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<br /> �... _ �- �
<br /> .. �� �MORTGRGE—Saviags and Lom� Foim--(Dirsct Credit Pl� 2552 (Spedall . . . .
<br /> � MORTGAGE
<br /> �-: U05235 �No
<br /> , 1 ... �. rc�►s ixDErrtvn$ maae th+a � lOth ��y ,, � � September � _ 1977 t,y�a n.e,.aea � �..
<br /> PHIIIP F HAMMON AND LORRAfNE J HAMMON, husband and wife each in his and her own
<br /> 3 right and as'spouse of the other
<br /> o( �Na��� . �uatp,Nebraaka.�mort4¢4or S aad Home Federal Savia9a and Loaa�Aeeociatioa of Graad Islaad..� .
<br /> , � a��corpo:ation orgmized��d erieting under the lawe of Nebraska wllh ib priudpal office�d piaee of busine�a at Gr�3 Sal�d,�Nebraakw
<br /> m mortgagee; .. .. � � �. . .. . . . .
<br /> WITNESSETH: That emd mortgagor r, foz and in rnnsiderat[on of the.aum of �. � - �
<br /> _SIXTY-EIGHT HUNDRED AND no/100-------------------------------�---'��ra�a ca�800.00 �,
<br /> �the teeeipt�o[ which�ie�herebp acknowledged, do� by�these prenonta mortgaga and warrant unto ecrid mortgagee, ite�wcceanon �d� �
<br /> ` ¢eaigne,.forever, aU tLe fottowinq deaczibed reai eafa[e, simated in the caunty ot Ha� � � �
<br /> ..�.amd�State of Nebruska, to-witc � .. � . . . � . . . � . �
<br /> S
<br /> Lot One CI), 81ock Sixteen C�6), Wallich's Addition to the City
<br /> ot Grand Isiand, Hali County, Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> s
<br /> S Together with nll heating, lightiuq. assd pii.m6iag aquipment and fizturee.including slokerg and burssen, acreeas. awninqa, stozmwindowa
<br /> >� m,d.doors,aad window shadea or bliadn, uaed oa or in conaection with emd property, whethez the eame are aow located on eaid pzoperty
<br /> or hereafter placed tLereoa.
<br /> � TO HAVE.�AND TO HOLD THE SAME. together with all and sinqular the teaemonta,haieditaments�d appurtenancea thereunto belong- � . � .
<br /> ivq, oi in anywlae appertaining,torevez,and wanaat the Htle to the same. Said moztqaqorS— hereby CDVBIIQA � with said mortgagee ' �
<br /> . � ��� _f'�a�/_ a r e ,¢t the delivery hereof, tLe ]awfu) owaer—Sot the preminea above conveyed and deecribed,and a re .
<br /> . S seized ot a goot3 and indeteasihle estate of inheritance theroin. lzee and clear oi all encumbraace0.and that�1ie—�L will wa[rant �d �
<br /> � delend ihe title thereto forever aqainat tLe cluima and demaads of nll persons whomsoever.
<br /> � PAOVIDED AI.WAYS, aad lius instrumen! ia execuled and delivered lo secuze the paymeat of the aum ot
<br /> � S i XTY-E IGHT HUNDRED AND NO/I 00----------------------------"" n�n� ca 6800.00 �
<br /> with iateres� thereon,together with.auc}i chargea and advaaces as may be d�e aad payable to aaid mortgagee under the te=ms and . . � ��
<br /> �� condiHona ot tLe promiasory note of evea date herewith ¢nd aecured hereby,ezecuted by eaid mortgaqoz 5 to smd mortgagee,paqable � .
<br /> �; aa espressed in eaid aote,and to secuzs the per[ormance ot all ihe terms and conditiona contained thecein.�-The terme of said aote are . .
<br /> . hereby inco�porated herein by this reference.
