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<br /> 77, U05184 .
<br /> ORDINANCE N0. 6292
<br /> � An ozdi.nance creating Street Improvement District No. 931; defining the boundaries of
<br /> tha district; providing for the improvemenC of a street aithin the district by paving, curbing,
<br /> and guttering: and all incidental work 1n connection therewith; and to provide tor an
<br /> effective date ot this ordinance.
<br /> SECT20N 1. Street Improvemenc District No. 93I in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> is heseby created.
<br /> SECTION 2. The boundaries of the diatrict shall be as follovs:
<br /> ' Beginning at a poinc on th� wzst line af Curtis Street and 129.5 feet, or 39.472
<br /> meters, north of the north Line of John Street; thence running south on the west
<br /> line of Curtis Street for a d:stance of 325 feet, or 99.06 mecers, to a point
<br /> 135,5 fee�, or 41,3 r.ieters, south of tfie south line of John Street; thence zunning
<br /> wesc on a line 135 feet, or 41,3 rhecers, south of the south line of John St±eet
<br /> for a distance of 263.25 feet, or 80.23° meters, more or less, to the east right-
<br /> of-way line of the Saint Joseph Eranch o£ the Union Pacific Railroad; chence Lnning
<br /> north on che east right-oF-way line of the Saint Joseph Branch of che L'nion Pacizic
<br /> Railroad for a discance of 325 feet, or 99.06 mecers, to a point 129.5 feet, or
<br /> 39,472 meters, north o£ che north line of John Streec; chence running east on a
<br /> line 129.5 feec, or 39.47'L mecers, north oi and parallel to the norcYti 1ir.e of ,?ohn
<br /> g�:_Ar g,,,- , distance of 262.75 feet, or 80.086 meccrs, to the wesc line of Curtis
<br /> Streec, bein� the place of beginning, a11 as snown on �ha plat r�rk=d �'xhih=r "A"
<br /> ..
<br /> ` attached hereco and incorporated 1�erein by re£erence.
<br /> SECTSON 3. The following street {n the district shall be improved by pav3ng, curbing,
<br /> and gutCering, and all incidental work in connection therewith:
<br /> John Street from the west line of Curtis Street to the east right-of-way
<br /> line of the Saint Joseph Branch of the Union Paci£ic Railroad. .
<br /> 5ECTION 4. The improvements shall be made aC public cost, but the cost thereof,
<br /> excluding intersections, shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in the district speciaXly
<br /> ; �
<br /> benefited as provided by law.
<br /> � SECTZON 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect £rom and after its
<br /> 1 . � �. . . � � .
<br /> passage, approval, and publication, wichout the plat, as provided by law.
<br /> � 5ECTION 6. This ordinance, with the p1at, ie hereby directed to be filed in the o£fice
<br /> of the Register of Deeds, 'iall County, Nebraska.
<br /> SECTZON 7, A£ter passage, approval, and publication of this ordinance, notice of the
<br /> creation of said district sha1Z be published in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal
<br /> newspaper published and o£ general circulation in said City, as provided by law.
<br /> Ena�tea SEP G 1977 . •
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