<br /> t'�-d.: . . � `,�1'w
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<br /> � MOH7GAGE—Savinqs emd I.o� Fo=m--(Dlrect Credit Plaa) 255•2 fSAead) . . . ..
<br /> � ��s L,������2 MORTGAGE
<br /> . . .. . � � � � � � � I.o�No � �� � �
<br /> � ( rtns`�rroErrrone, maae �. 9th �Qy.:o: Septernber is?7 pp and bstweaa �
<br /> 3
<br /> �o�_ � � HB��� � � r��,Nebraska.�.mortgagor�..�d Aome Fedeml Sav3nga and Loan Aesoc3ation of Grand Ial�d, �
<br /> � a eorporatioa organized.aad euatinq under the�lawa of Nabzaaka w�ith ite prindpal otfiee�d place of buaiaeas at Graa3 Isl�d,Nebraeka, �
<br /> � aa mortgagee: � � � . � � � . .. . . . � . . ,
<br /> 1 ? . WITNESSETH:� That amd mortgagor 5, tor aad ia cansideration of tLe sum of �
<br /> �' TWENTY THOUSAND AND NO/100--------------------------_-------- T,,,��, �$ 20.000.00 ,;
<br /> {
<br /> "�� ��ehe recei t�o! which��is�hereb acknowled ed,�do_ b theae � � � �
<br /> p p g y presente mortgage aad wmrcnt unto smd mortqaqee, its succeawon��d �
<br /> � � aasiyns, forever, at!Hse fa27owinq deacribed reat estate, situated in the county ot ya I !
<br /> ��`..and 3tate of�Nebraeka, towit . � . . . . . . . �
<br /> �£
<br /> � i
<br /> F ;,
<br /> r � � �
<br /> � jf Sogether with all heating, lighting, and pli.mbinq equipment and fiztuzea,including atoke:s trnd buznera,acreeas,awninga,etorm windows �
<br /> ?<� and doors, �d window shades or blinda, uaed on or in connec[ion with said property, whelher the eame are now locnted on eaid property
<br /> £ or horea}ter placed tLereon.
<br /> . . TO I-IAVE AND 70 HOLD THE SAME, together with all aud einguIar the tenementa,hereditameata vnd appuztenances thereuato belonq- �
<br /> # ing,or in anywiae uppertainiag,torever,and wan�t the title to the same. Said moriqaqorS—hereby rnvenantS_ with said mortgaqee � �
<br /> � that the� are �� delivery hereol, tLe]awiul owners of the premisee above maveyed�d deacribed,and are �
<br /> �� . $ seized�ol a good and indeleaeible estate of inheritance therein, iree and clear ot all eacumbrances, annd tSwt�he�will warraat�d
<br /> i . de7ead the title thereto forever against the claima and demands of all persons whomaoever.
<br /> ! � PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrumeat is ezecuted and delivered to secure the paqmeat of ihe num of � �
<br /> '. TWENTY THOUSAND AND NO/100-----------------------_------------ n..ume (s 20�000.00 �,
<br /> � with interesl thereon,together with such charqes and advances as may be due and payable to aaid mortqagee under the terma �d � � ' ��
<br /> conditiona o[ the promissorp note of evea date herewith and secured hezeby,e:ecuted by emd mortgagor�_to said mortgagee, payable �
<br /> � as espressed in smd note,and to eecure the performance of all the terms and cnnditiom coatained theiein. The terme o! said note �e � �
<br /> hereby incorpomted hecein by thia reference. � � � .. .
<br /> I[�is the inteation�d agreement of Ihe parties hereto that ihia moxtgage s6W1 aLao eecure any tuture advances mnde to eatd .. � � .
