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<br /> 7� O05_1 g0
<br /> r oitnix.at.cF No. eiss
<br /> An oxd�xtanca creating Street Iaprovement District No. 930; defining the boundaries of the
<br /> district; providing for the improvement of a street within the district bp�paving, curbing,
<br /> guttering, and aIl incidental wo;k in connection therewith; and to provide for an ef£ective
<br /> date of tht9 ordinance.
<br /> SECT20N 1. Street Improvement District No. 930 in the City o£ Grand Zslaad, Nebras2ca,
<br /> fs h�reby created:
<br /> S£CTION 2. The boundaries of the district sha11 be as follows:
<br /> Beginning bn the north line of 0'Grady Street at a point 200 £ee►, or 60,96
<br /> meters, easc of the cast 'ine of Saint Batrick Avenue; [hence running south an
<br /> a line parallel to and Z00 fcet, or 60.96 meters, east of the east linc o? Saint
<br /> Patrick Avenue for a distance oz 803.19 feet, or 253.042 mecers, to Che north
<br /> line of Kelly Street; �nence running west on the north line of Ke11y 5treet and
<br /> its west prolongation for a distance of 444.2 feet, or 135.392 meters, to che
<br /> west line of Dickey 4ch Subdivision; thence runnin� nor:h on the wesc line o£
<br /> . � . .:Dicke_y 4th Subdivision and nn�rhn � �r tt�o .,F n,�ve.. ��r� ••�uiyy���-
<br /> distance of 83C.19 feer, or 253.042nmeters, to che west oroLongatian��ofuthe
<br /> north line of 0'Grady Screr_t; thence running east on the wesc prolon�ation o_`
<br /> the north line oi 0'Grady Scree[ and on the north line of O'Grady S[reet £or
<br /> a d�istance of 443.2 feet, or 135.087 meters, to the point of beginning, all
<br /> as shown on the nlat marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein
<br /> s by xe£erence.
<br /> SECTZON 3. The following street in the districc shall be improved by paving, curbing,
<br /> guttering, and a12 incidencal work in connection therewith:
<br /> Saint Patrlck Avenue from the north line of Kelly Street to the north ?ine
<br /> of 0'Grady Streec.
<br /> " SaSd improvements shall be made in accordance with plans and specifications prepared Sy
<br /> the Engineer for the City, and aparoved by the Mayor and Couacil.
<br /> SECTZON 4. The ±mpzovemen:s sha:l be made at public cost, but the cost thezeof,
<br /> ' excZuding intersections, shall be assessed upon the 2ots and lands in the �'istrict specially
<br /> �
<br /> $ benefited as provided by law.
<br /> SFCTSON 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take e£fect from and after ita passage,
<br /> � BPPzoval. and
<br /> a publication without the plat, as provided by law.
<br /> SECTION 6. This ordinance, with the plat, is hezeby directed to be filed in the ofFice
<br /> o£ the`Reg3ster of Deeds, ??aI1 County, :7ebraska.
<br /> SECTION 7. A£ter passage, approval, and publiaation of this ordfnance, notice of t'�e
<br /> creation of said district shall be pub2ished in the Crand Island Daily Independent, a lega'
<br /> - y newspaper published and of general circulation in said City, as provided by Iaw.
<br /> . Ena�tea S F p 6 1977
<br /> res ent o t e ouaci�
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