<br /> . .� It is the Satentioa aad agreemeat ot the parties hereto that this mortqage shall atso secure any tuture edvancas made to eaid ��
<br /> �mortgaqor S bp eaid mortgaqee, aad any aad all indebtednem in addition to the amount above stated which said mortgagora, or �p � � �. ,
<br /> of them, may owe to eaid mortgaqee, however evideaced, whethez by noie,book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall zemain ia full
<br /> � forca and eftect betweea the parties here�o md their heira, pa:sonal repreaenlaHvas. aucceaeors aad asaigna, uatil all amounta eecuzad � �
<br /> hereunder,includinq fuMe advancea,�e perid in 1u11 with intereaL . . �
<br /> � The mortqagor�_hereby aaaig�� to eaid mortgagee all reats and income �isiag at �y and ail.timea fzom eaid properip and . � � � ���
<br /> hereby authorize eaid moztgagee or its aqent. at its optioa, apon default,to take ch�ge oi aaid propeity and collect all reata aad inoome �
<br /> therefrom and apply t6e same to the payment of interest, principal,insurance premiumn, tazee,asseeamenta, repaira or improvements necea- � � . � � �
<br /> enry to keep aaid pcoperty ia tenantable coaditioa,or to other chargee or paymeata provided tor herein or in the aote hareby aeeured. 2Lis �� �
<br /> � reat aesignment shal!comtinue in iorce until lhe unpmd halance o! eaid note is fuliy paid. T6e takinq oi poasesaioa hereuader ahall in ao . . .
<br /> fi manner prevent or retard.eaid mortgagee.in the rnilactiou of naid.sums by forecloaure or otLerwiee. .
<br /> � > The failure of the mortgagea to aasert �y o!�ita righte hereuadar at any time shail aot be coastrued aa a�vcuver of ite right to asaert .. . .. .
<br /> i the same at aay later,tima-�and^�so inmeP`upoa'mid�aaforce�uict compliance with all the terma md provisione of said note �d of thia � � � � � � �
<br /> �� . mortgage. ' ..,. .�,.:,..aia..�........... ... . . . . ..
<br /> k t -
<br /> If said mortqaqor�_shall,�cnuee �b�:2w paid to aaid martgaqae iha eatizo amosni dce it he:ai:ndez,end cnder tIle ter�and proviaions � � �
<br /> ot eaid aote hereby aecurad'�qS�U'diag luivie adv�cee,end any eztenciona or reuewals thereo! ia accordmce w3th the te=ms �d pxoviuona . . .
<br /> thereof,cmd if aaid mortgaqor�_�ahall comply with all tLe p:ovidons of said note�d o! this mortqaqe.then these preseais ahall be void: . �
<br /> S o}herwiae;to rem�n�In tull fozce and eilea, and aaid mortgagee eLall be eadtled to ehe poase�sion of aU o!emd propertp,�m+d may, at ib . �
<br /> si
<br /> �optioa,deelara the whde ot emd note a¢d all iadebtednes�zepreisated lhezebp to be immediately due aad payable,aad may lozecloea tl�is .
<br /> moragaqe..or take��p�oWer legal�action.to promet its right, �d from the dats of �uch default all Items of indebtednea� secured her�by ,�� , .�
<br /> .ahall draw lntereet at 996�,q.annum. RpptaSeement wa[ved. � ... „y.•�
<br /> i p
<br /> '` -�. . Thia mortgage s6a11�be binding�.�upoa�d�ahall saiue�to 1Le b�aelit of tLe hsi:�,mucvton.admiai�trators, n+�cewsor� �d as�f9ns ot . �;: �OAI�`''�w."
<br /> L the rp�Pscttve Partles Lerero.
<br /> IN WITNESS Wl�REOP. wld Moslgngcr S J�a Ve hsseunto �st the�i r h��5.u,e dap and peac ttra atwve �,
<br /> e
<br /> 4 a. :::�. � � .. .... . � _. � � � ` ' ,_ . , ,� ..
<br />�. _/7�5..�")/L-��.� ,�.Jv l�'c�r-z-i -+-� � .
<br /> H I L I +E. HAM lJN LOR�A i NE J, HF� �OtJ
<br /> � � . . .. .:�: --� �
<br />�.
<br />"�
<br />