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<br /> ' „ r32� N�rth Elm , �. ' , ; .. ., William B. &. Clara E. Knefelkamp ,
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<br /> >`��.= ;Qra�nc� I'sland,_,Nebr., _ . ; : , . , .
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<br /> :. , ,HALL�COUI�]TY� ;� ) -; . - . ' �
<br /> � - RotSei t`l�i:Peshak•'being f3ssst.duly sworn upon oath�-deposes and says that he is
<br /> �r�ge.r of Hoppe Lvmber Com�any,.a corporation� hereinaf`ter caZled Lienor. Lienor
<br /> Y � `„: whas'fusnished to the person(s),named.above as property:owner(s�, hereina.fter called
<br /> `-.Owaer,, certain materials as speoiff5..ed in the itemized statement of account whibh is
<br /> ` , ettached to_thie,af£idavi.t, Said r�aterials have been incorporated into one or more
<br /> � ,', >structures.•and<buildirig situated:on.real estate-descri'�ed as Follacrs� to-wit:
<br /> , ,��,.. .- . .�,:,,.: , ,:: , _:
<br /> South 1.I.i.95' Lot 10 and Sdorth lt2,75� Lot 12� Block 18
<br /> University Place Addition to the City of Grand Is1and,
<br /> Nebraska
<br /> � At the time sa�.d naterials were furnished and delivered� the Owner appeared to be
<br /> � ' the owner of said premises. AlZ materials shaFm in the itemiaed sta�tement attached
<br /> were ttirn.ished pta-svant to one co�htract� wizich y�as entered into b�r and between
<br /> . . ..Z1C'T302'.BYId ��_ . (',pn2 Rnrt�h r(it. � � �� . . .
<br /> General Oontractor
<br /> The last item of material was f`urnished and delivered pursuant to said cca�tract on
<br /> the latest c3ate shown on the itemizecl staiemen-t of account which is attacl?ed to
<br /> �; ��this aY"ida-tr5.t.
<br /> � r A11 prices charged far� said ma�erials were the £air and reasor�.ble prices for such '
<br /> materials at the date suEh materials were purchased. The last amot:nt sho-„ai as the
<br /> { balance in tY� itemized statement oF account� which is attac�d to this afflidarit�+;'
<br /> is the amovnt �ich is now due Lienor. Lienor is entitled to interest on sa3
<br /> balance at the le�al rate from the latest date show-n on said itemized stat��er3��o��;��� �'�
<br /> ,account. .„ �,=;
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<br /> Rabert P�i. Peshek, Manager .� � +�F����
<br /> Subscribed in. e��6'�, sworn to before me this 13}�. d�y ofSen .Pmh .� ,19?�.
<br /> \ Kp
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