- i.
<br /> . ��
<br />�-�:: i - ,�,
<br /> �: - _ �- t��� -�
<br /> � � MORTGAGE–Savings and Iaaa Form–�Dlzec! Czodit Pl�) 255-2 (Speda7) . � . �. .. .
<br /> 7�„ U 6)�2 3� MORTGAGE
<br /> � I.o�No
<br /> t r�s irmta�strxe. maag �u 9th am, ot ���t�nbPr �sZZ_.trr�a beti.oea �
<br /> ROGER N BAILEY AND LtNDA L 6AILEY husband and wife each in his and her own r;aht
<br /> � and as saouse of thP other
<br /> � uf_ � � ���H�� � �Couaty. Nehraaka.as�mortgagor S. mnd Home Fedeml SavSnqe aad I.o�Aeaoefatioa ot Grand Ia]and,� .
<br /> a corporation o:qanfaed aad ezinting undez the lawa of Nebruaka�vith Ste prlacipal office and placa of buaineas at Grand IA�d. Nebraska.
<br /> ��mc�gagee: . . . � � � �. � . .
<br /> WITNESSETH: TLat aaid mo�tgagor S !oz and in eoneideration o[ the sum of .. . .
<br /> FIFTY—SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/100---------------------- n.�uare (S 56,400.00 i,
<br /> �� tLe��reCeipt�ot which�is hezeby�aclmowledged, do�.�� by tLeee prenenta mortgaqa and w�rant unto sa[d mortgngee, ite�aueeeaeorn��d �� �
<br /> aesigns, fozever, all the followiag dexribed real estate, situated in the muntp ot_ Ha t t .
<br /> � �'. �d Stale o!Kebraalar.to-wIh � . . . � . . . � . . .. . .
<br /> , £�
<br /> $ Togelher with all heating, liqhting, and phambing equipmont and fizlures.including etokurs and bumers.ecreens, awniage, etorm windowa �
<br /> �� �d doors. and wiadow shades or blinda, used on or im m�naction with said property, whether the sama are now Ixated oa�emd property
<br /> oz hereaiter placed thereon.
<br /> � TO HRVE AND TO HOI.B i..P.. SAME. toqether with all and aingular the fenemenls,beredilnments and appurteacmcen thereunlo beloaq- �
<br /> iag.or in anywiae appartaining,forever,aad warrant the title to the same. Said moztqagorS_hereby covenanL�..with aaid mortqagee �
<br /> ehat t-1�e�_ a re _, at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner 5 oE the premisea above coaveyed�d deaeribed,and a re � . �
<br /> Sseized of a good and indeteaaible estale of inheritance therein,free aad clear of all encumbraacee, aad that _�ha�L_will warr�t amd .
<br /> j detond the title thezeto torever ogaiast the daima aad demandn of nll persons whomsxver.
<br /> - � PROVZDED ALWAYS, md tlus instrument is axecuted and delivered to sacure the paymeat ot the aum o� . � � �
<br /> I FIFTY—SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/100--------_-------------ts�,u�, �y 56,400.00 ,
<br /> , with intereat thereon. together with such chargea and ndvancos as may be due and payable to aaid mortgagee undar the terms aad . � - �
<br /> coaditions ot tl�e promiesory note of even date herewith and secured hereby.ezeculed by eaid mortgagor� to said morlgagee,papable � � . � �
<br /> � as expreased in said note. and to secure the perlormaace of all the tezms and conditioas coatained therein. The terms o! said note are � �
<br /> hereby incozporated herein by thL relerence. . . �
<br /> ' It is the intention and agreemeat o! the parties here[o that t:ssa mortgnge slwll aLso aecure any luture adv¢nces mada to. said � . � �
<br /> � mortgagor 5_ by emd mortgagee, avd ¢ay nnd all indebtednese in additioa to the amount above staced which said mortgagow, or�q � �
<br /> of them, m.ay owe to suid mortgaqee.howevez evideaced, whether by note,book account or otherwtse. This mortgage ehall remaia in lull . � � .
<br /> � force and eltect between the parries here�o aad their heirs, porsonal representatives, succeaeozs aad aaniqaa, until al! amouata eecuzed . . � �� � .
<br /> .. hereuader, including Iuture advancee, a:e pmd in full witL intereat � � � � - .
<br /> � The mortgagor_g.herebp assigg �to eaid mortgagee all rents and income arininq at any and all timen lrom aaid propecty �d � � .� . � . .
<br /> hereby auihorize eaid mortgaqee or its ageat, at ita option, upon default,to take eh�ge of eaid property and mllect all zeata aad fncome . .
<br /> � the:e[rom and apply the eame to the payment ot iaterest, prindpal, iueurance premiuma, t�ee, nseemmenin, repaiza or improvemeats aeces- . .. � . .
<br /> � , sary to keep aaid property in tenantable condition, or to other chargea oz payments provided for herein or in the aote hereby aeeured. This � . � , .
<br /> rent asaignmeat ahall continuv ia torea uutii the uapaid balance n! amd note is lully pmd. The taking o1 posseesion heceunder nhall in no � _
<br /> � manuer prevent or retard aaid snortgagee in the mllection a!said suma by torecloaure or othenviae. . .
<br /> �. ; Tha tallure of e mort a ea to asaert aay of 9U righta hereunder at anp time ehall aot be conatmed aa a waiver ot ib right to aseert � � �
<br /> � cLe aame � aad eaSorce etrict wmpliaace with all the terma aad proviaiona ot said note �d ot thia .
<br /> mortga9e- ���,'�`� .
<br /> $SF`AL'1GRi a`SAr'?�"l,�a+k'S_�,
<br /> It wi � ���- '���`s �' � �� ° d to a�d mortgaqea the ea[ira�ount due it hereuader,and under!he terma aad provisionr �
<br /> � oi odd note hereby secured,Includinq.tutuce�a vaucee,aad any ezteneiona or ranewaln thereof 3a attnrdaace�with.the te:ma and proviaiona . � . . . .
<br /> . � thereot,aad if eaid mortgagorS_shall aomply with all the providona of e�d note and of Wte mortgage, lhen theea preaeata shall be void: � � .
<br /> otherwiae to rammn ia full lorea aad a!lect, aad smd morigaqoe e6all be eatitlerd lo the poaeeeston of.all.ot snid property,aad.may, ai iu �
<br /> �> option, deeivre tha�whale ot eaid�nota and all indebtedaee� repraseated therebp to be Immediately due and payable,md may toreclosa this . . j , � �
<br /> mortgoge or take�aap othar legal aeHoa to.pzotect!ta SqhL �d lzom the data ot eueh detault all itemi of indebtednees �ocured Lezebp .. . �3 '�� .�,. .
<br /> ' � ehall draw Intezeat dt�per aanum_ Appzafa�ement walved. �...... �
<br /> I �" r .
<br /> L Thie moriqage �hall be bindlaq upoa aad �hall �nure m tLa b�netlt o!tLe heixt. ezeeutors.admtniatratois. successon�d asaignr of � �
<br /> the reispactive [as Lereto.. A
<br /> ,%-�
<br /> ... IN ��WI�AEOF MoriAaqor � *^ ��A herounto �et +hc' �*�c�_tLe day and year tirs�above , p ,
<br /> +. vrrtttsa/".,x � � . . � .. . ` . . . ' . . . �
<br /> _�� r. � n
<br /> ��-? �.� .�^.. :i'f�' ..� � r.,y�` / � r; .�
<br /> R�R DF:�BA-�—�I LEY -' � L'I`�J�A L. BA i LEY
<br /> ir --- ��
<br />� � � �
<br /> �
<br />