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<br /> ��,:�rcr-�� �a ?� �e�-mu.�e c,.au r�a sssa cs�� .
<br /> _k..r=-� -�-V �,
<br /> ` , : 7�-(.►4�5�2 6 MORTGAGE
<br /> �:. : �. - � �_� :� � Larn No ��� � ��� � � .
<br /> c ,�..- , �.� � ..� .. ,� ,k, :� � .
<br /> � ��THIS I.IWk'NivRE.'a�ado e�.a.- 30TH �.��y;ot August � ,is77 't � ' ,
<br /> ,... .., ..�:,: ,bT�md 6etween`. � ' � .. ,.�.
<br /> �� CNRtST JOHNSON`, AND PHYLLIS J. JOt'1NS('N� hushand and wifej each in his and her own righfi
<br /> � 3 and as spouse of the ofiher
<br /> '� 02,�� Ha-�f� ��uaty,Nebraalca,�.martqagorS..��md Homa Fedeml Savinqs aad Loan��AaeociutToa o!�Graad Isl�d
<br /> cm
<br /> ; a����eorporation�o:gaaized�and easHn� under�the.�laws oL Nebrmka��with��Tts prindpal offiee�d plaee of buainees aE Grand�.Isi�d Nebrasl�a. ,. ' � :;: ., '::
<br /> � , m m4rtga9ae�: .. � . � . . . . . . � . . � . � � � q � ; . :„�.
<br /> � � ..�VJITNF.a�ETH: �That��said mortgagor_�. tor�aad in coaalderation�ot t6e sum ot � � � � .. . . .
<br /> +� EIGNTEEN THOUSAND FJ'VE HUNDRED AND NO/100------------------- ,,,,uQx6 �y�18,500.00 � =
<br /> � 5 !3e'zaceipt ot�which 1a�'harebp czeknowledged, da � ".�by�iheee�pr�eseata�mo a�a and�sv�zaat�uato aaid mo '
<br /> H4 4 rt4aqae. Iu��suceeaaor■��:�d
<br /> `k asmgns, forever,all�the�following�deecrfbed real estate, simated fn.tha eounty of. � � H'3�� �. . .
<br /> ; ; � aad:State of.Nebrmka.�to-wtt: . . . .. . � � . .. � . . . . , . �.
<br /> :,., �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ..
<br /> �
<br /> j '�
<br /> �
<br /> :'�
<br /> r
<br /> °�
<br /> �
<br /> �:.a
<br /> � � �..$ Toqether with all heating, lightiag, and plumbinq equipment and fixtuzae. iadudinq atokore aad buraera,eereeos.�awninqs,storm windowa
<br /> ` i ..T and doora,crnd�window nhades or blinde, uaed o0 or in connection mith aaid property, whether the +ame are now,lornted.oa wld�propertp
<br /> ..S . � or hereafter placed tLareao. � . . . � ' ,�� ,."''
<br /> ' � ��TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TI� SAME, together with all and ninqulai the teaements,hereditameats aad appurtea�cea tLe�euato be]onq-
<br /> ; iag,or in anywiae�appartainiag,forever,and warrmt the tiUe to the same. Said mortgagor`'� hareby aaveaaaL�with�aid mortgagee
<br /> 4 �tLat �he�L_ � � a�P at the delivery hereot.tha Iaw}ul owner� of the pzemiees.above coaveyed�d.deaeribed,�and �are�
<br /> � ��� . . . . . . . . . , � . �. :
<br /> � eeiaed o!a good and indeteasible estate of inheritance thereia,tree and�clear oE all encumbrancea, and that�-he_�L will wan�t and
<br /> detead tha�title thereto torecer against t6e daims and demands of all perscma whomsoever.
<br /> ? � PROYIDID ALWAYS, aad this inalzument is ezecuted and delivered to aecuxe the paymeat o!1t�e aum:o� � � � � �
<br /> EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AMD NO/100--------------------- ,,,,u�s �k {8,5QQ.00 �
<br /> i wifh inleseat theieoa, together with�such ch�ges and advanees as may Le due and�papable to aaid�mortgagee��undar the tarma und .
<br /> � t �coaditions�ot t6e.promiasorp�aote ot evea date hexawith and secured hereby,ezecutad by sa[d mortgaqor �5�to eatd.�mortgaqee,��payable
<br /> .��� ���as.ezpressed in wid note,aad W aecure the�.pedormance of all the terms aad coaditlona��toata3ned thezein���The tecme of�eaid note 'are
<br /> �hereby.iatorpmatad hexeia by this referenee. � .� . � .. - � .
<br /> . It is tLe iateaHou and agceemeat o! the partias hereto tLat thia mortgage shall also secvre� any. futura�advonces �made �to�smd
<br /> mortqaqor_5_hp�said mort9aqee, and�aap and all iadebtednees in�addltton to ihe amouat above atated��whfch��eaid mortqagora. or�any
<br /> �� .of Ihem.�map owu to said mortgagee. Lowever evideaced, whether.by note,book accouat or otherwiae..1'6ie morigage ahaL zemmn fn�.ftill �
<br /> foiee�.and elfact�betsveea the�partias�hereto.aad�their�Leira..�peraonal xep:eaentatives,�.suceeesora .aad aasigns, until. all� �ounts��eocured �
<br /> heieundeL��indudinq�futtia ocdv�cee,�e paid ia full wiW�interest. ' . . . �� � � . . . � . . . . .
