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sa.rp . � � �"4: ' . �. <br /> �' 4 <br />�� . : � . . . . . ` ;��r� . <br />�".�. . . . �� . . <br />�'� w;,::_ . .. . � � �- . . �� <br /> ""� 6.� . ... .. .. . . . .. . ... ... . . .. ... . . . . I - � . .. . .� <br /> ' MORIGAG£�avings and Ioaa Farm—{Dlrect Cxsdlt�Pl���255-2 (Sge�ia!) . . . <br /> � ��a r /' (�, MORTG�4GE <br /> . i�1����_l J 2�� . . . � . . I.o�No �� - <br /> � r[�s trmENruRE. made eht. �2nd � � .�.o.ot_ � �Sentember ' 1s77 bp m,d bocweea. � . <br /> C'.HARLF�J_ HOKE ANDf2UTH M. HOKE� husband and wif�, each in his and her oa�n right and� <br /> ' 3 as spouse of the other <br /> o(--..� Ha��� I �Couaty, Nebrmka,m mortqagor�,aad fiome Federal Savings�md Lom Aseac.iauoa�ot Grand�Iei�d,�.:.� � . � <br /> a�mrporqtion orqamized and eastinq under iLe laws of Nebzoaka with ita pziadpai offi�e place of buaiaeas at Gran3 Ll�d Nebraaka,� <br /> � aa mortqagce: � �. . . . ��. . � . . � ,. <br /> . �WI.SNESSE7A: That errid mort9agor s tor and in�r.omaideration�of the eum of � .. <br /> NI� THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/100---------------------------- *� (SQ.400 00 �, <br /> the�receipt nf��which�Ia�herebg�acimowledged, do— by these preaea�s mortgage and warr�t uaro�wid mortgagee, its euccesaon �d � . <br /> � �¢ssiqns, forever, all ihe descriksed real estate, sieuated 3n the county ot--�3�I .� . <br /> -�._.aad State:of Nabzaalca,tornvit: . � . . . . . .. � <br /> i <br /> � LOT THREE (3) IN BLOCK ONE (I ) GEORGE LUAN'S SUBDIVISION, AN <br /> ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HAI.L COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> �s� <br /> 3� <br />� <br /> � <br /> � ` <br /> ,��,ts Yagether with nll heatiag, lighting, and plumbinq equipment cmd lixluree,inc2udinq atokera ma.d bumers,acieens,awninga,eto:m wiadoavn � . . <br /> T� �and doors,and window shades w blinda,ueed oa or in connection witb s¢id property, whe!her the oomo are now located oo ecid prOperly .. <br /> �or hereafter placed thereon. <br /> . TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D SHE SA.ME, together with all aad aingular the teaements,hareditamenta�d appurtenm�ces thereuato belong- � � <br /> . ing,or in anywise appert¢ini¢g,lorever,and wanvnt lhe title to the Bame. Said morlgagor_5 hereby eovenQnL S witb aaid morlgagoe . � . . . <br /> � .that the_�a�'e , at the delivery heraof, lhe lawtul owner 5 ot the pzemisee abova coaveyed�d deuzibed,aad a�e � . � <br /> S <br /> � seized of a good and indefeasible estate of iaheritance therein, iree and clear of a11 encumLrancen,and that .t he Y will wariant�d <br /> : >. defond.the title thereto fozever against the claimn and demanda oE all parsonn whoxasoevar. . � � <br /> � PROVID£D ALWAYS, rnid this instzumen! ie ezecuted and delivered io aecure the p¢ymant of the aum o( � . .� � � � <br /> N I NE THOUSAND FOUR HUNORED AND NO/1 00-_-----__-_-------- n,»� �a 9.400.00 y, <br /> . � with inte�eet thereon, together with such cha:gea and advrsnces as may be due and puyabla to eaid morigagee under the tarma aad <br /> condirioas:of the promissory notn of even dote herewith and secured he:eby,ezeculed 6y�md mo[tqagor�to emd morlgagee,papable � <br /> ��.; � as espreased i�said note, and to eecure the performance of all the terma and conditione contained therein. The terma ol eaid note are � � � .� <br /> �hereby incozpo:ated herein�by tLis reference. . � . � <br /> .