—� ,.�,
<br />�` ' �,�
<br /> � ���:
<br /> , Sf�'—_. � �"�
<br /> , .. � MOATGAGE�^�vings and 7nan�Form--(Direct.Credit Plan) 2552 (Speciau.. ... . . � .-.
<br /> ��'�U 0 5��� MORTGAGE
<br /> �xo
<br /> ;` �nus�u4uENTUHe, maae min--� 30t11�� a.,y�oe �August �� �ls 77 vy�a bec..een ��� �
<br /> , . . .. . . .: . .. .... . . .. . -.
<br /> � WARREI� D. ROpGERS AND NANCY A. RODGERS, husband and w,ife, each im his and her own right ; ` �
<br /> �
<br /> � ; and as sAouse of the other '
<br /> :
<br /> "k ol � � Na{'� � r uaty:�Nebra�lca,cm mortqagor 5.� �md Home Federal Savinqs and�Lo�Amqciation�o!Grand Ieland,
<br /> � u corporation.organised'�d enetiag undec�.the laws�of Nebraska with ite priaeipal.offlee and�place ot buainesa at Grand Ial�d,Nebraaka,
<br /> m mo:tgagee:��� . . . . � . . . . . ' . ...,�:,. ;.,.
<br /> ��WITNFSSETH: Tbat.acad mortgaqor__..,5 tor aad!n conaideration`o!�the aum of � � .
<br /> � � 13,5Q0.00
<br /> ---------- -------
<br /> ,, THIRTEEN THOUSAND FtVE HUNDRED AND N07100------- - ,,;,1��, (a >, ;
<br /> �
<br /> �' the�reeeipt of�which is�hezeby��acicnowledged, da--by lhese��pnreents mortgaqe'and��w�raat unto�aaId�moztgaqeef iU'successon'�aad . ::, �; '
<br /> msiqne, [o:ever, all the followiaq deecribed real estate, aituated in�the county of �� �� � �
<br /> ": �d'�Btate.of�Nebmaka,to-a�it: .. � � . . . . � . .. .. . ' , '- . �.�,�.
<br /> �: . � � . . . � � �� � � � . . ..
<br /> �
<br /> ,.� ,
<br /> � £
<br /> �
<br /> ,j
<br /> i
<br /> $ � .. . . � � . . .. . ...,
<br /> ;
<br /> ���"' T ether with all heatin , li htia , and Itixnbi ui ent aad Sisfurea. inc)udinq etokere and bumaza,xzeans,awninge.�storm windows .
<br /> .,� ...04. 4 9 9 P n9.e9 Pm .
<br /> �and��doors,and window shadea or btinde, used oa or ia connection with emd ptoperty, whether lhe�eame aze noM]xated oa�nmd�proparty .
<br /> br hereafter piaced.tLereon. � � . � � � � . � .
<br /> � �TO HAVE AND TO�HOLD TFiE SAME.�together with.all and aingular the.�teaemente,hereditaments.and apgurtea�ces theremto betoag-
<br /> �ing,�or in anywiee appertaininq.�Sorever,and warzaat the title to lhe same. �Said mortgagars�._hereby coven�t�_with eaid mortqaqee �
<br /> � thax_�ie_X. a r�-' ,at the delivery hereoY,t4e lawful owner 5_ot the premiees above conveyed�d deacribed,and�� a re
<br /> - �J .�$ seized ot a�good.�aad indeteasible�estate.ot inheritance th¢rein. tree and ctear.of all encumb:aaeee, aad�that�1�e.�L—�.will warrmt�.rmd
<br /> .��a j defend the title thereto focever against the alaims and demands ot all persons whomeoeven � .
<br /> g � . . .� � . . . . .
<br /> PROViDED:ALWAYS, and this�instrument ie execute3 and delivered�o secure the papment of tLe.aum ot ��
<br /> k �}�fRTFF THQt�SAND FIVF H NDR D AND NO/100---------------------- n����a (� 13�,500.00 �,
<br /> � G. �with�iatereat [heroon�logether with such chmgea and advances as may be due and�payable to �aaid mortgagee under the terms and
<br /> � .. . . � � . . . . . . . .
<br /> eoaditions ot tLe�promiasorp.note oE even date berewith �and aecurad herebp,ezecuted bp eald mortgagor-5_to eaid mortgagee,�payable �
<br /> �'' �ae�expressed ta eaid�note,and to secure the pedarmance of all Eae terms aad�rnaditiona coataiaed thezein. The te:ms ot�said aote are
<br /> ' . '�� hereby incrorpozated hereia bp this zetereace. � . .. � . . .. �� � . ' �� .. ...
