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<br /> AOD1710NA1 PRQy45�ON5 .
<br /> U$SITOR �WARRANTS ANll COY$NANTS : '(1T That rxcent for thrnrcuri4y interest gr.uttcd herrtry � lkbtur i�„ or to ihe eztcnt Ihal tlus aAreemrnt states
<br /> ihat thc� Collrteral ie la be acryuircd aftcr ihc 'date hereuC, will be, the owner of�4�,c'C9il:iteral [mc . frqm � au�y adveise lirn; �,ecvnty intrreat r�r rncumbr:�Me ; und ��that � .
<br /> ➢ebtor � wi�l :defaul. the: Cotlacer:al against a1lslaimxa�W� decnaudn ut rll perwns ut any - timc daiming ilie vune ur any interest thrrrm, � (2) Th:rt .nu �isiancing� sta[emeuA � � �
<br /> covcrissg'E6rCoRakcral oa• xnY� P*u��s.. lhercoE ison (i1e in. any pu61ic ofhce� and th.ai at the request. of Secured Party, Drbtor will join witL � Se<ured �Yarly iss �e�ceeuting
<br /> � ' oue or mure fiaaucin� atxtements yurs�o-ant. lo thc NeUraska �� Ilnif<irm� Commen;i:�i .Cwle in (orm �:atis(actury to S<r�ured Parcy ;md wili pay ehe r.uxt of f4lin g� nudt. fin:meiag
<br /> : statemrny tlus seeuncy� wgrenaeot. xnd any � amtinuatipn or terminatinn. siatement, in ali puUlie otfires wherever liiing is decmed by . SccurevJ. Yar1y tp Y�e neccasary or �
<br /> dexinble; and � iP36r (:ol4itertl :s :at�ached tu seal esixtr prior' to th� yerlectwa o! the sccurity intercst. Rrai�td htrcby �or if thc Collateral iucluden crops or oil,' gaa ur �. .
<br /> C' � minerals to be. extraeted ar timber to he: cut, I?ebror will, un demnnd of Sccurrd 1'zrty, fm�msL Sccw�cA Party w�rh a di�cluimer or disclaimcrs or suFiurdination agrcr-
<br /> mcnt signed bY. ++ll perwns liuving an intcrrat m. the Tral: estate, dieClaiming or suhordinating any inerrest in Shc Co7�aterai whic0 is rior b thc intcrest u[ Securcd $arty. . .
<br /> (3) Ito4to nell,'transfer or dispusc af the Collatcral,� a�or takc lh< same or �atlempt fu take tf�e x�mc Gi�m the �rouuly wh<re krpt as�uRinvc atatcci, wiihunt �he prior wri�trn
<br /> , conamt of ehe � SaumS Parry. �-(4) Tu pay� all tazes and assessments ot every natu�e which may Iyr levied or assensrJ against the Collateral. (5)�'No4� to perxni0 w xiluw , � ' � �'
<br /> atty adveree. lie�i, security inRacat �or encumbrancc wlwtsurvcr upon fLr Colla[rc.l, :md nut �W perjmt the samr ta he unached or rq�levined. (6} T1sat tfic' Cul(ater.J is
<br /> en good emu4tion, and� that he wiil at 6ia own �expense, kerp xhc samr m good conditiun and from timc to timq fortliwith, repincc and repnir all sueh Varts o[ th< G�Ilaterai
<br /> i � ns �mxy Lr. 6roken, x�prn out or duma y�rd wi[buut ellowing any Len w he crmtnl upun the Collaternl mi acmunl nf such rcplacnneut or repavn,. aud that � tht Secur<d
<br /> ��, . Yarty. may exammr and inepecE the lollateral at any timer whrrever lucatcrl. ( � ) Th:at Le will �rt Lis ow�n caepenre kap� tho Co:laterrl iiisumt in a eomV•'�Y ���sFacwr�
<br /> �So Sanred I'arly against lusa, as npproprinte by Ihuft; col6sion, Yirc and extendenl cnvernKe, with loss � payable i�i $rcured I'arty as its intcrcet rttaY. xp� , a d � �!I oiZ �
<br /> . demand.-08ivtr ziiid policiea of iasurance or. fu:�nah proof �of such �i+xamanec cu Srcurcd Yarty. (ftJ A[ res uyCion ,yecureA Party may ymc�mauci� i e di:� . c �
<br /> tnxea. Iiens or security mRerests or ulhrr encumbrances at any ti�+m Ievinl. or �Inced on N�e Collatrral� aud m�y pay {or thr repair ot any damage r .f�ie
<br /> � preservation an� maintenance of the Co7latenl. Debtoi� aqrees W mmhursi Securrd I'ar�y un dcmand (ur any V+Ymeni or expense incurred Fy $pc re arty p � rtt
<br /> . xo the foreguing authorizat�m�. Until suc6 rcimburrertmnt,�. the nmaiu�t uf nay �uch paymcnt witb interest at the re[e nu'Qffi pm annum from t}�c �L4te o[ Vayme i� , �
<br /> � : nimLurnement, .shall Ge added to 3he indeLtcAnres tiwed by IlcLtor and �sFall ba securrct Iry this aRreemrne (9) Tlxat. hr will not use t!m Collatelul m violatian of us�t
<br /> applicable atntutq regulation or urdinance und i1 :my nf the Cullater.1 is mutur vehides p�r eam<• wJl not be rented, uxd in r�Y�tal srrvice nor in any syced ur cndurznee
