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<br /> c 5 E� _s MORTGAGE
<br /> ; (Partieipac;on>
<br /> ' � Thie mortg�ge made aad entered inW tbie 16th day of ��t
<br /> 1977 ,byandbetween Donald E. Sh3nabery and LANA J. SHINABERY, husband and �ife,
<br /> (hereinafter-refarnd to ae mortgagor) andThe 0vex'land Natio[�.1 B��.itk of Grand Isl�cl
<br /> : :; (hereinafter referred to ae
<br /> mortgagee),who maintaius an ol6ce and place of bneineee at (�'and ISl.atld, Nebraska
<br /> WtrtvEssETx, that Eor the coneideration hereinafter etated, receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged, the
<br /> ` � mortgagor does hereby mortgage,eell,grant, aeeigu,and convey unto the mortgagee, hie eucceesors and seeigne, all
<br /> ; of the tollowing deacribed p:oeerty eituated and being in the County of HaII ,
<br /> Stau of Nebraska
<br /> j _
<br /> A tract of land ccx�rising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NF}) of Secti.ari
<br /> 'I�aenty-faur (24), Toamship Eleven <11) Narth, R�e Ten <10) West of the'6th
<br /> P.M. in Hall Crnmty, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Begirening at the center of said Section Zt„�enty-fo� (24); thence northerly
<br /> along and uQm the west line of said Northeast Quarter (I�3;) a ci_stance of
<br /> Seven Himdred �i.fteen and Eight Tenths (715.8) feet, to a point an the
<br /> Southerly right-of-way line of U. S. ?ii�hway No. 30; theice de:flectir�g ri.ght
<br /> 60°33' and r�+�*�g Northeasterly alcmg �d upon said right-af-way lin�e, a
<br /> distance of Thirty-seven and Nine Tenths (37.9) feet to the actual place of
<br /> '`' beginning; thence caZtinuing Northeasterly alcmg and upan said right-of way
<br /> line, a distance of Zt;�o H�mdred Eight-Sevm & EigYit H�mdredths (3$7.08) feet;
<br /> the�ce deflecting right 90°00' and rtin-mii�g Southeasterly a distance of Ttao
<br /> Hundred (200.0) feet; thence deflecting right 90�00' and mm�ing Southeasterly
<br /> a distance of Four Himdred (400.0) feet to a point Zhirty-Three (33.0) feet
<br /> East of the West line of said Northeast Quarter <NE��; thence Northerly
<br /> para11e1 to said west line of the Northeast Quarter (NF.�); ��
<br /> � ; a distance af Twu Iiundred 'Itaenty-Nine and Sixty-Eig�it Hx.mdredths (229.68)
<br /> feet to the actual place of begisming and cantaini� 1.577 acres, mare or
<br /> less, subject to ch�mel eas�ne�.it situated in the narthwest corner of
<br /> described PraPertY•
<br /> Together with aud including all buildinge, all fixtures including but not limited to all plumbing,Leating, lighting,
<br /> ventilatjng, refrigerating, iucinerating, air conditioning apparatus, aod elevators (the mortga�or hereby declaring that
<br /> it is intended that the items hreein enumerated ehall be deemed tu have been permanently insta►led ac�part of the realty),
<br /> and all improvements now or hereafter existiqg thereon;the hereditaments and appurtenances and all other rights there-
<br /> unto belonging,or in anywise appertaining, aod the reversion and reversions, remainder and remeinders, all righte of
<br /> redemption,aad tLe renta, iasues, xnd profits of the above described properry(pmvided, however, tha� the mortgagor
<br /> shell !�e entit{ed w tLe NoaKesaiuu uI bniil property end W collect and retain the rrnte�, iesuee�,and ptifits until defauit
<br /> hereunder). 'Ca have and to hold the same unto the mortgagee and t6e successors in interedt of the mortgagee forever
<br /> in fee eimple or euch other estate,if any, as id stated herein.
<br /> The morigagor coveaanta that he ie lawfully eeized and posaeaeed of and hae the right to eeli and convey eaid `
<br /> property; that the eame ie free ftom all encumbrancea except ae hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binde ' � -: •,>4
<br /> himself and hia euccaeeore in intereet to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereot ageinst ' �"��,;=
<br /> ,�
<br /> .. the claime of all pereone whomeoever. -
<br /> ,, , /guaranty of Da�ald E. Shinabery and Iana J. Shinabery of ,
<br /> Thie inetrument is given to aecure the�payment of a promiasory note dated AugUSt 16, 1.977 , �,;;, .��
<br /> in the principal.eum of E $167,000.00 ,eigned by U�a.ld E. Shis�bery, Presidex�t , AG •
<br />� in behalf of SetAg, II1C,
<br />� . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . �
<br />� �
<br />� �
<br />