<br /> � � the mortgagor�'�....Lerebp�aaeu3n�...to aaid-mortqaqee all reaU and iacome �irinq.at any aad..all times�ftom aaid�..Pmpatty:�.cmd ,� . .�� �..
<br /> ' � � � .herebp rn�ehoaiza�qaid�mortqaqea or�ih ageat�al�.its opHon, upon default,to take�c6taga of said pmperty�tmd.mllect atl zeata�and'[aeome
<br /> ! �thcrefrom�and appty.the eame to the papment�ot interest, ,acY � ��� � �
<br /> �to kee suld .Pr PcL�inauranee pxamiums, t�ea,�aeaesameata,reperire or improvemeats necea-
<br /> ; eary p proparty i=t tcnanfable condition, or to�other ctwrqea or.payments provided far Lereia ar in the note hezeby�seciued. �Titis
<br /> ` :eat�assignm�cnt ahaA mntinue ia�iorce uatil tLe uapa3d balance�of eaid note is tully patd. 76e taking OE p08B@LsfOA hereuader ehall�ia�ao
<br /> � �` mannor preveat or retard�smd mortqagee in.the colluclion of aaid wma by.fozeeloaure or..otLenvSse. � . . . .. {
<br /> s
<br /> �-3 7'he tailure�of the mnrtgcgee to cveert�y ot ite�righte hereundar at�q tima el�all aot be cona�tnied aa a waivez of�its right to aaeert �, 4
<br /> . ; . � l3�e aame at�,ty.lattz�time.m4d..tn..ipcLL.�p4q and eaforca airiet eompli�ce with a11 the.tozma aad provieiona ot caid aote mnd oi this
<br /> ' ' merlgqge. ' .�,`.., ,.,: ,�. . .
<br /> �,'� �e'Y',t4���iY�6d^.Atk�'3 ��$ �� . . . .. . .. . .. .
<br /> -y If eaids ��a��T.qnpYY,+Ya;�-ye.:p��'d.to eaid.moztqagee the entire amount due it hereunder,�d uader the terms�cnd proviaions
<br /> ., r d said aoteffi '!eu'.7��a"i'Mim�ces.aad�p e�ct�neione or��reaewda theroof in.accordaace wilh the terma,tmd provLioar . .' F .,. . �,�.
<br /> � �. � : . .:.... ,.. .. . ... .... . ..� . . . . ., . . .
<br /> ,. � thaseot.�d if�.wid.mp;tqttgo�`� �"�Lc11�eomplp wify aIl�tMe provLiona of��wid note�d of t65s mortgage.�than thesa�preaea4 e1w1I.ba�oid;
<br /> , : �,� 9�herwiaa to reuwin ia full laut��cmd eRiect.�.�aod�md�mwt9a4a'e.:eLaII be eatitled b..the pw�e�eion oi:a11 oE satd propartp.�,�d may..at!ts � ..$ y .�': �� : ...
<br /> optic�n,declaic t]�e vhole�ol said aote and ali iadebtednew rapre�ented thereby M bo immedictsly duo and paqabla,'aad may�Iorectoee-Ws � ^`:s
<br /> mo�t9c4e oc.tako mp otb+r legot actian to psotect ib�rtght,and lrom the dato o(euch de#cult�all items of indebtedneas eeeured heraby ..,,�.
<br /> ahall tiraer'1aNraet��pez e..•,,,••• App:dsameat watved. . .�.� �.� .�. . � �,'
<br /> �,' � � +��+4• ���4.�.uPoa.aod�aLal!�nura tc tLs��!»nerit ot:ths Iuis�,a:acutm�. admlatstrabxs. �umeson cmd adgns:.d `"a
<br /> ,q , tha�i�w!Pctive,P4r,tir LsraM. �- ��� � � � � � �,�,��
<br /> w � � �
<br /> . , . ar��� 51+a'Ve hueunto ast 'f"h2 i r'�� �, ._S ?
<br /> $ ' �q�; ��T�S. , �Q�d MaxlQa9 ' ... .. . an�L tho daY and y,ear ttrst above . .: .�:
<br />� �. ��.i // . ,, ., ; � ,..`
<br /> : , /.'�'�''_ ,J�,v'r �� v" �� � � r�'%/'/p� ii r? ;_.l �,./,' ., . .. . . .
<br /> + wY�7�lf2���Y��` �r^..r4'���..�e� �': '�Rr��_.�^.�2..r4-r"�/ ,rsu:�;;. ' .
<br /> iST'Jp NS�N PHY�LIS J. HN �
<br /> �!'
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<br />� �
<br />