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<br /> not extPnd oi• �7�stn�ne the due date of tl�e monthly instnllm�nts referred to in paragraphs• 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> � clxunge the amoutat of' sueh installments. '
<br /> ; 10; " Bonower Not Released.' ' �xtensio�i of tl�e tiine for a�uyu�ent or modification of amortization of the sums`
<br /> ; - secured by tliis :NIortgage granted; by I.,en�er to z�ny successor in interest of Borrower shall not .operate to release,
<br /> � . in sny "manner, ;the lia�ility ot tl�e original I3orro�ver and' Borrower's successors in interest. T,.ender shall not' be
<br /> i required to cammence proceedings'against such successor or refuse to extend t.ime forpaymentor otherwise modify
<br /> � amorti2ation of the sums secured Uy tl�is \1ort�age by rensoii of any deruand h�ade by tlie original Borrower and
<br /> Borrower's suceessors in interest:
<br /> 11 :' Forhear�ce by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearr�nce �y Lender in exercising any right or remedy ; ,
<br /> ; ? , hereunder; or otherwise affordedby applicable larv , shali not be tti �vai �er of or px•eclude the exercise of any right;
<br /> i or remedy liereunder. The procurement of insw•ance or tlie p>aymenb of taxes or other l�ens or charges by Lender
<br /> � ' ` shall not be a w3iver of Lender's right tio accelerate the inaturity of tl�e indebtedness secured by this MorEgage.
<br /> � 12. �emedies Cumulative. ' ` .All i•emedies provided in tliis \Zort,gage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> right or"remedy under thSs �fortgage or uffordei9 h� la��� ��r equity; and inay be exercised concurrently� independ-
<br /> ., ._:. _
<br /> ently or successively. _
<br /> 13.= Saccessors and Assigns Bound; Toint cmd Several Liabilitys Captions. The covenants and agreements
<br /> j iteroin contsined shall bind , :tnd the rights liereunder shall iniare to; fhc respective successors and 'assigns of Lender
<br /> and Borrower,' subject to ihe provisions of paragr:q�h 17 hcreoP. �ll covenaiits and agreements of Borrower shall
<br /> be joint ar.d seaeral : The captions and he:adings of tlie paragraphs of this llortg�.ge are for convenience bnly and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or define thc provisions liereof.
<br /> , 14. Notice. Any notice Lo IIorro�ver pro�•iciecl for ii2 this \ fortgrzge sl�a!! )>e given by rnailing st�ch notiee by
<br /> �' certified mail xddressed 'to I3orro�ver at the Properiy Addrea� statecl beloFv, c:xcept for any notice required under
<br /> ;,, paragraph 1 $ hereof to bc given t,o Borrow•ei• in thc: �uunner prescribed by applicable la�+• . Any notice provided
<br /> i for in this vlortgage ,tiall t>e deemed to l�ave been given to Boi•rower when given in the rnanner clesignated herein:
<br /> � 15. Unifarm Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. 'This forru of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited ��ariations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- -
<br /> ' rity instrument covering real property. 'I'his \-lortgage shali be governed by the lan� of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Mortgage or tl�e Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law, such conflict shall not aftect. other provisions of this \lortgage or the Note which can be given
<br /> effect without the conflicting provision , and to this end the provisions of tl�e \4ortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> � to be severable.
<br /> ' 16. Bonower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished c� conformed coNy of t.his D4ortgage at the time of exeeu-
<br /> i; tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> 17. Transler ot the Property; Assumption. If all or any part of the Yroperty or an interest therein is sold
<br /> t or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior written consent, excluding (� ) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance suUordinate to this Mortgage, ( b) the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (c) a transSer by devise, tlescent or by operation oi la��� upon the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the: grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase, Lender msy, at Lender's option,
<br /> declare all the sums secured by tl�is Mortgage tu be iirimediatel5� due and x>ayable. ZNIT2AL '.
<br /> ,_ ... _
<br /> , . �; � � . .
<br /> j c,.
<br /> • '
<br /> ,
<br /> �' .� �'.