<br /> <ou[esc. � (IOY UeUWr will pay Se�µrM Pariy unY and wll. <asle and cxpenscx i�murrcvl iu recoseri�iq �wsscssion o( the lullatcrel an3 incu�rr3 in eniorung. this aecurity �
<br /> agreemmt;� and the �anme Ehali � lte accurcd by this� x�nvity � Zgreement. � � � � . '
<br /> � '� LTNTZL 'DEN'AVLT�� Debtar mxiy have �o esexsiun of the Cullaternl :uiA usc it in any lawfu( manncr nut iuco�ssint<nt wilh this agrcemeot and noi imm�aietrn£ wilh
<br /> any po licy of insuranec tLereof, a�id u�o n da(avlt Seeured Party ehall Lave thc immnliate tiKht to ihe {x>ssrsaion o( the CoiL�teraL � � � . '
<br /> DEBTpR SHA4I. �S $ IIv D3: I+ .AU4T under tLis agrremenc apun thc hxVT�ning of any u( the foiluwing eventM or couditiuns ; ( 17 <leiault in thc payment o[
<br /> � pedomaance of any obligafion. covenant uc Iiabi7ity contained ur rcfcrrcd m hercin or m uny nocr evidrncing ilip same - (-') arty warranfy srpresentation or� ntatemcnt � �
<br /> madn or furnishrd W Securcd Party by or on� behalf of Debtor }�rovex tn havr M�en f�lsr in any matrriai respcct x�hrn maAe or� fumishcd ; (3)� any event which resuita in �
<br /> . � thp aCederatiun of the matvrity ot the indeb(edneas� of Debror to othcrs umder any indencurc, agrcemenc or undnrtxking � (/? lnss, theft, clamagr, -dwWceiort� salc ur
<br /> mcumbrance to or oE uny of thc Collatcral, or the mxking of any lavy, ximre or avachrnart ehrrvc.f or therron ; (Sj Arath, d�s.sotubon, trnnination of uistencq inxnlw �
<br /> mey, bupi�uss �failure, aypointment o( a receiver of any part of the D*��W'rty of, Aasignmenf foc the bmeLt o[ crcditon by, or thc cummencemmt uf any�pructtslinR under '
<br /> ax�y b:aqkluptcy or innotveney la»�s by or agamn� De6ior or any g��aruntot ur surr.ty (ur Debtor. . � � . � � . ( � .
<br /> �UPON� 5[TCH DL''�NAITLT� aud. al •any Lme thereaLter, or i( iY Jeems itsdf insccure, S<currd Parly may dectxre all OLliR�tiuns necural htreby. immediatdy due
<br /> and � payable uud shall kave the romedies uf a � necumd party under the Nebreska Unitoan Commerciai Code Scrourcd Party naay requve nebtor� 10 assemUle �thc
<br /> �Col4teral and .deiiver. or malce .it. available b Saurcd Perty ut a P�dce co .bc dcsignated �6y Sttvral� Party whech in reav�naldy � wnvmirnt to Itolh,ynrties . Unleasrche -
<br /> Collateral� is periehablc or� threatens to declinc . apeedily in. valuc or is oi x typc customarily &iid on a �rccognized mrrketi Securnl� Yarty will rve Del�tor ttiaona4le
<br /> �no6ce oi� the time and V�aee of any 'public uIe thrreo( or of the lime after w�hicfi any Vrivate sale nr uny other mtendca( A�spositiun thrrmf ia lo�+ roadc. Tfirsequim � � �
<br /> � meqta. of reawnaUle uotice ehall bc met �f such �wtice ie mai7al, pu+:tage prrpaid, to the addqess uf DeLtor s6uwn at lhe Lcginving of thin �agrcemrnt at least �five �laye � � �
<br /> ; � be(utt th< lime of 16e sale or .disposilion. ' ' � � � � � � . . .
<br /> ; � No waivcr 4y Secured Yarty pl aqj-. detauit yhall oD�rste as a waivar o( auy ethn� dcfault or of the a:.me defauit on a Iuturc ocrasiun, .;'he lakinR.a< <hia ctturity. . .
<br /> � . � � agreemmt ehail� not .. wa(ve .or. impair any pther �ceunty aa�d Secwity 1 arty may have or ecrca(ter acQuire for thc pa>mrni of the above indebtedneas, noeahatl {h! taking .
<br /> . o[ any such addit�onal �smirity waive or. unpair this suurity aRrcemeat ; �fiut said Securn� 7'arty may rcsur[ to any aecuriCy It may llavc in t��e9nlet it mny d[e�n p�Opep � �
<br /> . nnd notwichetanding any eoliate�al eecurity,�Sceured I'arty' slialhretain its nghls of sctcat( agninst Debmc � ' � �� � � �
<br /> � �All rig6u ot..Securni Par[y..i�<reundcr �shall� inure to the benefiC:qS its wcccesors xnd aes�gns- anel all promis<s and duties ot Debtor shall �ind hia � heirx, sxetufary � � .
<br /> , ' pr adminiatrxton ar hia or itn �succe.ssors �or assigna: If, there Le motrCthnn une DrLtoq their IiaLilities hereunder Wwll be joint and sevmal. � ' � �
<br /> , : �:. This agreement ahill bnrome effeptivc. when�. [S �+a cigued ,bY pebtor. . . . . . . . .. �.
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