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<br />�„^� `�� �������� WARRANTY DEED
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<br /> x�'��,
<br />�� Emelia Becker, an unremarried widow; Alfred Backer and Lydia Becker, each in
<br /> his and her own right and spouse of each other; Matilda Becker, an unmarried
<br /> woman; Bertha Becker, an unmarried woman; Bernard Becker, also known as
<br /> h; Bernhard Becker and Anna Becker, each in his and her own riqht and spouse of
<br /> " � each other; Walter Becker and Dorothy Becker, each in his and her own right
<br /> and spouse of each other, herein called the Gran�ors, in consideration of
<br /> � ONE DOLLAR AND CTHER VALUABLE CCNSIDERATION received from Grantee, do grant ,
<br /> bargain, sell, convey and con£irm unto Katharine S, IvSayer, herein called the
<br /> Grantee, the following described real property in Hall Coun�y, Nebraska:
<br /> A tract of land conprising a part of the South Half (S%) of Lot One
<br /> (1) , Section Thirty 30) , and part of the Northwest Quarter (NW%). of
<br /> Section Twenty Nine �29) all in Township Eleven (11) North, Range
<br /> Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska anc�. more par-
<br /> ticularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner
<br /> of the NE'/qNW'/q Section 29; thence running Easterly along the North
<br /> line of said N�NW'/q a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Eighty
<br /> Three and Fifty Five Hundredths (1283.55) feet to a point on the
<br /> Westerly railroad right-of-way line; thence running Southerly along
<br /> said right-caf-way line a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty
<br /> One and Eight Tenths (2641.8) feet to a point on the South line of
<br /> said NW'/q; thence running Westerly along the South line of said NW% �
<br /> a distance of Two Thousand Five Hundred Sixty (2560.0) feet to a
<br /> a ; noint on the Easterly highwav right-of-way line; said point beinq
<br /> Thirty Nine and Four Tenths t39.4) feet East of the Southwest corner
<br /> of said NW'/q; ttience running Northwesterly along said highway right-
<br /> of-way line and being on a 3019.79 :oot radius curve to the left a
<br /> distance of Seven Hundred Eighty Five and Three Tenths (785.3) feet
<br /> to a point on the West line of Lot 1 Section 30; thence running North-
<br /> erly along the West line of said Lot 1 a distance of Five Hundred Forty
<br /> Seven and Six Tenths (547,6) feet to the Northwest corner of the S%
<br /> Lot l; thence running Easterly along the North line of the S� of Lot
<br /> 1 a distance of Seventy Six and Eight Tenths (76.8) feet to the North-
<br /> east corner of the S% Lot,l,also being the Southwest corner of the
<br /> SW'/qNW%NW% Section 29; thence running Northerly along the West line
<br /> of the SW'/qNW%NW'/q a distance of Twelve (12) feet; thence running East-
<br /> +` ' erly and parallel to the South line of the SW'/qNW%NV�1'/q a distance of
<br /> Three Hundred Fifty Five and Sixty Five Hundredths (355.65) feet to
<br /> a point Twenty Four (24) feet East of the East line VJ%2SW%NW%N[N'/q;
<br /> thence running Northerly and parallel to the East line of the W�W%NW%N',N%
<br /> a distance of Six Hundred Forty Eight and Gne Tenth (648.1) feet to a
<br /> point on the South line of the N%NW%qNW'/q; thence running Easterly along
<br /> the South line of N%NW%NW'/q a distance of Nine Hundred �>eventy' and
<br /> � Seventy Eight Hundredths (970.78) feet to the Southeast corner of the
<br /> " N%NW'/qNW%; thence running Northerly along the East line o£ the N%NW'�NW%
<br /> a distance of Six Hundred Sixty and Eighteen Hundredths (660.18) feet
<br /> to the point of beginning and containing 133.5 acres more or less,
<br /> `,. To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tene-
<br /> {; ments, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Grantee and
<br /> to Grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />—a; And the Granzors do hereby covenant with the Grantee and with Grantee's
<br /> heirs and assigns that Grantors are lawfully seised of said premises; that
<br /> thpy are free from encumbrance; that Grantors have good right and lawful
<br /> authority to convey the same; and that Grantors warrant and will defend the
<br /> title to said premises against the lawful claims of a11 persons whomsoever.
<br /> Dated February 1, 1 66
<br /> �7�.-�� �?-G'�QiV ;.� �� j'" /� ,., /
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<br /> i re �c er er a e r ". Wa'teT BeGke
<br /> --s :
<br />�, " -� ... , ,, , i �;�:'lt-' T,«�- F.:..�r�.,:Z.-c�
<br /> � �Y .�a z�ri�r rsernar ec er pox�y BeckPr
<br /> STAT� :d�:',AJ�BAP.SKA, County of Hall:
<br /> �� Bef�r_e me, a Notary Public qualified for said county, personally came -�� -
<br /> Em��ia `$��ker, an unremarried widow; Alfred Becker and Lydia Becker, each in ,N ,
<br /> hL's ar�d h�r own right and spouse of each other; fvtatilda Becker, an unmarried
<br /> 0
<br /> inan; $Q�tha Becker an cnmarried_woman;_Bernard Becker, also known as Bernhard ��
<br /> ' . _
<br /> _ .... . ._...._�
<br />� i •���er a,�zx 'nrina $ec'Rer;��each in his and her ow: right and �spouse ot each other; Y ��;
<br /> n��'�¢��, �ecker and Dorothy Becker, each in his and her own right and upouse of ��� �
<br /> e'ach„ot:Iier, known to me to be the identical persons who signed the forecoino
<br />� instrument and acknowledoed the execution thereof to ba zheir voluntarv act �'�"' �
<br /> and deed. p '
<br /> Wi�ness my hand and notaria]r-seal on��Ti�--u��c-,�-�K._.._ � �9��, �
<br />�� � My Notarial commi.ssi.nn expi.r.es�%�? ��'� �'` - �
<br /> � _�, t` h^^�^',�-r�-r�-r�- Notary Pub�ic +
<br /> --�
<br /> �.
<br /> --�
<br />