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�.� <br />�` ' . �.� t <br /> �.. _ - { '�'�- ' ' --� <br /> . . . � � .. . . . . . .,..*-m:9 . '.) <br /> not extend m• postpone :the due,clate of the inonthly iusk:ill�i�ents x•eferred to in p:�ragraphs l and 2 hereof or <br /> ch�r,ge'the ainount of such installments. _ <br /> i0. Borrower Not Released: : �xtension of thc time for payment or modiflention oF amortization of the sums <br /> �ecured by this lqortgage-granted by Leiider to .�n,y si.�ccessm• in incerest of Bon•on�er shall not .operaie to release, <br /> in any manner, the lial�ility of tl�e origina] 33oi•ron�er anci I3orro��-er's successors in interest. Lender shall not be <br /> required to commence �>roceedings ugaiust`such successor or mfuse to extend time for gayment or otl�er�vise modify <br /> amortiaation of the sunis secured by tliis _llortgagc by reason af' a�i�• cieinand cnude by the original 73orrower and <br /> � Borrower's suceessors in interest. - � <br /> 12. Forboazunce by LenderNot a Waiver. Any forbeurance by I,ender in exercising any ri�;ht or remedy <br /> r4 hereunder, or otherwise afforded; �y applicaUle l:�w, sl�al i not be n �vr�iver of or preclude the exeTcise of an}� right <br /> ? , C°� or remedy hereunder. Ttie procurement 'of insurai�ce or the pay�nenf of ' taxes or otlier liens or charges by Lender <br /> � ` G:.r' shall not be a waiver o£ Lender's rig}�t to accelerate the ii�atiirity of tfie indebtiedness secured Uy this 1L7ortgage. <br /> ' Lt` 12. Rsmedies Cumulative. _All retrsedies provided in tl�is \Zortgnge are distinr,t and cwnulative to any other <br /> `s � C:: rightor reinedy.under this JIortgugc or afForded by la«• or cquit ��; and m�� bc� excrcised concurrently,, independ- <br /> ' : ' ently or successively. <br /> � � 13: Suecessors aad Assigx�s Bound; Joint and , Sevetal Liability; Captions. 'Tiie covenants and agreements <br /> ; ^ lierein contained shalI bind, and tl�e rights l�ereunder �hull inure to, thc respective successors unci assigns of LendEr <br /> " � and Borrower; subject to the }�rorisions of l�a�ragr.�ph l7 hereaf. :All covensnts and �,greernents qf Borrower shall <br /> � ' be joint and several. The captionsancl l�eadmg:; of tl�e ��aragra�7h� of this \Iortgage :;re for i�onveniencc only` and <br /> are not to be used to interpret or define the provision� liereof. <br /> s I4. Notiee. �ny noLice Eo I3oi•ro�ver• pro�•ideci Cm� im t6i, \ Iortgage shali I�e gi�•en by u�ailing such noticc: b�� <br /> ' certified uiail addressed to Borro�+•er :� t Uic Property Adclre;s statcd bclow, cxcept for any iiotice required under <br /> � � � � }�aragrsph � 181iereof to bc �given � i�o Borrp�cer in the �nar�ner , jrre,crihed bp apl�lirtl.�lc � law : Any notkce provided �� � <br /> ' forin this �fortgagc :hall he decu�ect to l�:avc I�ccn given tu I3m•rotier. r �cl�en giren in the inanncr clesignated herein. <br /> �= ib. Unifozm Mortgage; Goveming Law; Severability. 