<br /> � It�is�.the intentioa.and agieement of the pazGes hereto that thia mo:tgage shall alno aecure any Yutuze �advancea made� !o said �
<br /> � mozigago�_� '" by..satd�mortgaqee.�and any aud all indebtednem in addition to the amount above stated which scid moRgagors, or �p�� �
<br /> of them, may owe to eaid.mortgaqee, however evideaaed wLethex by note.book acwuat or otherwiae. ihie�mortgage ahall zemaia Sn full�� � �
<br /> . :' torce��.and etlect�betvveea the partiee Lereto aad �oir heira.pecaonal repreaeatativas. succeaaora aad aasiqm, until�.all .�ocuats. neeured ��
<br /> '. ,', �� hereuncler,�iacludipg luture advancea,�are pmd in lull�with fnterest. � � � � � � . � - . . � . � ; „�
<br /> r The a�4rtgagors._hereby aesi�.�:io.eaid mortqagee all rente and ineome �isiaq at any aad�all.times trom said,,paopa=tp aad �
<br /> herehy authoxize said moAgaqee��or ite agent, at�its opHoa,upon�default,to tnke chakg¢�o!sa[d propartq and.eollect ali reate and�(ncame �
<br /> � therefrom and opply the same�to the papmeat o! �ixiterest, p:ineipcl,.iasurance pramiums, tazee.�aeeesamenb, repairtr�or improvemeafa necee-
<br /> � ���sary to�keep.rcid pzoperly iu teaantable conditSoa,or to other chargea or paymanb provided fw herein or�Sn the�nole hexeby aecured. Thia � .
<br /> ' z � �ranC aseigumeat�ahali coatinue in fozce mtil tLe�awpaid balance of said note is tully paid The takinq ot poaseseioa hereunder ahall�Sn ao�
<br /> maaner��prevent or retard taid.mortgaqee in the eolleetion of aald suma by iozealwura�or otlieawise. �. . � � �
<br /> �:,3 The failuro�of the mortgagee to aaert any o1�i�s�rights hereuadaz at anp time ehall aot be coastrued tas a waiver of iu right�to�a�seci � ��
<br /> j the sa�ixt�'t�"�"^C�W"f!a�t uEwa aad entozce atztd oompllaace with all ihe terme aad provisioas o! aaid aote cnd�o! thia � �
<br /> �r mort4o4 t"" .. m. n .. i ..,�.;. ...;1.. . . . . � . �. �.. . � . . .
<br /> t �.d� � �* '.-»},..SYu,`..i�.;�lka k . . .. .
<br /> R � �.���II��}��gqr�`;�$ier�l'etrullet`ta�tie.pafd to amd mortgaqea the entSre mnouat due it kereunder.and unde:the tesms and pzoviaioas � .
<br /> , + of said nqta harebp,aeeu[ed,iri��ing'laMuie""advanoee,aad aay.estensiona oz rane�voL.theroof ip acoordanca w3th tha�teims aad pzovia�oas
<br /> � lhereof,and ll said mortqaqorS:ohall com 1 wit6 all�the rovlsione oi eaid note�aad of tht�mort a e,�tLea tLeee � � - �
<br /> p p p q q presanta sLcll be void. � t
<br /> j .s ottiervi�a to-�semRia in tull tozco 4nd etlact,.cnd�aald�'mortgagee.ahaL be eatitled to ths pos�euton ot,,:ati af mid properly,.and may,.:at Ita .
<br /> � optioa,declare tbe whole of wid aoie aod all indebtednew reprewated tLeieb9 to.be�immedititelq due and payabta.anii.may fo'recloea tLis : • ... ��.��,d.-
<br /> ; mor�gage or fake aay other loqal..aclioa to proteetlts.rigLt.�d trom.tLe�date od�.�uch detault aA ltems o! indebtedneaa �eeured hereby . . . :. ��, .���.
<br /> ., akalt draw inlerast at�$�!P1ecz�annum. App�ai�e�ment waivsd. � � . . . : � " �r.;�q�.+ ,
<br /> # � 37tiw mort9n9e.sLall b§"biadiaq:'upoa �d�haU enure w tha����b�oallt ot t6e hdn, arxuton.admini�tmmn. �u�cerozs and assigns�oi � � � �':� .a�
<br /> r.�y
<br /> tha zenP��R,.P'��heueto. .. .. � ; .. � �. : .� �t
<br /> , � IN WPINESS YV�UF,. a�d,Mortqagoz..�s�a..�E-' 3ersunm �M 1'�2 t i' � � ��.Qa•+ S the day and.�pear firei above i���°��
<br /> ; wmnqa.� . . . . . .. . "
<br /> � ��� � �, ;�h .
<br /> ;
<br />!� '; �;;,,,f�' D , `�"%� _:�;. , , l'��'' ,�., ` .��'''� E,
<br /> - a� , � .
<br /> _.. . . . _
<br /> _ :
<br />� : WARREN D. R0, ERS NAN ,q. R0 S < .. �, �
<br /> t `
<br /> �. „ � �
<br />� �
<br />�. ,
<br />