<br /> � � � , . . � . . , `
<br /> a If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender sliall �uail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> with paragraph 14 hereof. Sucl� notic� shall provide a period of not le,s than 30 days from tdie date the notice is
<br /> mailed within �vhich Borrower may pa}� tlie sums declared duc. li 13orrower fails to psy sucli sums prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period , Lendcr inay , ���itliout. fwt.lier notice oi• deinand on I3brrower, involce any xemedies per-
<br /> initted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> ' � Iv'ox-L7xiFaxn� CovrxnxTs. Borrotivei• and Lendei• further co�•enant �xnci ag•ree a5 follaws :
<br /> 18. Accaleration: Remedies. �xcept us pro�•icted in liura��:i� �I � 17 6creof , u��on Borrowe�'s Ure�.cL of uny
<br /> E covenant or agreementi oS Borrower in tGis �tort��gc, inclucting thc covcnants to pay when duc an,y eums .ecured
<br /> by this ATprtgage, Lender �irior to accele�ation �hr�ll izu�il noticc to Borro�� m• as pro��ided iii paragrapi� 14 l�ereof
<br /> . a specifying : ( I ) the breacl� : (2 ) the .iction rcquire<i tu cure sucli breacl� ; 13 ) a datr; not less thsn thirtv days
<br /> from the date ihe notice is mailed to 13urro�+-er, b}� �cliicli �urli bre;ich �uust bc cured ; and ( 41 that failure to cure
<br /> t such breaeh on or before ilie date specified in tl�e notice may result in acceleration of the swns sceured by tkiis
<br /> �Sort�age and sale of the Property. If tl�e breach is not cw•ed oi: or beforc the dc�te specified in thc notice, Lender
<br /> ai Lenaer's option ivay' cleclarr, all uf the sums .eeui•ed tiy thi� \lortgage to be immedi.ately ciuc and payuble
<br /> w ithout further demand and ma,y foreclose tl� is \4ortgugc by judic. iul proceeding. Lender shaU hc entitleci to collect
<br /> in such proceedit�g all expenses of £oreclosurc , including , but not li�uited to , cost:, of documentxry evidence,
<br /> abstraets and title reports.
<br /> � i� � � � 19. Bonoweis Right to Reiastate, Not�cithstandin� I.ec�der's ucceleraLion of t�ht sums secured by this
<br /> " , Mortgage, Borrower shall have tl�e right to have any proceedm�;� begun bp Le2xlcr ta enforce this �lort�age dis-
<br /> cantinued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this 1lortgage if : ( ul Borrower pz�ys Lender all
<br /> ; sums which would be then 3ue under this \Iortgage ; tl�e :��ote anci notes securing Futurc Advances , if any, had no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; (b ) Borrower cures all breaches of an�� other co�-enants or xgreements of Borrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (e ) Borrower pnye all reasociable i�xpe°uses iucurrrd by Lender in enforciiig tlie co��enants
<br /> and agreemente of Borrower contained in this Jlortgugc and in enforcing Lendcr's remedies as provided in para-
<br /> graphl8 hereof, including, buL not liazited to, ressonsUle attorney 'E iee� : and tdl 13orrou�er takes such action as
<br /> <Lender may reasonably require to assure t.hat. the lien of tlii. \tortgage . Lender's interest in the Property and x
<br /> Borrawer's obligation to pay the sums secured h,y thi� \�Iortgage ,lrall continue unimpuired . Upon such p�yrrient
<br /> and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligat�ons secured hereby shnli i•ernain in iuil force and effect ss it ; �;` � � ,; '�
<br /> no acceleration had occurred, = `
<br /> ZO. Assignmea! of Res�ts; Appoiatmeat oi Receiver; Lender ixi Possession. .as additional security here- �'s' � �"
<br /> � under, 8orrower hereby assigns to Lender tl�e rents of #he Propei•ty , a>ro��i<ied tha,t Borro�rer shall , prior to acceler- '�p�1 ; ,
<br /> ation under psragraph 18 hereof or absndonment of the Property, }iar�e fhc rig8t to collect nnd retain such rents ' ,�;h"'�`�"
<br /> � as they become due and payable: �'��;�
<br /> iJpnn seceleration under naragrunh I8 hereof or aban�ionment of the Yropei•ty . Lender, in person, by a�ent �
<br />� ' or bv judiciellv appointed receiver shall be entit;led f.o enter upon , tnkc r�osscssion oC znd manage thc Property , � "' J
<br /> snd Lo collect the renLs of the Property, including those �aasL due. All rents collected by Lender or the receiver �.` :
<br />� •; shall be applied,first to payment of the costs oF inanagement of the Property und collection of re��ts, including, hut
<br /> not ]imited to,receiver's fees, �sremiums on nceiver'� l�ond� and reasoniitilc httorney's fees. and then t,o the sums
<br /> � , seeured by this Morigage. Lender and the receiver siiait be lixble ro account only ior chose renis uci.ually received.
<br /> �
<br />� �
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