'I'hi� i�ruj of morigage comk�ines uniform covenunts <br /> 4 for national use and non-uniform covenants �vitli limiteci vurir�tions by �w•isdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br /> = rityinstruiuent coveringseal property . This \Iortguge shall be qoverned by tl�e la�+- of the jurisdiction in which <br /> the: Property is located. In the event khrit any provision a� clause oi this �Iortga�e or the Note conRicts wit6 <br /> :' appiicable law, such conf3ict shall not .iffect: of,her provisions of tl�is lTortgage or t.he Note tivhich can be �iven <br /> � � effeet without the conflicting ��rovision, snd to this end tl�e provisions of tl�e :AZortgage r�nd the Noto � are declared � � <br /> y to be severable. <br /> , := 16. Borrower's Copy. Borro�ver shall be furnisl�ed a conformed copy of t.his \-forigage at the time of execu- x <br /> ; tion or after recordation hereoi. <br /> � 17. Transfer oE the Property; Assumption. If all or any ��art of the Propert,y or an interest therein ie sold ` � <br />� � or transierred by Borrower without Ler.der's prior written t�onsent , excluding (a ) the creation of a lien or encum- <br /> ' brance suuordinaie io "ci�is tilortgage, ( uj thc ci�estion of .l purcl�asi. muney security interest for liousehold ap�li- <br /> ; ' ances, (o ) a transfer by devise, descent or i�y operutSon of lnn� u��on the death of n joint tenant or ( d) tl�e, grant of � , <br /> any leasehold interest of ihree years or les� not contai�iing an option to purchase , Lender rnay , at Lender's option, <br /> declare all the suins secured by ti�i� '�4ortgnge to bc imiiiediatcl� due arid psy>able. I.ender sl�all l�az�e waived sucly <br /> option to uccelerate if, prior to tlie sale or trr�nsfer; Lender and it�c per�on to whom the Property is to be sold or <br /> transferred reacli agreement in writ,ing th3t tlie credit of sucli person is satisF�ctoi•y to Lender and that the interest <br /> payable on the sunis secured by this �iortgage shall be ui sucli rate :is Lender shsll request. If Lender has waived <br /> ` i the option to accelerate provided in this par�grapl� 17 and if 13on•ower's ,uccessor in interest lias exer,uted a �vrit- <br /> ' '> ten assuinption agreement accepted in �vriting by l,ender, I:ender shnll releace Borrow�ei• froin all obligations under <br /> ' this Mortgage and the Note. <br /> If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shnll �i7ait Borrower notice of accelerr�tion in accordance <br /> �vith paragraph 14 hereof. �uch notice shall pro�-idc n i�erioa ot" nut les. tliaci 30 d:iys from tlie date tl�e notice is <br /> � � � waiied within which �Borrower muy �>ay t�l�e sums decl�red clue. If 13a•ro«�er fails � to psy such surns X�rior to the <br /> r expiration of such period, Lender may , �vithout further notice or detusud on Iio��rowei•, in�•okc ant� remedies per- � <br /> , � <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> ' ,� <br /> �� � � ;Jo�r-Z1*rtF�a�M � C'ovf:xaxTs. Borro�ver :uid Lender� fui•tl�ei• covenaiit; �.ind �;i•ee as fo31o��-s : <br /> ' # 18. Acceleration; Remedies. Lxcept :is pro�-ided in � xu•a�r:y � li 17 hcreof, upon Borro�ver's breach of any <br /> � euvenant or �agreement of Borro���cr ir� � tliis \iortgaike, includinR the� covenatits to p.ty ��•I�en� ci�ua � arip Sums seeured � � <br /> by this 1lortgage, Lendc�r prior to� uci�elcrution ,h:�ll nu'� ii �iotic�� to Bm•ro�cer as pr�avided i�i li�1i•agrn�>h 14 � l�ereof � � <br /> A � � � s��ecifying : � �( 1 ) the breac9�� ; ( 2 ) tl�e .lction require<i ti� curr cucli bi•cucti ; 13 ) a d,�te, not, less � Ylizn thirty, days � � � <br /> � ? � frorn the date tl�e notice is rua3iled to Borro�cer. l��� �rhich sucli 1 >rcacl � iuu,t l �t� cured ; and (' 41 tl�1t failtn•c tv cure � � � � � <br /> sucli breach on or before tl�e date specified iri the riotice maty i•ecult in acceleration of tl�e sutns cecureil by this <br /> :�1ort.gage and sale of the Property. If tlic breucii i; not. curi�d uti or beforc tlie date sFrecified in the notice, Lencler <br /> ; � at Lenaer's option may declare all of the �uni, �ccured hy tl� i, �Iorfgxge `to be inisne�3iatelp due und payable <br /> ; y � � � without furt-her demand and may foreclose tl�is 3-fort.