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<br /> 3. The mortgagor covenante and agrees iha� if he ahall fail to pay aaid indebtedneee or anp part thereoE when
<br /> ' due, or ahall fail. to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument or the proraissory note secured hereby, the
<br /> snure indebtedneea hereby eecured eha11 inunediately become due, peyable, and collectible without notice, at the
<br /> � ' option of the mortgagee or assigns, regardlees of maturity, and the mortgagee or hie asaigna may before or after entry
<br /> aell eaid property without appraiaement tthe mortgagor having waived and asai�ned to the inort�agee 'all rights of
<br /> ` appraieement) : ,
<br /> ( t ) - ut judicial eale •Nurauant to the provieions of 28 U.S.C. 2U01 1 u ) ; ur
<br /> ( n) at tha option of the mottgagee, eiLher by auction or by solicitation of eealed bide, for the higheat and
<br /> beet bid complying with the terme of eale and manner of payment specified in the publiahed notice of eale, firet
<br /> giving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of e�u�h e�ale, by advertieen�ent nol lewn than w�cC
<br /> �luring each of saiddour weeke in a newepaper published or daetributed in the county in which eaid property
<br /> ia eituated, all other notice being hereby waived by sha mortgagot ( and said mortgagee, or any peraon on
<br /> behalf of eaid motigagee, may bid with ihe anpaid indehtedneea evidenced by eaid note) . Said sale ahall be
<br /> r held at or on the property to be eold or at the Federal, eounty, or city courthoys��e.�ec�unt�c,iia..uc}�ich the
<br /> property is located. The mortgagee is herehy authorized to ezecute for aqd aas3ft�►hillfi�"$i?t�'e � � °� and to
<br /> deliver to the purchaeer at euch eale a euEcient conveyance of said ptoperty, wf�iYwc,���e� � �`contain
<br /> recitals as to the happeniag of the default upon which the execution p£� the_,po�e�,oE-eala-herai�granted
<br /> depends ; and the eaid mortgagor hereby conatitutee and appointe the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the
<br /> mortgegee, the agunt and attomey in fact, of eaid mortgagor to make euch recitals and to execute eaid
<br /> � conveyance and hereby covenants and agreee that the recitals eo made ehall be e8ectual to bar all equity or
<br /> � right of redemption, homeetead, dari•er, and all other exemptione of the mortgaKoq alI of which are herehv
<br /> expreesly wa9ved and conveyed to the mortgagee ; or
<br /> ( Yii } take any ot6er appropriate actiou pursuant to sta�e or t'ederal etatute r.ither in �rtute ur Federal
<br /> ?;
<br /> court or otheawise for the diepoeition of the property.
<br /> In the event of a eale as hereinbefore provided, the mortgagor or atty persone in poeseeeion under the mort-
<br /> gagor shall then become and be tenanta holding over and ahnll forthwith deliver poaseseion to the purchaser at
<br /> such eale or be. summarily disposaeeeed, in accordance with the provieions of law applicable to tenante holdinp� over.
<br /> The power and agency hereby granted are coupled with an intereet and are irrevocable by death ar utherwi�e, and
<br /> are granted ae cumulative to ihe remediee for collection of said indebtedness provided by law.
<br /> � 4. The proceeda of any sale of eaid property in accordance with She preceding paragraphe ahall be applied 6ret
<br /> to pay the coats and expeneee of said sale, the expensee incurred hy t6e mortgagee for the purpose of protecting or main-
<br /> taining eaid property, and reaeonable attorneys' feea ; aecondly, to pay tl�e indebtednese eecured hereb� : and d�irdly,
<br /> to pay any eurplus or excese to the pereon orpereone ]egally entitled thereto.
<br /> f 5. In the event eaid property ie eold at a judicial forecloaure sale or pureuant tu the power of eale hereinabove
<br /> granted., and the proeeede are not eufficient to pay the total indebtednese secured by thie inetru3nent and evidenced by
<br /> said promiseory note, the mortgagee will be endtled to a deficiency judgment for the amount of the deficiency without
<br /> regard so appraiaement.
<br /> ,�; '
<br /> 6. In the event the mortgagor fails to pay any Federal, atate, ur local tax aaeessment, incon�e tax or adter taa
<br /> lien, charge; fee. or other expenae charged againet the property the mortgagee is hereby authorized at hia option to
<br /> pay the same. Any aums so paid by the mortgagee ehall be added to and become a part of the principal nmount of the
<br /> indebtednese evidenced by eaid note, subject to the eame terms and conditione. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br /> diecharge the indebtedneee evidenced by said promieaory note, and ehall pay such sume and shall diecharge a$
<br /> taxes and liene and the coete, feee, and expenees of making, enforcing, and executing thia mortgage, then thie mortgage
<br /> ohall be canceled and eurrendered.
<br /> 7. The covenanta herein contained ahall bind and the benefits und advautagen xhall inure tu the rr�peetive suc-
<br /> ceaxore aad aeaigne of the partiee hereto. Whenever ueed, the singular number shall include the plural, the plural the
<br /> singcilar, and the uee of any gender ehall iaciude all gendere.
<br /> i ,
<br /> 8. No waiver of any covenant hetein or uf the obligation necurrd hereby dhall ai any time thereafter be held
<br /> to be a waiver of the terme hereof or of the note eecured hereby.
<br /> 9. A judicial decree, order, ar judgment holding any provision or portion uf thiu inntrun�ent invalid ur uueur "`� � " ' '" � °`�
<br /> F�
<br /> forceable ahall not in any way impair or preclnde the enforcement of the remaining provieions or portione of thie t,; . �,y M.ww ' '
<br /> � M
<br /> � inetrument. ,
<br /> X '
<br /> 10. . Any written notice to be ieeued to'the mortgagor pureuant to the provisiona of thie inetrument ehall be ad- �'l'� "` '
<br />� dreased to thA mortgaqor at post Office E�c 1046 , Grand Island, Nebrasi:a 68801
<br /> and auy wriYYen uo2iicn lo i>e i�uec➢ tu L�iC TIiOY'fg3��C 6�I82Z �
<br /> be eaa�a ca �,e mo�8g� ac post OFfice Box 1688 ; GYand Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />� ` �
<br />°a SBA FORM 928 1Z-73) �
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