<br /> � morigagor S by amd moAgagee, and mp and all Sndebtednean in addi4oa to the �ouat a6ove atated which smd mortgagora, o= �p . . � . �
<br /> � ot ihem, may owe to eaid mo`tgagee, howevnr evidenced, whether by aote,baok account or otherwise. Tltis mortgage aha21 remain ia Sull � . � �
<br /> ��force�cnd elfect betweea the paraes hereto aad their heirs, parnonal representativen, aucceasors and assigna, until all amounb sacured � � �
<br /> hezeuader,iacludinq luture advnncea. �e paid ia full wilh interest. � �
<br /> � �� The mortgaqoz S hereby aeai� 5 W said mortgagee.all zeafe and income ariainq at any msd all times from said property �d � � . . �
<br /> hereby authorize amd morigagee o= its ageat, at ite opRon, upoa detault,to take ch�ge of e¢id property and collect all zents a¢d incoma � � � , .
<br /> therelzom and apply the a�v to the paymeat of iaterest,principal, iaeura¢ce premiume, t�es, aseeesmeuta, repairs or impzovementa aeces- . � . . .
<br /> sary�to keep eaid property ia tenantable coadition, oc to other charqee or papmeats provided for herein oz in the note hereby secured. 131s . - �
<br /> � rent assignment ahall contiaue in force until the unpaid balance ot eaid note is 2ully pcad The takiag o4 pocsemion hereuader ahall in no � � � ��
<br /> manaer�prevent or zetard eaid mortqagee ia the mllection of emd eume by Soreelaeure or o8�envine. � �
<br /> � � R'he�tmlure of the mortqagee to aaeeri �p of its rightn hereuadar at�p tlme ehall not be conahued as a maiver of its right to aswert
<br /> �itt � the.eame at any Ie{er time mt�I'�G Yne�e�upo.q�d enlorce strict mmpliance with all the terms und proviaiona oi aQid note m�d of tbia . � �
<br /> � mortga4e. � � �, � . .
<br /> It s�i3 mq;fg�gx�,,,,'„�'..�_sl�jj;,,�iyF..,.,{p,;,*�rg,}�cid to s�d mortq^,.gee iha oati:a�ouat dus:t 5rreua3�ez,aad un3ar tha tainaa m3 pwviaionr .
<br /> � j � ot eaid note ha:eby sacured,including future advaacea,�d anp ertanaions or zenawals�thereof In accordaaee wiffi the terms md provisioaa �
<br /> i �
<br /> j �.theieot,m'd it�said moriqaqar �. aha31 complp with all the provimoas of sald mte md of tL(s mortgage,thea tLese preeents ahall be void:
<br /> � S othecwiae to remaln in�full.fozee and.etlect. �d safd mortgagee ehall be eaNtled to ihe poeae�sion of all ot eaid propertp, and may,at 3ts � �
<br /> � � option,�declare the whole oi smd nola and all indahtedaeu rapreasntad thereby to be immediafely due and payable,aad may}��loae thia „„F_� , -,
<br /> morlgage or-wke aay other legul oction M p:otecl ib�:ighf, �d irom the dete o[sucE delauit all :tem� ot iadebtedneas �ecurad hezeby . -� ,z r''
<br /> aLall draw ia�erest�at�%per�num. Appzmwment walved. �
<br /> ;.71�1a mnrtgage shall:bo bSndlaq npoa aad �6all�eauro.to th� !»aeHt o! ths Laln, ezsc�.ton,adminLtzatoza, .ucee�wn md aasigns d .�r � '�� '
<br /> I t6e re�pectiva,pa[tie�Lereta , � .� :� .. .. . . :... . . � . � � °,
<br /> + �IN W(11'JESS WHEAEOF, wid� Murl S r... 'V B t h e i r y��...�..:. �, year firu above " i en"�
<br /> QG$Of . }�Klu0l0 �et m�5_tLe day�d , ,,
<br /> writt�a. :�. .. .. . � .. . . ..
<br />� ' :—,t l/ ,,� r ,a .� , .z`7 .,`�,.,.� �f,� ��,�' , .
<br /> � : 1,b'..e.�y�,a �C <-.c a.r,v �n r-1, ,� .t i �.�..�iv/ ic�- � ,(�.-�r
<br /> �L�f��h�CE D7�CSf��[S �,�.. � � '�C�:NAD-?NE F. lti'f-i(TE _
<br />� � .�,�.....�.�?� ��., � ,.�.�. . . � ��. ... � �� . ...,,.�.. �....�........d,..�..... �
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