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<br /> ��. [�C3 51$'7
<br /> 2.1—WARRAN7Y�DEED� � . .� . . . � � �. � . � . � � � � Falton b WoIF CompenY.Lincoln�Nebr. � .
<br /> �
<br /> '��va :i. i:rion, a sin;�e ?ron_at�, and Eugene E. � herein called the grantor whether ona or more,
<br /> ' Erion and Alice R. Erion, husband and wife,
<br /> ' in eonsideration of �ne c?i�11�x :znci othe'r valnaY�3e considerat_on -- - - - - - - - - -
<br /> received from grantee, does grant, bargnin, sell, convey and eonfirm unto
<br /> 1�c;onar� i�. ld�c?iern
<br /> � herein' ealled the .grtmtee whether one or more, the follo�ving desci•ibed real property in
<br /> ; .... .........�.�._...�............_...:........:.............:...... County, Nebraska: '' �
<br /> , The East lia1,: o� �.�:c ;3outh�r�st `.)uarc.er of :.he Sou-theast 4�uzzr:.er oi Secti�n '34,
<br /> To�.nsh;;, 12 T�1or-t.h, 2�.�1;-:e } .(est oi' the �th P.�_., :iz11 County, :ia�raslta, e.>ce:�.i:�s; t'rie
<br /> r"oJ.loc2n„ ts•aci: of 1ai1d morc� �7ar'ticu=i.>r1:f d.escriUEd as so1lo..s: nc,�,inn:ing at the
<br /> �ou'th.aes� carngr o:f 'l;he Uwst i{.a.li' oi I;tae Soui.h•:rest i;;szrter oi' the :�ouiheast, �u�tirter
<br /> o� :ieci:ior. j4, uhes�ce rluvizn!� ��asLez•l;� alonr� •and us>on saic Sect:ion Line z d:iutancc
<br /> i o�' ,12� :feet, thencc,• �3or'CiAerIJ and I'a.ra].1o1 t� th.� :destcrl;� L:.ne o? Soctian jk� a ;
<br /> ` a..:si«.nce o:[ 2�}' I�'cet, rlicnce runr.:ui�r i;gscerly� and. r'�.x•ai._Lc� to tt_�. �:�r'theriy L�r.�.
<br /> i
<br /> a_' Secti�n 3�% a distance ci 12� :eet, 'thence ��unx�ii�,; Soutlier?;y G.nd Parzlle2 to tha
<br /> ti :astor2y ianc c� Secc`!bn :4 a c_is�ar�ce of 22j I't:ct to tY,e po�nt uf bet;innizi�
<br /> ; r . .
<br /> STAMP TA;6
<br /> ; sc�'�s�c,��rtT rirtrsa� S E P 9 1577
<br /> � '
<br /> � _ o ,
<br /> To have and to hold the above descriUed premises toeether with �P� ��a^*�f-�Y�eaeats—
<br /> { and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee nnd to �rantee's heirs an �ss��ns forever. i
<br /> F ' And the grautor does hereby eovenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns
<br /> � Lhat grxntor is lawfully seiaed of said pretnises; that they are free from eneuinbrflnee ��--,.,�;
<br /> - E
<br /> � that grantor has good right and lawful suthority to convey the same; and that grantor warrante and wili
<br /> � defend the title to said premises against the lawful elaima of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> ,�
<br /> � Dated pcto�ar L, 19 0�.
<br /> � (�x.v-cc. �;. �Cx�.'a-��"`
<br /> .......:. ......... ................................................ ....... ........................ ............................
<br /> " � . � . �.. . �. �. t'L. ✓3'1071 .
<br /> , ""�
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<br /> � : � . . � . / � . .
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<br /> ....... •�.,�.................E`�war�!�i.-�s,:Q1/�>
<br /> 4 �g e E. Er3on
<br /> , ... „��...�-�.....�.�...�'...r��..-.�-.-�............
<br /> . .......... . ....... ......... .............................. .......
<br /> A1ice R. �rion
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASXA, Countp of...........!`��.�.7..... . .-•••-•.................: '
<br /> Before me, a uotary public qualified for said rount}-, personally came �1v� ' i:riozi, a
<br /> � s-_ti�le i•io�ian and Engene �. Erion and Al.ioe R. Erion, hu�band and wife,
<br /> � r
<br /> ; � +�.,�;'�,
<br /> �a1w �
<br /> j \J l filC,( �;,"'y .-.� > �� ,
<br /> R .r, � � �
<br /> .':�ga�rn°ta rn�!'ho b�the identical person or pereons who si�ned the foregoing instruinent and acknowledged f��„z'
<br /> M*�:;t'�i�g��eq�on`t�e�e� totbe his,her or their voltuitary xet and deed.
<br /> ,� , .
<br /> �_. � "
<br /> S��*„eaA��hand and netarial �eal on ...�� ....�.. ........................ . ly.�a.�...
<br /> '.;C c�, � ��a?��.� '. '
<br /> 'uc����s.�, .rsr.+t�a�ks,s�W�' .......:�...•�e:.�....d-�e�.................... Notary Public.
<br /> , r �cUw+'i.T 4 � '+
<br /> ' ,. My commission expires ..�v..4.�a.-..�............................. ]9.�.�..
<br /> � �� ._�- .., �
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<br />� �
<br />