�uge t.iy ,judiciul pi•oceedi�ig, T.ender sliall Pre entitle�i to collect � � � <br /> ^ in such pi•oceeding all expenses of fomclosure , inclu�lin�;, hut not liinited to, costs of do�uu�entnry evidence, <br /> g <br /> i; . � � _ t, _.__ _i _ �_ _ � ._i, _ �_.: -- - -. . . . . � . . . <br /> ' .y. .. . . . .nVnba�uGOJ nLu WOie t'C�Jul'Lb. . � � � . � . . . . . . . . <br /> ; 19. Boaower"s Right to Reinstate. \`otwithstan�{in� I.enrie�'� acceleratio❑ of the ,unic secured by� this <br /> , '; Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to hss��e xny ��roceeding� be�;un by 7..enderxo enforce this \4ortgage dis- <br /> � continued at t�ny tirne prior to entry of a judgment en{oa•cing this \fort �;age if : ( a ) I3orro���er pays Lender all <br /> ' $ sums whieh would be then due under thi-, �Iortga�;e, the �ote and note� seciirin� 1�'ature Ad�-ances, if any, had no <br /> , t acceleration occurred ; (b} Borrower cure: ull tireuel�es af �i�n• other covi�nants or a�ree�nents of Borro�t•er con- <br /> tained in this Mortgage; (cl liorrower cisy� all r�a.nriahlo e�i.en�e�� incurre�i 1,�� ] _endcr in enforcit:g thc co��±s <br /> and agreements of Borrower contained in tliis \Iortga�c .and i�i c:nfoir, ing T,endcr's remedie; ,rs ��rovidcad in Iiara- <br /> ; r grsph 18 hereof; including, but not ]imited to , ressoni�}.rie attoiney'e 2ees : anc9 id ) Horrou�er tnkes such action as <br /> ' Lender raay reasonably "require to assure that t:he 7ien of khi� �Tortgage, Lender's intcrest in the Yroperty and , <br /> ' Borrower's obligation to psy the sums secured by thi4 '�IorcK:i�e shall rontinuc unimpa�ired . L?pon such � �a�}�ment <br /> r and cure by $orrower, this Mortga�e and tl�e obligations �eoured hereb}� shsll remain in fix❑ force und et7ect as if s�"^ <br /> , { no acceleration had occurred. � ' a " � �v <br /> 20. Assiynmeat of Rents; Appainiment of Receiver; Lender in Possessioa. ,�s additional security here- `'^ " :�z, <br /> ° under, Borrow•er hereby assigns to Lender tl�e i�cnts of the Pro��erry. pi�o��ided t}iat 13orro��•er shall , pcior to aeceler- , ;' �r' �+� <br /> � ation under paragraph 18 'hereof or'abundonment of #he Propert,y, liace tlie right Yo r.ollect and retr�in such rents ` ° <br /> ' ;,wb. <br /> k as they become due and payable. ,; � <br /> ` ` LTpon scceleration ui�der parag.'spi� 18 }.e.-ecf o. abundqnn:ent uf tLe Pso}��ity , Leu�Ier, iu E �er,un; Ly agr.iii <br /> � , <br /> or hv jvd9�ially Rn�ointed receiver shatl t�e cntit!ed to cr.tcr upon , tal c pos,es;iou p; an.: mu�ia�;t the P� o};i rt� �- v;; <br /> and to eollect the rents of the ProF>erty, including those pust due. All rents collected by Leniler or the receiver "�' <br /> shall be applied first to payment of the costs oi inanagement of the Propertp an�1 collection of rent�, includin�, but � <br /> , not limited to, reoeiver's fees, ��remiums on receiver's bonr�. and rex.onabl�> arxnrn�v'.c f��e� , xn�i th�n to thN �iim� <br />, ' secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiti•e� shall [ie liable ta account on1�- for those rents actually recei�•ed . <br />�� � <br />$ <br />� � <br />