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<br /> -.�.�' � MORTGAGE-�avinq� and Laan Form—(Blrect Credit Pl�) 2552 (Special) � . �
<br /> ��,�.._ ��513'� MORTGAGE
<br /> � �No
<br /> � rtas txnsrrrune, moaa �n�. 7th day or September .ie�?bp�a t�eno�n �
<br /> ' 3
<br /> o�Ha I i � ' � _Counry,Nebraaka. �mortgcaqoi_,�d Fiome Fedeml Savinqe�d I.oan Aaaociatfoa of Grand Ial�d, 7 �
<br /> a rnrporation organized and ezisEing uader the laws ot Nebrnska witc ifs prindpaI oiiice aad place ot bwsine�a ul t3rcrr.d Lslm:u'`,Hehruaka, ZS � � ���� �
<br /> 3
<br /> _ � mOLlqagee: ..� � . � �
<br /> WLT'NESSETEi: That :+aid moctgagor._, for and in connideration of the ae.m o}_ .. . �.. . �
<br /> TWENTY=FOUR THOUSAND AND_NO/I 00------------__-_-_---- nol��6 �s 24,000.00 �.
<br /> �the receipt of which is hereby aclmowledged, do eS by theee presenta morigage aad warrant unto eaid mortgagee, ita eueeemorn �d . � , � �
<br /> vasigne, forever, all the followiag doscribed real eatute, aituated in 16e county o1._ �a� � __ � � . �
<br /> `,
<br /> �d State ot Nebraaka, to-wit: � � � ��� �
<br /> r �
<br /> , �# —
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> ;' '
<br /> f"
<br /> � � To ether with all haatin li htin and - �
<br /> ; S g g. g g, pinmbing equipmont anc lixturee, induding atokere and buraera,�aeree¢s,awninqa, etorm windowe . .
<br /> �� and doors, and window ahades or blinda, usod on or in cronnection with said property, whether tha same aze now]ocated on eaid property �
<br /> �; or hereatter placed thereoa.
<br /> <
<br /> . TO AAVE AND YO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements,heteditaments mid appurteaanees thereunto belong- � - � � � .
<br /> >"
<br /> i- � ing, or in anywiae appextaininq, [orever,¢¢d w¢nant the title to the same. Said mortgagor—�hereby covenanLi_ with said mortgaqee � � � . � � �
<br /> � that _.3_he—__.__�S_--._, at the delivery heraol,the lawful ownez___of the premisen above conveyed and described,aad �S � .
<br /> # seized o[ a good and indeteasible estote ot inheritance therein, lree and clear ot all eacumbrances,and lhat _S.he_will wartcmt �d . � � .
<br /> > defend thc litle therelo forevez aqaiasl Ihe daims and demands o[ alI persona whomscever. � �
<br /> � + PROVID£D ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed and delivered to secure the payment ot the sum of � � �
<br /> � � Ti�E�1TY-_FOUR THOUSAND ANU NO/100--------------_---_----------_Do�lare t� 24,400.00 �,
<br /> � with interest thereon, togother with such charges and advances as may be due md payable to said morigagee uuder the terms and
<br /> conditions di the promissory aote of even date herewith and secured hereby,ezecuted by emd moxlgagor—to said mortgagee,payable
<br /> . � as¢xpressed in said note,and to secure the perloxmance of all tFe torms and conditiom coatained therein. 7he tenna o[ saSd note are �
<br /> � hereby incorporated herein by thie reSerence. . . �
<br /> x
<br /> , ? it ia iae in(eniiou ahd a.7reemec: c: �.c p:::::c� �ere<.o ?hat thir m�rtaaee ah¢Il also eecure nny }uture advances made to n¢id F . : _
<br /> S "
<br /> Smorigagor._ by said mortqagee, and any and all iudebtednees in addition to the amomt above stated which s¢id mortgagora, or �y
<br /> of then, ma.q owe to s¢id moztgoqee, howevez evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgaqe shall remain ia full �
<br /> � force and ellecl between the partirs hereto and lheir heirs, persoaal repiesentafives, succeeaora and aatigna, unfil ¢L amounts eecured � �
<br /> ��� � hcreundez,induding fuha�e advaacea, are paid ia fuL with intezeeL �
<br /> � The mortqagor— 2�ereby asaiqx�S to aaid mortgagee ait rents and income arisinq at any and all timea lrom suid propeAy and .� �
<br /> . hereby authoiize eaid mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon detaull,to tnke charge of e¢id propertp aad collect all reats and income
<br /> theratrom and appty Ihe same to the payment o1 intereat, prindpal, inaurance premiuma, tazea, asaeeamenta, repaire or improvemeaU aecea- �
<br /> , i sary to keep said pxoperty in tenanlable mndilion, o: to other charges or paymnnts provided for herein or in the nole here6y secured. 7hia .
<br /> Srent assignmenl shall coatinue in torce until the unpaid balance of eaid note is Sully paid Y'he taking of poasesaion heieunder ahall in no
<br /> t manaer prevent or retnrd said mortgagee ia the rnllectiou ot said numa by Sorecloa�ue or olherwiso.
<br /> S
<br /> ' The Sailurq of.the mo{tgagae,.tQ,,,,�spert„aay of ite righte hereander at aay time aball not be conatrued as a waiver ot its riqht to aeeert
<br /> � $� tLe eame at nay]ater time,aad to inaistµppa and enfOrca etrict compliance witL all the terma and provisions of said note mnd oi thia
<br /> mortgaqe. ,._ ;� �. �.��. .z �'
<br /> { '.f saici.mwtyayur �_�,�....0004-sause..�o..b�paid lo e¢id mortgagee.the enitize amount due it heteuadez.and uuder tha terma¢nd proviaions
<br /> � � of said note herehy securad,Lnduding future advances,and any eztauaione or renewala theraof in accordaace with the taimn �d proviaionf
<br /> thezeot,�d[t naid morigagor _ ahall eomply�vith all the provirioac of eaid note�d of t1�ls mortgage, thea theee preaenls ahali be void;
<br /> � �S otherw�ise to remain in ful!lo:cs and effoct,and amd mortgagae ehall be entitled to the pomeeaton o!all o! said property,�d may,at ita . '
<br /> . y optian,declare the whole o}said aote aad all indabtednes�zepra�sated therebp to be immediatety due aad payablo.and may foreclose thia
<br /> moztgaqe or take any otLar legal action to pcotact SL right and.fzom tha date ol eu�, default all items ot indebtedneas secured hereby "'"!?:I `�
<br /> . shvll dra�v intereet vt A96 er�num. Appraieement waivad. �'��� �' � `�' , �
<br /> I �Ly' >
<br /> � 1Zia morigage s6aII�bindinq upoa and �hail onurs to the k»nefit of the h�Ir�, ezxuton, admtnistraton. �ucce�son�d aaeigns o} � �,�� �
<br /> the�reepactive.pazHee hereto.. . . . � � .
<br /> XN�WIiNtS4 WHEAEOF. �dd Mort r �••S het' h ;*••,�.
<br /> . d qago h�rauato �et ��the day and year firet above '
<br /> , �: � wrRte . � . �..� .
<br />�, �� � __��a2.F'r� . ��/lr _.F��t�f�2�1 fi ` �' �
<br /> .—_ ____.___ ?3 ��.
<br /> �� 1-LUkENi.:E Ph. lt)CKtY � � k. �
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