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<br />������_� MOR7GRGE-�avings �d Loan Form--(Dkect Czedit Pl�) 255-2 (Special>
<br /> j'.: 1 ^ �.�................�.,.....,... .
<br />� � s� t
<br /> 7�- (�U c �.2€� iV10RTGAGE
<br /> r.�iaa
<br /> ` � Yfus�[rmexrURE,maae �h:. 6 t h d� of S e p tem b e r .ts?� bY�a t�ec..ean�� �. . . . .
<br /> VERONICA M. McGOVERN, a sin le person
<br /> 3
<br /> ��— �Ha� � - —Counry. Nebraska,va mortgagor_.�d Home Federal Saviaga and I.oan Aaeociution of Grand tnland, �
<br /> a corporaiion orqanized and existinq under the ]awa oI Nenrask¢ wita ite prinripal office und place o!bueinem at Grand Ial�d, Nebrosicu,
<br /> i� �mortgagee: .
<br /> WITN£SSETH: That said mortgaqor_� for nnd in cronaideration of the aum of________ �
<br /> ;: E�GHTY THOUSAND_AND NO/100------------------___-_--__------ no�iara �5�0,000.00 _�
<br /> i
<br /> � _ the� receipt of which�Ss hereby acknowledged, do e S by thase preaents mortgaqe and warreml unto aaid mortgagee, its eucceaxte and
<br /> `1` � asaigna, forever, al1 the tollowing described real eslato, aituv!¢d in the counly of_____H���_________ _____.___ � �
<br /> and State of Nebraaka.to-wit:
<br /> •' �# ��
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ji Toqether with alt heating, lighting, r.,:nd plumbing equipment ¢nd fixtnzex, includinq atokers and burners, xreens, awniuge, etorm windowe �
<br /> . �� cand doozs, and window sh¢des or biinds, uned on or i.n comection with said pmperty. whe!her the eame are now located oa snid prop¢zty .
<br /> on c�reaSter placed thereon.
<br /> t
<br /> <
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD YHE SAME, together with all and singular the tenemonts,hereditaments vnd appurtanances thereunto belong� �
<br /> �. ing,or in anywise appertainiag, forever,¢nd warrant the title to the eame_ Said mortgagor-__ horeby covenant._ with eaid mortgageo �
<br /> � that __.�e____�.__�.�¢t the dolivery hereof, the lowtul owner__...ot the premisee above coaveyed�d daecribed,and__ �5 �
<br /> ',: £ seized o[a good¢nd indeleasible estatrs of inheritance therein, freo and denr of all encumbmnces,and that__S_ha_. will warr¢nt �d
<br /> � deiend the title thereto forever against the claim» mid demands ol ail persons whornao�ver.
<br /> :E . PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and this in3trument is esecuted and delivexed to socure the p¢ymeat of the sum ot � � �
<br /> '' � _ E_IGHTY_THOUSAND AND NO/100----_--___----_------_______
<br /> nol�a�e i$ 80,000.00 ,
<br /> wilh interest thereon, together with such charqes and advances as may be d�o and p�y¢blo to said morigaqee undor the terms and
<br /> v
<br /> cnnditions of tl�o promissory note of evon d¢te herewith and secured hereby,ezecutad by said mortgaqor_to said mortg¢gee,payable
<br /> � 3 as espressed in said note,and to secure ihe pertormunce o! all the terms and coaditioas contuissed thecein. The terma of said nota ara �
<br /> ` hereby incorpozated he:ein by thia reference.
<br /> _ $ It ie the intentioa and agreement of the p¢rties hereto thol this morlgage ah¢ll ¢lso eecuze ¢ny future ¢dv¢ncee made to enid t .
<br /> � mortgagor_____ by said mortgagee, and any and all indebtednese in addition to the amount above etared which snid mortgagora, or ¢ny
<br /> of them, may owe to said mortgvgee, however avidenced whethec by note,boolc accoua!or otherwise. 1'his mortgagn ahall remam ia ful.I
<br /> force and e[fect between the parties hozeto und theiz heire, pezsonal repreaentativea, succeaeora ¢nd assiqna, until all ¢mounts aecuzed
<br /> 2 horeuader,includinq futu-e advancea,¢ze pmd in full with interest.
<br /> . � 1'Le mortqagor—. hereby assiqn— to eaid morigngee all ieats Qnd inrnme arising at any and all timea irom said property and
<br /> hereby authorize said mortgaqce or ita agenL at ita optlon, upon delvult, b[uke chuzge ot said propeRy and co7lcct all rents a¢d income
<br /> theretrom and apply the aame to the payment of intereat,priacipal,insurance premiuma, tazee, asseeemoata, repaira or improvemeata necas-
<br /> � sary to keep said proFezty in tenanlable c.ondiiian, or to olher charqee or paymunts p:ovided for herein or in the nota Lerehy secured. This
<br /> reat assignment shall continue in fozce until [he unpaid balonce ot said aote is 1u32y paid The taking of posseasion horeunder ahatl ia ao
<br /> mmner prevent or retard eaid mortgaqee ia the collecUon of e¢i.d euma by forecloeure or otherwiae.
<br /> � 1'he f¢ilure ot tho motlqageo fo ueaert aay of itn zighta hereunder¢t nny time ahnll not be conatrued as a waivor oI its right to aeaert
<br /> 4� �j the same crt an 1 .
<br /> y atez fime�nad��fo i -^...and.eufo+ce atzict cvm Laxace with all the terms and
<br /> ; . V:, . "" P� provieions of sa�d nole and o! this �t
<br /> mortgage.
<br /> � S Il �id moztqk9or_A�y¢11`Cavea to�be pafd to'eaid mortgagee the antire¢movnt dve it hereunder,o�nd under She lerms¢nd proviaions J
<br /> � of anid note hereb fr.�Nred'facludiag future advnnces,and any ertamione oz renawaln thereof in accordance with the terms �d proviaioaa
<br /> Ihereol, und il�soid mortgvqor_nhall comply mlth¢3! tho proc.:aions at aald note and ot thia mortqage, Lhon theoo preseas ah¢li be void: �
<br /> othenvise to remain in fu11 Lp:ce�d e}fect uad a¢id mortg¢qee ehnll be enfltled to the poe�eesfoa o1 all o} nQid pzoperty, and may, vt itn '
<br /> e
<br /> j option, deciare tbe whole ot eaid note and all iadehtednem reptraented thereby to be immedietelp due aad payable, and may foredose thia ���"�`r� �
<br /> mortqage or taice cny other lagal action to protec[ ita righp and }rom Ihe date o[ eueh defaul[ alI ttema ot iadebteeineae wcured horeby
<br /> nhall draw in[ereat ot��ar annum. Appraieemeat waIved. ���
<br /> ; � Y6ia mor�gaqe abali-be binding upon aad shnll enur� to �hs banelit ot the he3n, azecutora. admini�tzaton, �ucce�wrs and Qaeiqns af � `"��
<br /> ihe ze�pective parties bereto. •
<br /> { 7w-:
<br /> F{ IN WITNE.SS µrl�RgOF, caid Moctgagor _�a._.5 Lcreuato .e�__ her ti�d—�ye day and year licst abova ��.#'.
<br /> .5 wrltten. � .
<br />` � . , �'�� . . . . . . . . .. ....
<br />,,�,� 3# U^o�!���;�, yt �,�'I',���h�ti; — -- ��{{ '�:� �
<br />;,�. � VERONICA M. McGOVERN, a single person �� �
<br />� — --- �.��....w.,.�..».,....,-.....,.��,..:5
<br />�T> '�" � �
<br /> �
<br /> � � �
<br />