� It is ihe iateahon Qnd agreemeat of the part�es hereto thut thia moztqage ahal2 alao secure any luture advaacea mnde to eaid i .� <br /> mortqngor.__�by emd mortqagee, �d anp aad all indebtednasn in additioa to the �ouat above etated wtuch svid mortqagora, or �,y � � . <br /> , ot them, may owe to said mortgagee, however evidencad whethe[ by note,book account or othecwien. 7Lis morigaqe shnU rxmain in lull S � <br /> " force�aad ettect be[ween the pactiea hereto and tLeir heira, pazaonal representativea, successom and aaagae, unhl all amauata secured � . <br /> � hereunder,inctudiaq fuMe advancee,are paid in full with inlezest. � . <br /> The��mortqaqox�S hezeby aseiaa S to eaid mortaaaee all rentc aad income arinina nt anv and atl time. from.aaid n_nne� �d. j� � � � <br /> . hereby authorize said morigaqee or ita agent at its option, upon default, lo tnke cb�qe of aaid propertp and eollect all reats and iaeome � � <br /> there[rom and opply the same to the payment of datereaL priacipal, ineurance gremiuma, tams. aasesamenie, zepmrs oz improvemeab necea- �� . . ,. <br /> sazy lo keep said proparty ia tanantable conditioa, or to other chuzgea or�ymeats provided for herein or in the note herebp eecuced. Thia � <br /> .ren1 assignment shall cantiaue in torce until the uapoeid balance of eaid note is fully paid. 2he ta3cinq o!poasession hereunder ahall ia m .� . . <br /> � maaner prevent or retnrd eaid. mortqngee in the eolleciioa of eaid wma by 2ozcrlorure or otherwiae. � . <br /> . � ; . The fmlure nf tha mortgagea lo asae[t aag o! fu rigLts hereundez at uny t'rme s6a11 not be canetrued as a waivei oI ita right to asaert � � � <br /> the same et�"7tl'fPk"tlMN,^nntl to iLafat`�vpon �d enforce stritt compliaace with all ttse terme aad proviaions of said note �d ot thia 3 <br /> mort9a4e1 K+c .,. . : ,f f <br /> ��, s ex,,,: �t <br /> � It sa�d m���� '�°� "s'h�Y7�, "t'o �.�paid to eaid mortgaqee the enlira amount due it hrreunder.�d under the�erma and pmvisions . . .. .. <br /> �.�of amd nole��ere���incYu�La�dremcea,and vap ezteas;ons or reaewala tlnsreof ia accozdaaca with the teims and providons � � � � <br /> lhareot,and�[tyagoz 5 ehe12 oomplp with oll thc provisioas o!wid aote�d d this mortqags,thea thaee preeents ahal!he void; � . � <br /> . t othe:cvi�e to zemala in full tozce aud�:aftecL�d eaid moztqaqee a6all be antlt2ad to tha posseuion ot all o! �aid psopertp. �d may, at ita � <br /> �+� option,��deelaze the�whole�o! eaid note aad all iadahtedaeea repre�aated therebp m be immediately due�d payable,and may foreclose�tLis � � ';�� ' "ti <br /> e aa ' <br /> mortgage or��take anp other legal actian to protect ib zigLi, and irom tho date o! auch delault all Items o! iadebtedaees aecured Lereby ` � . " <br /> ahall draw iatereat at�..�pe aanum. Apprmsemeat watvad.� � . � . � �...,�s. �AF:��.�` <br /> 7hie moriqbge ehafl:be bindiaq..upoa md�.s6a11 mure b,�tLs b�aeLt d tha hetn. azseumz�.admin3avators, auaeswrs�d oasfqns o[ �: .. �.i� <br /> the ra�pactive partfes heteta " . � . �.;�• <br /> 1x wrrrrEss WEiEREOF. tdd Mozt4Q4oz S ,,�ve ��+o s.s the i r �,ua��s�e dap aad year i.,se�e � t�= '� ^M1 <br />�r ..dseea.� . � � � � .. . . . � � . . . . . � <br /> r . <br />�'s3ir`: � ;��' � .�'. . . . . ���.i /.r` �+-,'_ :i / # " �..,., ,�, <br /> . � ' ,�,../..Y'... //� !. ..,,y,.�ri.c.._ j "m"yM"r . .: <br /> $ i.. � <br /> � CHRR E J. E '� � R T M. HOKE i <br />� � � <br /> n"�" L_ —J <br />� <br />